Rene Brun (
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 18:55:57 +0200

Y Benhamou wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to open ZEBRA fz file from ROOT. Is there a nice way to do or
> do I have to declare all ZEBRA function as extern C function?

There are several ways to do that. If you look for a portable way
(I mean it will work on all Unix machines and also WinsowsNT)
look at the source of the h2root (Hbook -->Root) conversion
This program reads a ZebraRZ structure via calls to Hbook/Zebra
routines and access the Q,IQ,LQ in the C++ code.
The source of h2root can be found in the standard Root source
distribution file on the Web.
In the root/src directory, look for the file

Rene Brun