Re: Pb with Trees

Rene Brun (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 17:52:01 +0200

After one iteration with Laurent, his problem shown below was simply
due to the fact that he was not giving the name of the class
in the branch creation. I post the problem to this list as it can be
of general interest.
Instead of the statement:
TBranch *b = tree->Branch("event","Event",&gEvent,64000,0);
he should have:
TBranch *b = tree->Branch("event","RBEvent",&gEvent,64000,0);

It is always a good principle to test the value of the pointer
to the branch in return of tree->Branch and print an aerror message
in case this pointer is NULL.

Rene Brun

Laurent Aphecetche wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write objects (my objects) to a Root file, in 2 ways :
> 1. Serialization ;
> 2. Using a Tree (one branch) ;
> My program looks like :
> ...
> TROOT ROSEBUD("Rosebud","Rosebud : the TAPS analysis software
> package");
> TFile file("rosebud.root","RECREATE","Rosebud") ;
> TTree* tree = new TTree("EM","EM particles") ;
> TBranch* b = tree->Branch("event","Event",&gEvent,64000,0) ;
> char keyname[200] ;
> SetGlobals() ;
> // Get the input ntuple
> FIn = new File(1,argv[1]," ",0,"INPUT","ROSEIN",1024) ;
> FIn->Open() ;
> FIn->PutId(1000) ;
> GetInputNtuple(*FIn,gInputNtuple,"Experiment") ;
> cout << (*FIn) << endl ;
> for ( i = 1 ; i <= atoi(argv[2]) ; i++ )
> {
> gEvent = new RBEvent ;
> FillEvent(i,*FIn) ;
> // 1. sprintf(keyname,"Event%d",i) ;
> // 1. gEvent->Write(keyname) ;
> // 2. tree->Fill() ;
> delete gEvent ;
> }
> file.Close() ;
> The first method works fine.
> The second one gives me a Segmentation fault in TTree::GetCurrentFile.
> Any clue ?
> Thanks.
> --
> APHECETCHE Laurent (
> GANIL, B.P. 5027, 14076, Caen Cedex 5, France
> Vox: +33 (0)2 31 45 45 85 - Fax: +33 (0)2 31 45 46 65
> WWW: & (perso.)