Doctors Theses (1994)

  1. Michio Honma
    University of Tokyo, Doctor of Science, 1994
    Superdeformation in the Hg-Pb Region and an Extension of IBM
  2. Takashi Nakatsukasa
    Kyoto University, Doctor of Science, 1994
    Excitation Spectra in High-Spin Superdeformed Rotational Band and Octupole Collective Excitation
  3. Md. Mamunur Rashid
    Kyushu University, Doctor of Engineering, 1994
    Study and Development of Linear Discharge Type ADC/RDC System and Its Application to Nuclear Instrumentation
  4. Eizo Uzu
    Science University of Tokyo, Doctor of Science, 1994
    Study of Low-Energy Polarized Deuteron Reactions by Four-Body Faddeev-Yakubovsky Equation
Last Update: April 7th, 1997