Experiments approved on August 5, 2004.

                               - Updated on September 28, 2004

                 E247 - E253 (B-PAC on August 5,2004)

                               summary [src: pdf: ps]

  E247 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : Spin-dependent momentum distribution of $\vec{d}-\vec{p}$ cluster in $^{3}\vec{He}$ studied
     via the proton induced exclusive knockout reactions
Spokesperson : Tomohiro UESAKA
Institution : Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo

  E248 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : Elastic proton scattering to deduce neutron skin thicknesses in lead isotopes
Spokesperson: Harutaka SAKAGUCHI
Institution: Department of Physics, Guraduate School of Science, Kyoto University

  E249 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : High-resolution study of $M$1 strengths and their distribution
Spokesperson: Atsushi TAMII
Institution: Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University

  E250 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : Continuing study of the structure and decay of $s$-hole states in light nuclei
    : Measurements of $^{5}He$($s$-hole) and $^{8}$Li($s$-hole) states
Spokesperson: Masaru YOSOI
Institution: Department of Physics, Kyoto University

  E251 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : Measurement of Proton-Induced Subthreshold Pion Pair Production
Spokesperson : Atsushi SAKAGUCHI
Institution : Department of Physics, Osaka University

  E252 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : High Resolution Study of Gamow-Teller and Fermi Excitations in $^{56}$Co
     via the ($^{3}$He,t) Reactions at 140 MeV/u
Spokesperson : Nolan T BOTHA
Institution: University of Cape Town
Co-Spokesperson: Hirohiko FUJITA
Institution: School of Physics,University of the Witwatersrand / iThemba LABS

  E253 [src: pdf: ps]

Title : Investigation of the Molecular States in $^{11}$B and $^{13}$Co
Spokesperson : Takahiro KAWABATA
Institution : Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo