
Thomas Kraemerkaemper (kraemerk@Physik.Uni-Dortmund.DE)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 19:07:36 +0100 (NFT)


I can't get a plot on top of a predefined coordinate system. What I
have tried so far looks like:


TFile f("output.root");

TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "My Canvas", 0, 0, 640, 480);
canvas->RangeAxis(0., 0., 60., 60.);
// canvas->Range yields to the same (wrong) result.
ntuple.Draw("x:y", "", "BOX");

The ntuple.Draw() ignores the 'RangeAxis' and plots in my example in
the range (0., 0., 60., 55.).

With 'ntuple.Draw("x:y", "", "BOXSAME");' nothing is shown at all.

Did I misunderstand the aim of RangeAxis? How can I directly access
the TAxis-objects after ntuple.Draw()?

Bye, Thomas Kr"amerk"amper.