Abstract Submission

Abstracts of contributed papers within one page are accepted. We accept postscript and pdf files. Accepted abstracts will be open to public on our web site, when the program is fixed, a couple of weeks prior to the conference. Deadline for the abstract is May 14, 2002.

Sessions for the abstract submission are

  1. Hot and dense matter
  2. Structure function (nucleon, nucleus, etc.)
  3. Form factor (electroweak, nucleon, nucleus, etc.)
  4. Fundamental symmetries and conservation laws
  5. Neutrino physics (solar, atmospheric, long baseline, double beta decay, etc.)
  6. Hadron physics (hadron spectroscopy, hadrons in nuclei, hadron reactions at intermediate and high energy, etc.)
  7. Exotic atoms and nuclei
  8. QCD (Lattice QCD, effective theory, confinement, etc.)
  9. Flavored matter (hypernuclei, baryon-baryon interaction, etc.)
  10. Nuclear and particle astrophysics (cosmology, neutron stars, dark matter, gravity, etc.)
  11. Facilities and Instrumentation
Please select appropriate sessions at most two for your contribution.

The template in LaTeX-format is available here.

Abstract submission should be made for each contribution. Start here.