
                Call for Proposals for Experiments
          at the Laser-Electron Photon Facility at SPring-8 (LEPS)

      This is the call for new proposals as well as updated proposals
     for experiments at the Laser-Electron Photon Facility at SPring-8 (LEPS).
    The LEPS is open to everybody in scientific research.
    The proposals may be submitted to the Director of RCNP at any time.
    The RCNP Q-PAC (Program Advisory Committee for the LEPS experiment)*
    evaluates scientific values and feasibilities of the proposed
    experiments. The result of the Q-PAC is submitted to the Director.
    Q-PAC meets at least once a year and reviews research programs
    received more than ten days in advance of the Q-PAC meeting.
    The spokesperson or one of his colleagues is requested to give an
    oral presentation of the proposal at Q-PAC. According to the
    recommendation of Q-PAC, the experiment for accepted proposals will
    be supported by the LEPS/RCNP. Each spokesperson should contact the
    LEPS division leader, Prof. Takashi Nakano, for scheduling the beam-time.

     The LEPS Facility and the present status is found on the Web page
    for reference of proposals. URL is
     http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/np1-b/index.html .

    The backward-Compton scattering of laser photons from 8 GeV electrons
    produces linearly or circularly polarized photon beam. The maximum
    energy and intensity are dependent on the laser sources. The photon
    energy can be tagged with a typical resolution of 15 MeV in the energy
    region above 1.5 GeV. The tagging rate is typically 10^6 Hz for the
    beam with the maximum energy of 2.4 GeV. The new beam with the maximum
    energy of 2.96 GeV is now available, although the the intensity is still
    not so high, around 10^5 Hz. A forward spectrometer for charged
    particles, a large solid-angle electro-magnetic (EM) calorimeter for
    gamma-rays, and a time-projection chamber (TPC) surrounding small
    target region are available for the experiment at LEPS. (The EM
    calorimeter is now used in the experiment at the Laboratory of Nuclear Science,
    Tohoku University, and can not be used at LEPS for a while.)
    Another TPC for the liquid hydrogen and deuterium target is now under

     We shall try hard to get budget for approved experiments. It is,
    therefore, strongly recommended that the spokesperson tries to get
    such outside funds as a grant-in-aid for his proposed experiment.

     The next Q-PAC meeting will be held on October 6 (Thursday), 2005.
     The deadline of proposals to be reviewed in the coming Q-PAC is
     September 26 (Monday), 2005.

     The format of a proposal is free. However it should include the following
     information. The official language is English.

    1. COVER PAGE :
      Title of a proposal,
      Spokesperson (name, affiliation, position, email address),
      A collaborator list (name, affiliation, position),
      Beam running time,
      Requirements for the beam condition and experimental equipment.


      Objectives and Impacts of the experiment,
      Experimental method and apparatus,
      Estimation of the beam time requested,
      Experimental schedule,
      Equipment provided by the experimental group, if any.

     There is no charge for use of the beam and existing experimental facilities.
    In return, all the results obtained from an experiment should be open to public.
    A copy of any published papers resulting from the work at LEPS must be sent to
    the RCNP director.

      For the detailed information about the beam and facilities at LEPS,
      please contact Prof. T. Nakano (nakano@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp).

       * Present Q-PAC committee
        T. Hotta RCNP, Osaka University
        M. Asakawa Osaka University
        N. Saito Kyoto University
        A. Hosaka RCNP, Osaka University
        R. Hayano University of Tokyo
        D. Jido YITP, Kyoto University

      Mailing address for Proposals is following. Electronic submission is
      strongly recommended.

            Director Hiroshi Toki
            Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP), Osaka University,
            10-1 Mihogaoka Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
            FAX: +81-6-6879-8899
            Tel: +81-6-6879-8900
            e-mail: director@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp

                                     Hiroshi Toki
                                     Director of RCNP
                                     Osaka University