
Call for Proposals and Letters-Of-Intent at RCNP


This is the call for new proposals as well as updated proposals for experiments at the RCNP-OSAKA Cyclotron Facilities. They may be submitted to the Director of RCNP at any time. The RCNP Beam-time Program Advisory Committee (B-PAC)* evaluates scientific values and feasibilities of the proposed experiments as well as the budget requests. The result of the B-PAC is submitted to the Director. B-PAC meets twice a year and reviews research programs received more than one month in advance of the B-PAC meeting. The spokesperson or one of his colleagues is requested to give an oral presentation of the proposal at B-PAC. According to the recommendation of B-PAC, beam time will be scheduled for accepted proposals.

Power supplies for Raiden at AVF cyclotron were replaced by new ones in 2001. We welcome proposals for experiments with the Raiden spectrometer using beams from the AVF cyclotron.

We shall try hard to get budget for approved experiments as we have done in the past. However, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Monkashou) has a policy to shift the Common-in-use money to competitive sources. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that the spokesperson tries to get such outside funds as a grant-in-aid for his proposed experiment. Spokespersons are requested to send the numerical data to the Japan Charged Particle Reaction data Group (JCPRG) in order to add them to the data base after completing their experiments. URL of JCPRG is http://nrdf.meme.hokudai.ac.jp/.
The next B-PAC meeting will be held on February 24(Monday), 2003.
The deadline of proposals to be reviewed in the coming B-PAC is January 27(Monday), 2003.
The beam time for accepted proposals will be scheduled within 2 years from the date of the approval, depending on the status of the preparations. A proposal should include COVER PAGE, SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENT and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED RESEARCH. Proposals should be sent to the RCNP Director with "Research Program" clearly written on the envelope. The official language is English.

A document is required to describe details on radiation conditions in the experiment. The form(pdf) is available on the URL http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/rad/index.html, which is in Japanese.

The RCNP Director keeps about 10% of the total beam time to be distributed at his own discretion. This includes beam time for training graduate students upon request. Those who are interested in this beam time are asked to submit the proper proposals, at any time to the Director.


Letters-Of-Intent for new research projects are welcome. Such research projects may involve new experimental facilities and equipments to be built in collaboration with RCNP staff. The project should be completed in a few years.

They can be submitted to the Director of RCNP at any time. The RCNP Physics Program Advisory Committee (P-PAC) examines the scientific values, feasibilities and status of the research project, and makes suggestions to the Director. The P-PAC will be held twice a year.

3. Present Status and Highlights of RCNP-OSAKA Cyclotron Facilities

The present status of RCNP-OSAKA Cyclotron Facilities is found on the Web pages for reference for Proposals. URL is http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/plan/b-pac/reference.html.

The new beam line, WS beam line, was completed. The WS beam line realizes both the lateral and angular dispersion matchings. An energy resolution of better than 20 keV was achieved with 400 MeV protons.

If you have any problem to access the URL, please contact Prof.K.Hatanaka(hatanaka@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp.).

4. Application form

An application form can be found on the Web pages. URLs are http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/plan/b-pac/application.html and http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/rad/index.html.

If you have any problem to access the URL, please contact Prof. K.Hatanaka(hatanaka@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp.).

* Present B-PAC committee

H. Akimune Konan University
M. Fujiwara RCNP
H. Kamada Kyushu Institute of Technology
S. Nakayama Tokushima University
Y. Sakuragi Osaka City University
Y. Shimizu Kyushu University
S. Shimoura CNS, University of Tokyo
Ed.Stephenson IUCF(USA)
K. Takahisa RCNP
T. Wakasa RCNP

Mailing address for Proposals and Letters-Of-Intent

Director Hiroshi Toki
Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP), Osaka University,
10-1 Mihogaoka Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
FAX: +81-6-6879-8899
Tel: +81-6-6879-8900

Hiroshi Toki
Director of RCNP
Osaka University