Re: series of histograms

Rene Brun (
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 18:25:41 +0200

Damir Buskulic wrote:
> A series of histograms have been filled with hbook and converted with
> h2root. Their names are now h1..h9 (for example) How can I access histo
> hi in a loop over all the histograms ?
> For instance, how would you translate this PAW sequence to ROOT ?
> DO I=1,9
> H/PL [i]
> Of course, creating histos from scratch is obvious, just have to define
> an array. The problem is for histos converted with h2root.
> On the other hand, what should I do to keep this "array" arrangement when
> I save the histos to a file ? Put them in different branches of a Tree ?

Several solutions to this problem, depending what you want to do.
I will mention only two:
- solution1. Use sprintf to create the histogram name from the loop index
- solution2. Create an interator. Example
TFile f("marek.root");
f.Read(); // read all objects in memory
TIter next(f.GetList()); //create an iterator to loop on list of objects
TH1 *h;
while (h=(TH1*)next()) {

An extension of solution 2 to generate a PostScript file for each histogram
in a ROOT file. Each file will get the corresponding histogram name:
TFile f("marek.root");
f.Read(); // read all objects in memory
c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
TIter next(f.GetList()); //create an iterator to loop on list of objects
TH1 *h;
while (h=(TH1*)next()) {

Rene Brun