rootcint not generating Streamer and ShowMembers

Pasha Murat (
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 23:18:25 GMT

As Fons once explained us CINT (or rootcint?) has a feature which
requires class name and include file name to be the same (difference
in case counts as a difference). Next, your example doesnt' need
TROOT.h and TRint.h but only needs Rtypes.h. Try example below.

Regards, Pasha.
---------------------------------------- cinfo.h
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "iostream.h"

class cinfo {
cinfo(istream& mystream);
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/test_root>rootcint -f -c -I$ROOTSYS/include cinfo.h
Note: operator new() masked c
class cinfo in cinfo.h line 4 original base of virtual func


William J. Deninger writes:
> Hello!
> OnWinNT:
> C:\Root\rootcint mydict.cpp -c CInfo.cpp
> doesn't seem to be generating the Streamer and ShowMembers
> implementations. Any ideas?
> Cinfo.h
> -------------------
> #include "TROOT.h"
> #include "TRint.h"
> #include "iostream.h"
> class CINFO
> {
> public:
> ClassDef(CINFO,1) //Simple event class
> CINFO();
> CINFO(istream& mystream);
> ~CINFO();
> };