Histogram title

Chris Green (Christopher.Green@cern.ch)
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 01:12:47 +0100 (MET)

How can I get access to the TPaveText title for a histogram from inside a
macro? title->SetFillStyle(0), etc, works from the interpreter line, but
not when wrapped in {}. I've tried FindObject, but I'm obviously missing
something about this scope lark.

Also, the `save as .C' option is a bit haphazard about which attributes
are saved (eg histogram title attributes, axis titles aren't). Is there
some rule about which attributes are saved and which aren't?

Finally, what's the easiest way of shading in an area on a histogram in a
specific colour / shading pattern?


Chris Green. HEP, University of Liverpool
MAIL Chris.Green@cern.ch, WWW http://hep.ph.liv.ac.uk/~chris/
+41 22 767 8075. On LTA at CERN.

He was currently wondering vaguely who Moey and Chandon were. -- Crowley listens to his favourite rock group (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)