High-resolution world of nuclear structure

Date:  December 4th (Thursday) 10:30-17:00
Place: Auditorium, 4th floor, Office building, RCNP

In order to participate the on-going high-resolution
(3He,t) experiment, several researchers from abroad are
presently staying at RCNP.  Taking this chance, we will have
a mini-workshop. 

You are very much welcome to join our workshop.  It will be 
rather informal, and we will have enough time for the discussion. 
The program is still flexible.  If you have a wish to give
a talk, please let us know.

    Y. Fujita   (Dept. Phys., Osaka) fujita@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp
    K. Hatanaka (RCNP)               hatanaka@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp

Speakers and tentative titles are the following:

P. von Brentano (Koeln, Germany)
"T=0 states, a new frontier"

A. Negret (Gent, Belgium)
"The Gamow-Teller strength distribution in 14C via 14N(d,2He)14C
 reaction   --Why is 14C so stable against \beta decay?-- "

T. Adachi (Dept. Phys., Osaka)
"Detailed distribution of Gamow-Teller strengths in T=1 fp-shell

M. Itoh (RCNP & Dept. Phys., Kyoto)
"The 2+ cluster state at Ex=10.3 MeV in 12C"

Y. Shimizu (RCNP)
"Resonance states in 22Mg & 26Si for a better understanding of
 the astrophysics rp-process"

L. Popescu (Gent, Belgium)
"Gamow-Teller transitions studied in (d,2He) reaction at KVI"

K. Nakanishi (RCNP)
"Neutron-decay of 208Bi excited in 208Pb(3He,t) reaction"

Y. Fujita (Dept. Phys., Osaka)
"Latest topics from high-resolution (3He,t) reaction"