*Presentations in 2009 [#ca4021af] **International Conference [#h79e9de7] -0902_nawa --Title: Baryons and baryonic matter from Skyrmions in holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa, H. Suganuma, A. Hosaka, and T. Kojo --Place and date: 16th YKIS Conference: Progress in Particles Physics 2008 (PPP2008), YITP in Kyoto, Japan, 2/16 - 2/19 (2009). -0903_nawa --Title: Baryonic matter in holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa, H. Suganuma, and T. Kojo --Place and date: New Frontiers in QCD (NFQCD2008), YITP in Kyoto, Japan, 3/3 - 3/6 (2008). -0905_takashina --Title: Proton inelastic scattering and transition strength of 12Be --Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo --Place and date: Development of nuclear structure models from the viewpoint of nuclear force /YITP, Kyoto Univ./May 20-22, 2009 -0904_hosaka --Title: Reaction dynamics for photoproductions of baryon resonances --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:Nstar2009, IHEP, Beijing, China, Apr. 19-22 (2009) -0904_hosaka --Title: Dynamical generation of baryon resonances and their productions --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:WS Nucleon structure, Taiwan National University, Apr. 27, (2009) -0906_hosaka --Title: Reaction dynamics in the effective Lagrangian method --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:Workshop on Narrow Nucleon Resonance, Edinburgh, UK, June 8-10 (2009) -0911_hu --Title: The role of form factor in asymmetry nuclear matter in the relativistic Hartree-Fock model --Author: Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, Wu Wen and Hong Shen --Place and date: International symposium on "Hadron and Nuclear Physics (HNP09)", Nov. 16-19, 2009, RCNP, Osaka University -0910_takashina --Title: Complex-scaled CDCC for nuclear breakup reactions --Author: M. Takashina, T. Myo, Y. Kikuchi, Y. Hirabayashi, K. Kato --Place and date: 3rd Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 13-17, 2009 -0911_takashina --Title: Complex-scaled CDCC for nuclear breakup reactions --Author: M. Takashina, T. Myo, Y. Kikuchi, Y. Hirabayashi, K. Kato --Place and date: RCNP International Workshop "Hadron and Nuclear Physics '09 (HNP09)", Arata Memorial Hall, Osaka University, 16-19 November 2009. -0909_ozaki --Title: phi photoproduction in a coupled-channel approach --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten --Place and date: HYP-X, Ibaraki Japan, 2009 September 14-18 -0911_ozaki --Title: Charged K* photoproduction within a Regge model --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka --Place and date: HNP09, Osaka Japan, 2009 November 16-19 -0910_ozaki --Title: Photoproduction of phi-meson --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholtenn --Place and date: SJTU-OU Joint seminar, Shanghai Chaina, 2009 October 29-30 -0910_ozaki --Title: Regge approach in charged K* photoproduction --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka --Place and date: KPS 2009 fall meeting, Changwon Korea, 2009 October 21-23 -0910_ozaki --Title: K* photoproduction within Regge approach --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka --Place and date: Hawaii 2009, Hawaii U.S.A., 2009 October 13-17 -0910_ozaki --Title: phi photoproduction --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholtenn --Place and date: US-Japan Joint Workshop on Meson Production at Jefferson Lab and J-PARC, Hawaii U.S.A., 2009 October 11-12 -0909_ozaki --Title: Coupled-channel K-matrix approach in phi photoproduction --Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholtenn --Place and date: GCOE International Workshop on Hadron Dynamics, Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan, 2009 September 11th -0903_abe --Title: Heavy-Ion Fusion Mechanism and Predictions of Super-Heavy Elements Production --Author: Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, B.G. Giraud and G. Kosenko --Place and date: Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 4-8 2009 -0908_hosaka --Title:Hadron Physics -- What we can/should learn --Author:Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:Hadron Structure and Interactions (2009) 8月24日、2009年 東京家政大学 **Poster presentation [#x373be7c] -0908_abe --Title: Mechanism of Fusion Hindrance and Predictions of Superheavy Elements Production --Author: Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, G. Kosenko and B.G. Giraud --Place and date: Intern. Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Beijing, China, Aug. 16-21 2009 -0910_abe --Title: Compound Nucleus Reaction Theory for Synthesis of Super-Heavy Elements --Author: Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley and B.G. Giraud --Place and date: Second Intern. Workshop on Compound Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 5-8, 2009. **国内研究会 [#tbb73abc] -0912_nawa --Title: Baryons and baryonic matter in holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa --Place and date:Workshop「量子色力学の相構造研究の現状と展望」, Hakozaki campus, Kyushyu University, Japan, 12/25 - 12/26 (2008). -0902_hosaka --Title: エキゾチックス --Author: 保坂 淳 --Place and date:ストレンジネス特定領域研究会、熱海、 2009年2月27−28日 -0904_hu --Title: Tensor interaction and chiral symmetry in infinite matter --Author: Jinniu Hu, Yoko Ogawa, Hiroshi Toki, Atsushi Hosaka and Hong Shen --Place and date: RCNP Workshop on Tensor interaction and nuclear physics, April 24, 2009, RCNP, Osaka University -0909_hosaka --Title:Hadron Physics at LEPS2 --Author:Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:LEPS2 kickoff meeting, 9月11日、2009年, 核物理研究センター, 大阪大学 -0911_hosaka --Title:Introduction to Algebraic aspects of chiral symmetry --Author:Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:基研モレキュール研究会、11月4−5、(2009) 京大基研 -0911_hosaka --Title:Hadron Physics -- Overview --Author:Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date「多彩なフレーバーで探る新しいハドロン存在形態の包括的研究」キックオフ会議 11月27日、2009年, 名古屋大学 **日本物理学会 [#e2ecb99f] -0903_kaneko --Title: ベクトル中間子-核子束縛状態としての励起バリオンの研究 --Author: 金子寛弥、永廣秀子、保坂淳 --Place and date:日本物理学会 第64回年次大会、立教大学、東京、2009年3月 -0903_uechi --Title: ハイペロン混合核物質におけるハドロン有効質量と相転移,非圧縮率と対称 化エネルギーについて --Author: 上地 T. 舜, 上地 宏, 武藤 巧 --Place and date:Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol 64, Issue 1, Part1, p62 , 立教大学(3月・2009年) -0903_nawa --Title: Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa, H. Suganuma, and T. Kojo --Place and date:Rikkyo University, 3/27 - 3/30 (2009). -0903_takashina --Title: 複素座標スケーリング法を施した連続離散化チャネル結合法 --Author: 高階 正彰、明 孝之、菊地 右馬、平林 義治、加藤 幾芳 --Place and date: 日本物理学会 第64回年次大会/立教大学/2009年3月27-30日 -0903_hosaka --Title: Production of (exotic) hadrons --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:March, 27-30, Rikkyo Univ. Symposium:Multiquark hadrons probed by various flavors -0910_hosaka --Title:Photoproductions for the study of baryon resonances --Author:Atsushi Hosaka --Place nad Date日米合同物理学会(原子核分科会), Oct. 13、2009年, 日米合同物理学会分科会、ハワイ **seminar [#p9275dc3] -0904_nawa --Title: Baryons and baryonic matter in holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa --Place and date:Nuclear Theory Group Formal Seminar, YITP, Kyoto University, Japan, 4/24 (2009). -0911_nawa --Title: Baryonic matter in holographic QCD --Author: K. Nawa --Place and date:Nuclear Theory Group Formal Seminar Toyonaka campus, Osaka University, Japan, 11/18 (2008). -0906_hosaka --Title: The nature of dynamically generated baryon resonances --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:KVI seminar, KVI, Groningen, June 4 (2009) -0904_hosaka --Title:Dynamically generated baryon resonance and reaction dynamics --Author: Atsushi Hosaka --Place and date:Semina@Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 28 (2009) -0910_ozaki --Title: Vector Meson Photoproduction with Strangeness and Regge Phenomenology --Author: S.Ozaki --Place and date: Inha university Korea, 2009 October 27th -0907_ozaki --Title: F-meson photoproduction within Coupled-channel K-matrix approach --Author: S.Ozaki --Place and date: Osaka University, 2009,7.24 -0904_ozaki --Title: F-meson photo production off proton with coupled channel approach --Author: S.Ozaki --Place and date: KEK, 2009,4.20 -0901_ozaki --Title: Kaon and Phi meson Photoproduction --Author: S. Ozaki --Place and date: GSI Germany, 2009 January 18