another cint bug ?

Jacek M. Holeczek (
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 11:07:14 +0200 (MET DST)

Please see the output ( linux 2.0.30 + root 1.03/04 ) :
holeczek@bizet> root
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 1.03/04 1 October 1997 *
( ... )
root [0] gSystem.Load("~gardaq/Goosy/")
root [1] s=new TGoosyLMD

* *
* W E L C O M E *
( ... )
root [2] .L DemoFCN.C
root [3] .L JH_DemoFCN.C
root [4]
root [4]
root [4]
root [4] s.SetFCN(MIKIMOUSE) <--- uses SetFCN(void*)
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [5]
root [5]
root [5]
root [5]
root [5] .q
Warning: Re-initialization ignored const kTRUE
FILE:/usr/cern/Linux/root/include/Rtypes.h LINE:83
Warning: Re-initialization ignored const kFALSE
FILE:/usr/cern/Linux/root/include/Rtypes.h LINE:84
Error: No symbol MIKIMOUSE in current scope FILE:/tmp/23291caa LINE:1
Note here that the "Warnings" AND "Error" messages came out AFTER I left
root/cint. This is slighly painfull. I would rather have them "in place".
Expecially the "Error" explanations !!!
Moreover - my shared library ( ) contains :
// This method sets the analysis function using function's name string.
// Used by both compiled and interpreted code.
// The analysis function must be "known" to cint interpreter.

Bool_t TGoosyLMD::SetFCN( Char_t * fcn ) {

if ( (fcn) && (*fcn) ) {
long IsInterpreted;
long offset;
G__ClassInfo cls;
G__MethodInfo method;
method = cls.GetMethod(fcn,"Char_t*,Int_t",&offset);
if(method.IsValid()) {
// In future we should also check the return type of function
fFCN = (Int_t (*)(Char_t*,Int_t))method.PointerToFunc();
switch(IsInterpreted) {
case G__UNKNOWNFUNC: // this case should never happen
( ... )
( ... )

// This method sets the analysis function using function's address.
// Used by interpreted code only, make it visible to cint interpreter.
// The analysis function must be "known" to cint interpreter.

Bool_t TGoosyLMD::SetFCN( void * fcn ) {

if(fcn) {
Char_t *funcname;
funcname = G__p2f2funcname(fcn);
return SetFCN(funcname); <---- this calls always SetFCN(Char_t*)

fFCN = TGoosyBuiltInDemoFCN;
return kTRUE;

Seems that in case of G__BYTECODEFUNC I ALWAYS get the address of
the LAST LOADED ( via .L ) function ( in the above case "JH_DemoFCN" ).
I tried both "SetFCN(DemoFCN)" and "SetFCN("DemoFCN")" with the same
effect. This never happens when I compile these functions and place them
in shared libraries ( again .O0 doesn't seem to have any effect ).