Re: Adding Autoconf and automake support to ROOT

Jacek M. Holeczek (
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 13:32:27 +0100 (CET)

Speeking for myself, I also find cmz painfull. It's probably because I'm
lazy ... ( no good will to learn it :-( ) .
I would also like to have an autoconf/make "controlled" distribution.
> ( ... )
> 2) Because of 1), people not familiar with CMZ who use platforms
> for which ROOT binaries are not currently available would now
> be able to download root.{tar.gz|zip|saveset} and do a simple
> `./configure; make' and have a working ROOT package.
This point shoud be discussed in detail. Not every system is UNIX-like.
I'm not an expert in windoze, mac-oses, ... , but maybe there are NO
autoconf related tools available. Thus, one should first collect
informations on which system one will be able to use such sources and on
which not.
> 3) Because of 2), there would potentially be many more users of
> ROOT, which would give the developers more useful feedback and
> bug reports, and expand the collective knowledge of the user
> community.
That's another point. Is there a decision what will the ROOT source code
policy be ? Up to now we were getting the sources "privately", without the
right to make them publically available.
> ( ... )
> Reference Manual at my side. However, I'm afraid CMZ is still a
> mystery to me.
And for me, too. When I meet a problem I usually ask Rene Brun :-)
or Fons Rademakers :-) They are probably sick of my questions, but ... it
was theirs choice ( to take the cmz ) ... .
> ( ... )
> However, when I do a CXTRACT from //, I get only the code that
> has been conditionalized for my system. Is there a way of turning
> the CMZ `+IF=...' construct into the CPP `#ifdef ...' or `#if
> defined(...)' construct? If not then it would be a nightmare to
> have to export the entire source tree for each CMZ variant of the
> source code and manually diff them against each other to manually
> create the CPP constructs.
Have a look into <> - the cern
page related to cvs. Note the CAR2CVS utility. It shoud be helpfull.