deleting stream objects on hp

David Urner (
Thu, 30 Oct 97 13:47:18 CST

I am using the newest version of root on our hp's. I'm trying
to delete an ofstream and get a fatal error. Thats what I did:

root [1] #include <fstream.h>
root [2] ofstream *mystream = new ofstream;
root [3] mystream->open("help.text");
root [4] *mystream << "text " << endl;
root [5] mystream->close();
root [6] .! more help.text
root [7] delete mystream;
Fatal in <operator delete>: unreasonable size (1073758528)

( 0) 0xc1802128 StackTrace__11TUnixSystemFv + 0x28 [/tmp_mnt/users2/fourpi/urner/root/lib/]
( 1) 0xc24aa6ec DefaultErrorHandler__FiUcPCcT3 + 0x15c [/tmp_mnt/users2/fourpi/urner/root/lib/]
( 2) 0xc24aa874 ErrorHandler + 0x104 [/tmp_mnt/users2/fourpi/urner/root/lib/]
( 3) 0xc24aaaac Fatal__FPCcT1e + 0x3c [/tmp_mnt/users2/fourpi/urner/root/lib/]
( 4) 0xc257e250 __dl__FPv + 0x118 [/tmp_mnt/users2/fourpi/urner/root/lib/]
( 5) 0xc17c0c88 __dt__8ofstreamFv + 0x90 [/usr/lib/libC.ansi.1]

What could be the problem?
