(no subject)

Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Tue, 04 Nov 1997 16:50:12 +0100

Tom Moog wrote:

> I am trying to create a branch containing a TArrayS object
> in a Cint script. The call to tree->Branch always give
> a segment violation.
> What is correct for the third argument to TTree::Branch ?
> {
> TFile *file=new TFile("data.root","UPDATE");
> TTree *tree=new TTree();
> TArrayS *s=new TArrayS(5);
> TBranch *b=tree->Branch("my branch","TArrayS",???,0,0);
> ***
> }

TArrayS is not derived from TObject. You cannot invoke this method
Instead, create a class derived from TObject. This class can contain
a TArray object or a pointer to a TArray object.

I remind users that in the current version of Root, the automatic split
mode cannot recognized TArray objects.
We intend to implement this facility in the future.

Rene Brun