Figures & Movies

Number of Presentaions in years Presentation Day at JPS meeting
Energy of 4He+n system in CSM Scattering phase shifts of 4He+n system in CSM
Movie of energy eigenvalues Movie of phase shift with discretized continuums
Continuum level density of 4He+n system in CSM Tensor and Pairing correlations in 11Li
Movie of continuum level density PDF,PS
Energy eigenvalues of 4He+n+n system in CSM E1 distribution of 4He+n+n system in CSM
Movie of energy eigenvalues Movie of E1 distribution
Complex scaling method CSM for 6He = 4He+n+n


CSM for 6He

(Tgif object, ps)

Poster for the university festival 2006 Discretized continuum in CSM
Poster(PDF,ppt) B-E1 of 11Be

(ps, png)

Schematic Image of Halo Nuclei Halo structure and soft dipole resonance
Neutron Halo


Halo and SDR

( Tgif object, ps, eps, png, gif, pdf)

Gnuplot Symbols Tgif Symbols
Gnuplot Symbols

(ps, png)

Tgif Symbols
