Easy setup for wireless LAN → 日本語




Wireless LAN profiles
RCNP-GP RCNP-GP.xml Add-RCNP-GP.bat for registered PC in the RCNP network.
eduroam eduroam.xml Add-eduroam.bat for eduroam user. It might be work at other area than RCNP, Osaka University.
odins-1x odins-1x.xml Add-odins-1x.bat for odins-1x user in Osaka University. Note that it does NOT exist at RCNP.
odins-visitor-1x odins-visitor-1x.xml Add-odins-visitor-1x.bat for odins-visitor-1x user in Osaka University. Note that it does NOT exist at RCNP.

  • Download all wlan-profile.zip
  • Customizing

    Goal for this was to allow ease of use, so you can use it even without any customizations, but if you want to use it to a higher degree, refer to information below.

    If you have a question, request or comment, feel free to consult us : consult@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp