Re: RangeAxis

Thomas Kraemerkaemper (kraemerk@Physik.Uni-Dortmund.DE)
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 11:46:36 +0100 (NFT)

> When the option same is used in a TTree::Draw call, we create
> a temporary histogram object with the same parameters as the previous
> histogram object. We assume that there is always one. In your example,
> this is not the case. I will also take into account this particular
> case in the next version.
> Meanwhile, you can do the following:
> TH2F hframe("hframe","",40,0,60,40,0,60);
> hframe.Draw();
> ntuple.Draw("x:y","","boxsame");
> Rene Brun

Hi again,

the workaround did also not work. This is my macro:

TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "My Canvas", 0, 0, 800, 600);
canvas->Divide(2, 1, 0.01, 0.0, 0);
TLine diagonal(0., 0., 60., 60.);
TH2F hPtFrame("hPtFrame", "", 60, 0, 60, 60, 0, 60);

ntuple.Draw("JetPt0:PartonEt0", "", "boxsame");
ntuple.Draw("uPartonEt0:PartonEt0", "", "boxsame");

The result shows only empty histograms with the diagonal
line. Moreover, if I leave out the 'box' option in the first
'ntuple.Draw', then the second one is drawn! It is drawn not only in
the range of the histogram, but also outside.

There seems to be another problem with box plots: Low (but
homogeneous) density regions of a scatter plot are shown as rows and
columns of small boxes in each eightth bin and nothing between
these. I have tried to provide you a postscript example, but the small
boxes nearly vanish in the postscript output.

Tsch"uss, Thomas Kr"amerk"amper.