Welcome to the World of Giant Resonances !

E-mail : fujita@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp

Welcome to the World of Giant Resonances !

"巨大共鳴=巾広バンプ" の固定概念を打ち破るべく書いてみました。 大学院生をも意識したレビュー。

"Giant resonances and highly excited states" in "Nucleon-Hadron Many Body Systems" eds. H. Ejiri and H. Toki Oxford University Press (1999) p.p. 77-125.

Abstract Giant Resonances give us the information on the collective vibrational modes of nuclear excitations. Like other quantum system, each excitation mode of Giant Resonance is specified by a few quantum numbers including angular momentum, spin and also the isospin peculiar to nuclear system. In an actual nucleus, various modes overlap to each other in their excitation energies. Also a nucleus shows a specific response against each different type of interaction exciting the nucleus. Thus various selectivities should be exerted to observe and also to study a specific mode of Giant Resonance. The findings and characteristics of Giant Resonances are reviewed stressing how the variety of reactions, methods and techniques have been effectively used in the study of various unique aspects of Giant Resonances.