** 2024 [#s16cfd5d]
- Feb, 2024, Master of Science
++ Futaba Hayashi, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "J-PARCにおけるチャームバリオン分光実験で用いる飛行時間測定用大型Multigap Resistive Plate Chamberの開発" (in Japanese)
++ Kenshin Miyamoto, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "チャームバリオン分光実験のためのドリフトチェンバー読み出し用ASD回路の性能評価" (in Japanese)
++ Shota Suzuki, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, "グザイバリオン分光実験に用いるビーム粒子識別用リングイメージングチェレンコフ検出器の開発"(in Japanese), HUA Master thesis Award JFY2023 winner
++ Ryuta Uda, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "J-PARC π20ビームラインで用いるTOF-tracker Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamberの開発"(in Japanese)

** 2023 [#d0e7defe]
- Feb, 2023, Master of Science
-- Taiga Toda, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[J-PARC におけるチャームバリオン分光実験用リングイメージングチェレンコフ検出器の開発]]" (in Japanese)
-- Megumi Tokoda, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[Performance evaluation of Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector for a charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC (J-PARCにおけるチャーム・バリオン分光実験用リングイメージングチェレンコフ検出器の粒子識別性能評価)>https://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~noumi/j-parc/highp/thesis/tokuda-masterthesis.pdf]]" (in Japanese)
-- Yuji Yamamoto, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[ドリフトチェンバー用読み出し回路ASAGI ASDカードの性能評価]]" (in Japanese)

** 2022 [#x2ec32d7]
- Feb, 2022, Master of Science
-- Ryohei Tatsumi, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[Performance evaluation of a threshold-type Cherenkov detector using low index aerogel (低屈折率エアロゲルを用いた閾値型のエアロゲル・チェレンコフ粒子識別検出器の性能評価)>https://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/220315_mthesis_tatsumi.pdf]]" (in Japanese)
-- Yuta Kimura, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University,
-- Ryohei Tatsumi, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[Performance evaluation of a threshold-type Cherenkov detector using low index aerogel (低屈折率エアロゲルを用いた閾値型のエアロゲル・チェレンコフ粒子識別検出器の性能評価)>https://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/220315_mthesis_tatsumi.pdf]]" (in Japanese), HUA Master thesis Award FY2021 winner
-- Yuta Kimura, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[チャーム・バリオン分光実験におけるシンチレーション・ファイバー飛跡検出器の性能評価]]" (in Japanese)

** 2019 [#tbc70040]
- Feb, 2019, Master of Science
-- Takaya Akaishi, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[Development of a beam timing detector for the charmed baryon spectroscopy(チャームバリオン分光実験用ビームタイミング検出器の開発)>http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/190326_mthesis_akaishi.pdf]]" (in Japanese)
-- Takaya Akaishi, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, "[[Development of a beam timing detector for the charmed baryon spectroscopy(チャームバリオン分光実験用ビームタイミング検出器の開発)>http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/190326_mthesis_akaishi.pdf]]" (in Japanese), HUA Master thesis Award FY2020 winner

** 2014 [#tbc70040]
- Feb, 2014, Master of Science
-- Takumi Yamaga, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka University, "[[Design of the PID counter for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC(チャームバリオン分光実験用粒子識別器の設計)>http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/1403xx_mthesis_yamaga.pdf]]" (in Japanese)
-- Takumi Yamaga, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka University, "[[Design of the PID counter for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC(チャームバリオン分光実験用粒子識別器の設計)>http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~jparchua/share/news/1403xx_mthesis_yamaga.pdf]]" (in Japanese), HUA Master thesis Award FY2014 winner

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