Re: Root++?

Ole Streicher (
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:19:35 +0100 (MET)

Hallo Valery!

Valery Fine writes:
> > I got the histograms there (whow!)
> I guess it WAS VERY difficult and took you a lot of time to figure
> out, didn't you ?

It was. I started the first tutorial example and got this "hello,
world", and then I looked into the menus.

Then I searched "root files" but this was empty (grmpf).

At some time, I got a core dump (Linux/lesstiff 0.77). I restarted
root and ... ofcourse: the same way run the hello-world example from
the tutorial (I didn't read much more there :-(), and the root file
(created with h2root) was there in a subdir

But, when I clicked at one of the left buttons, this icon vanished and
I didn't get it back. So I had to restart it again...

In the meantime I got the mail that I can use "TBrowser B", ok this is

Then just clicking on the directory name, then on the file name and
there I got my hists.

Maybe, the root tutorial should (for stupid people like me) not start
with programming but with a chapter "How can I explore my histograms
with root?". This should contain:
- h2root usage
- TBrowser B
- where to find the files I want
- just the basics what happens with the left, middle (???) and right
click of the mouse.

> > How can I zoom in a histogram? I didn't find the option for it.
> What did you mean?

The hists go from (x axis) -500 to 500. The interesting region for me
in only -10 to 10.

