**Preprints in 2008 [#eec3fbb4]

--Title: Radiative decay into gamma P of the low lying axial-vector mesons
--Author: H. Nagahiro, L. Roca and E. Oset
--Comments: 24 pages, 14 figs, 13 tables.
--Appears in: Appears in : Phys. Rev. D77, 034017 (2008)

--Title:Level crossing of particle-hole and mesonic modes in eta nuclei
--Author:D. Jido, E.E. Kolomeitsev, H. Nagahiro, S. Hirenzaki
--Comments:22 pages, 12 figures
--Appears in: Nucl. Phys. A 811 (2008) 158-178
--[e-Print: arXiv:0801.4834 [nucl-th]]

--Title:Meson loops in the f0(980) and a0(980) radiative decays into rho, omega
--Author: H. Nagahiro, L. Roca and E. Oset
--Comments: 11 pages, 7 tables, 3 figures. 
--Appears in: Eur. Phys. J. A 36, 73-84 (2008)
--[e-Print: arXiv:0802.0455 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:Structure of the Nucleon and Roper Resonance with Diquark Correlations
--Author:K. Nagata and A. Hosaka
--Appears in: the proceedings of Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics: Chiral07, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 Nov 2007.
--[e-Print: arXiv:0802.2366 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:Lambda(1405) in chiral SU(3) dynamics
--Author:Tetsuo Hyodo, Wolfram Weise, Daisuke Jido, Luis Roca, Atsushi Hosaka
--Appears in: the proceedings of Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics: Chiral07, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 Nov 2007.
--[e-Print: arXiv:0802.2212 [hep-ph] ] 

--Appears in: the proceedings of Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics: Chiral07, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 Nov 2007.

--Title:The Y(2175) State in the QCD Sum Rule
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Xiang Liu, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.C78:025203,2008
--[e-Print: arXiv:0801.4603 [hep-ph]] 

--Title:Origin of the resonances in the chiral unitary approach
--Author:Tetsuo Hyodo, Daisuke Jido and Atsushi Hosaka
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78:034012,2008
--[e-Print: arXiv:0803.2550 [nucl-th] ] 

--Title:Role of meson loops in the f0(1370), f0(1500), and f0(1710) decays into V gamma
--Author:H. Nagahiro, L. Roca, E. Oset and B. S. Zou
--Comments : 6 pages, 1 figure
--Appears in: Phys. Rev. D78, 014012 (2008)
--[e-Print: arXiv:0803.4460 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title: Interpretation of a diffraction phenomenon observed in the angular distribution of $\alpha$ inelastic scattering on $^{12}$C exciting the 0$_2^+$ state
--Author: M. Takashina
--Appears in: Phys. Rev. C 78, 014602 (2008) 

--Title: Baryons with holography
--Author: Kanabu Nawa, Hideo Suganuma and Toru Kojo
--Appears in: Modern Physics Letters A
--Comments : 4 pages, 1 figure
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.3040 [hep-th] ] 

--Title: Baryonic matter in holographic QCD
--Author: Kanabu Nawa, Hideo Suganuma and Toru Kojo
--Appears in: Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
--Comments : 5 pages, 3 figures
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.3041 [hep-th] ] 

--Title: Magnetic interaction induced by the anomaly in kaon-photoproductions
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka
--Appears in: Physics Letters B 665 (2008) 178-181
--Comments : Published version of RCNP-Th07015 

--Title: Density-induced suppression of the $\alpha$-particle condensate in nuclear matter and the structure of $\alpha$-cluster states in nuclei
--Author: Y.Funaki, H.Horiuchi, G.R\"opke, P.Schuck, A.Tohsaki and T. Yamada
--Appears in: Phys. Rev. C77 (2008), pp.064312, 1 - 6 

--Title: Semiclassical Phase Equivalent Deep and Shallow Potentials
--Author: H. Horiuchi, D.M. Brink and M. Islam
--Appears in: Journal of Physics G35 (2008), pp. 085103 - 085114 

--Title: Outlook and Future Perspectives (Summary Talk of the Conference)
--Author: H. Horiuchi
--Appears in: Journal of Physics, Conference Series 111 (2008), 012054, 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics ( Cluster'07), Stratford upon Avon (2007), edited by M. Freer

--Title: What can we learn from the fission time of the superheavy elements?
--Author: D. Boilley, A. Marchix, D. Wilgenbus, Y. Lallouet, F. Gimbert, and Y. Abe
--Appears in: Intern. J. Mod. Phys. E17 (2008) 1681-1693

--Title: Hidden gauge formalism for the radiative decays of axial-vector mesons
--Author: H. Nagahiro, L. Roca, A. Hosaka and E. Oset
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D79:014015 (2009)
--[e-Print: arXiv:0809.0943 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Alpha-particle condensation in $^{16}$O studied with a full four-body OCM calculation
--Author: Y.Funaki, T. Yamada, H.Horiuchi, G.R\"opke, P.Schuck and A.Tohsaki
--Appears in: Phys. Rev. Letters {\bf 101} (2008), pp.082502-082505

--Title: Criterion for Bose-Einstein condensation in traps and self-bound systems
--Author: T. Yamada, Y.Funaki, H.Horiuchi, G.R\"opke, P.Schuck and A.Tohsaki
--Appears in: Phys. Rev. {\bf A78} (2008), pp.035603-035606

--Title: Coulomb gauge ghost and gluon propagators in SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory
--Author: Y. Nakagawa, A. Voigt, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, M. Mueller-Preussker, A. Nakamura, T. Saito, A. Sternbeck, and H. Toki

--Title: Formation of eta-mesic nuclei by (pi,N) reaction and N*(1535) in medium
--Author: H. Nagahiro, D. Jido, S. Hirenzaki
--[e-Print: arXiv:0811.4516 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Anomalous contributions in kaon photoproductions
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka 
--Appears in: Nuclear Physics Review
--Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

--Title: Anti-hydrogen production with positron beam ion trap
--Author: T. Itahashi 
--Comments: AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1037, pp.249-253

--Title: alpha inelastic scattering on 12C exciting to alpha condensate state
--Author: Takashina and Y. Sakuragi 
--Appears in: Nucl. Phys. A 805 (2008) 492
--Comments: Proceedings of the 23rd International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2007), Tokyo (2007), edited by S. Nagamiya et al.

--Title: Proton inealstic scattering and nuclear structure 
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yoof 12Be     
--Appears in: Nucl. Phys. A 805 (2008) 492
--Comments: Journal of Physics, Conference Series 111 (2008), 012018, 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (Cluster'07), Stratford Avon (2007), edited by M. Freer

--Title: Proton inealstic scattering and nuclear structure 
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yoof 12Be
--Appears in Nucl. Phys. A 805 (2008) 492
--Comments: Journal of Physics, Conference Series 111 (2008), 012018, 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (Cluster'07), Stratford upon Avon (2007), edited by M. Free

--TitleThe Y(2175) State in the QCD Sum Rule
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Xiang Liu, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in: Phys.Rev.D78 (2008) 034012

--Title: Chiral Properties of Baryon Fields with Flavor SU(3) Symmetry
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, V. Dmitrasinovic, Atsushi Hosaka, Keitaro Nagata and Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78 (2008) 054021

--Title:The I^G J^PC = 1^- 1^-+ Tetraquark States
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78 (2008) 054017

--Title:Detecting Majorana nature of neutrinos in muon decay
--Author:Takeshi Fukuyama, Koji Tsumura 
--Appears in:IC-2008-082, Sep 2008. 4pp
--[e-Print: arXiv:0809.5221 [hep-th] ]

--Title: A Simple 5D SO(10) GUT and sparticle masses 
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U. & SISSA, Trieste) , Nobuchika Okada (Maryland U. & KEK, Tsukuba)
--Appears in: Phys.Rev.D, Aug 2008. 13pp    
--[e-Print: arXiv:0808.3598 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Realistic Hybrid Inflation in 5D Orbifold SO(10) GUT
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U., Kusatsu) , Nobuchika Okada (Maryland U. & KEK, Tsukuba),Toshiyuki Osaka (Ritsumeikan U., Kusatsu)
--Appears in:JCAP 0809:024,2008, Jun 2008. 15pp.    
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.4626 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Renormalizable minimal SO(10) GUT in 4D and 5D.
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U.) . Jun 2008. 19pp 
--Appears in:in AIP Conf.Proc.1015:3-21,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.1987 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Quark Mixing from Mass Matrix Model with Flavor 2 <---> 3 Symmetry
--Author: Hiroyuki Nishiura (Osaka Inst. Tech.) , Koichi Matsuda (Tsinghua U., Beijing) , Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U.)
--Appears in: iIJMP A , Apr 2008. 14pp  
--[e-Print: arXiv:0804.4515 [hep-th] ]

--Title: Mass Matrix Model Broken From A4 To 2 <---> 3 Symmetry
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U.)
--[e-Print: arXiv:0804.2107 [hep-th] ], Apr 2008. 5pp

--Title: A Simple SO(10) GUT in five dimensions
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama (Ritsumeikan U.) , Nobuchika Okada (KEK, Tsukuba)
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78:015005,2008, Mar 2008. 12pp
--[e-Print: arXiv:0803.1758 [hep-th]]

--Title: Cosmic structures via Bose Einstein condensation and its collapse
--Author: Takeshi Fukuyama, Masahiro Morikawa, Takayuki Tatekawa 
--Appears in: JCAP 0806:033, 2008, WU-AP-262-07, May 2007. 21pp. 

--Title: Formation spectra of light kaonic nuclei by in-flight(Kbar,N) reactions with chiral unitary amplitude
--Author: J. Yamagata-Sekihara, D. Jido, H. Nagahiro and S. Hirenzaki 

--Title:Monopole Excitation to Cluster States
--Author: T. Yamada, Y.Funaki, H.Horiuchi, K.Ikeda, and A.Tohsaki
--Appears in: Prog. Theor. Phys. 120 (2008), pp.1139 - 1167  

--Title:Molecular Resonances in 26Si + 28Si System
--Author: E. Uegaki and Y. Abe
--Appears in: J. Modern Phys. E17 (2008)2034-2039
--Comments: Talk at Sotancp, Strasbourg, May 13-16, 2008

--Title:Di-Nucleus Dynamics toward Fusion of Heavy Nuclei
--Author: Y. Abe, C. Shen, G. Kosenko, D. Boilley and B.G. Giraud
--Appears in:Intern. J. Modern Phys. E17 (2008)2214-2239
--Comments: Talk at Sotancp, Strasbourg, May 13-16, 2008

--Title:Chiral properties of baryon interpolating fields
--Author:Keitaro Nagata, Atsushi Hosaka, V. Dmitrasinovic
--Appears in:Eur.Phys.J.C57:557-567,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0705.1896 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title: The role of the QCD anomaly in kaon photoproduction
--Author:Sho Ozaki, Hideko Nagahiro, Atsushi Hosaka
--Appears in:Mod.Phys.Lett.A23:2325-2328,2008 

--Title:Scalar Tetraquark Currents With Application to the QCD Sum Rule
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Mod.Phys.Lett.A23:2234-2237,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0811.1514 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:The I**G J**PC = 0+ 1-+ Tetraquark State
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78:117502,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0808.2344 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:Lambda(1405,1/2-) photoproduction from the gamma p ---> K+ Lambda(1405) reaction
--Author:Seung-il Nam, Ji-Hyoung Park, Atsushi Hosaka, Hyun-Chul Kim 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.4029 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:The I**G J**PC = 1- 1-+ Tetraquark States
--Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.D78:054017,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0806.1998 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:pi N and pi pi N Couplings of the Delta(1232) and its Chiral Partners
--Author:K. Nagata, A. Hosaka, V. Dmitrasinovic
--Appears in:Phys.Rev.Lett.101:092001, 2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0804.3185 [hep-ph] ] 

--Title:The Structure of N(1535) in the aspect of chiral symmetry
--Author:Daisuke Jido, Tetsuo Hyodo, Atsushi Hosaka
--Comments:Presented at Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics: Chiral07, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 Nov 2007
--Appears in:Mod.Phys.Lett.A23:2389-2392,2008 
--[e-Print: arXiv:0803.2738 [nucl-th] ] 

--Title:Lambda(1405) in chiral SU(3) dynamics
--Author:Tetsuo Hyodo, Wolfram Weise, Daisuke Jido, Luis Roca, Atsushi Hosaka
--Comments:Presented at Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics: Chiral07, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 Nov 2007
--Appears in:Mod.Phys.Lett.A23:2393-2396,2008 

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