**Publications in 2010 [#b86ef164]
--'''H.X. Chen, V.Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c} and A. Hosaka'''
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 054002
--''Baryon Fields with $U_L(3) \times U_R(3)$ Chiral Symm...
--'''H.X. Chen, V. Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c} and H. Toki'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 034011
--''Pseudoscalar Mesons in the $SU(3)$ Linear Sigma Model...
--'''H.X. Chen, A. Hosaka, H. Toki and S.L. Zhu'''
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 114034
--''Light Scalar Meson Sigma(600) in QCD Sum Rule with Co...
--'''V. Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c}, A. Hosaka and K. Nagata'''
--Int. J. Mod. Phys. E19 (2010) 91
--''A Lagrangian for the Chiral $(1/2,0) \oplus (0,1/2)$ ...
--'''Y. Funaki, M. Girod, H. Horiuchi, G. R\"opke, P. Sch...
--J. Phys. G37 (2010) 064012
--''Open Problems in $\alpha$ Particle Condensation''
--'''E. Hern\'andez, J. Nieves, M. Valverde and M.J. Vice...
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 085046
--''$N$-$\Delta(1232)$ Axial form Factors from Weak Pion ...
--'''K. Horii, M. Takashina, T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and...
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 061602
--''Elastic Scattering of $^8$B from $^{12}$C with Intern...
--'''H. Horiuchi'''
--Lect. Notes Phys. 818 (2010) Clusters in Nuclei 57-108
--''Coexistence of Cluster States and Mean-Field-Type Sta...
--'''H. Horiuchi'''
--J. Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys. 37 (2010) 064021
--''Coexistence of Cluster States and Mean-field-type Sta...
--'''J. Hu, H. Toki, W. Wen and H. Shen'''
--Phys. Lett. B687 (2010) 271
--''Relativistic Hartree-Fock Model with Bare Nucleon Nuc...
--'''K. Ikeda, T. Myo, K. Kato and H. Toki'''
--Lect. Notes Phys. 818 (2010) Clusters in Nuclei Volume ...
--''Di-neutron Clustering and Deuteron-like Tensor Correl...
--'''Y. Kikuchi, K. Kato, T. Myo, M. Takashina and K. Ike...
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 044308
--''Two-neutron Correlation of $^6$He in Coulomb Breakup ...
--'''F. Minato and Y. Nagai'''
--J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.79 (2010) 093201
--''Estimation of Production Yield of $^{99}$Mo for Medic...
--'''T. Myo, R. Ando and K. Kato'''
--Phys. Lett. B691 (2010) 150
--''Five-body Resonances of $^8$He Using the Complex Scal...
--'''K. Nagata'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 034007
--''Quartet of Spin-3/2 Baryons in Chiral Multiplet $(1, ...
--'''S. Ohkubo and Y. Hirabayashi'''
--Phys. Lett. B684 (2010) 127
--''$\alpha$-particle Condensate States in $^{16}$O''
--'''S. Ozaki, A. Hosaka, H. Nagahiro and O. Scholten'''
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 059901
--''Erratum: Coupled-channel Analysis for $\phi$ Photopro...
--'''Y. Suzuki and S. Ohkubo'''
--Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 041303
--''Enhanced E-1 Transitions and $\alpha$ $+$ $^{208}$Pb-...
--'''M. Takashina, T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi'''
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 047605
--''$^{16}$O + $^{16}$O Inelastic Scattering Studied by a...
--'''Y. Taniguchi, Y. Kanada-En'yo, M. Kimura, K. Ikeda, ...
--Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 011302
--''Triaxial Superdeformation in $^{40}$Ar''
--'''Y. Yamaguchi, T. Sogo, T. Ito and T. Miyakawa'''
--Phys. Rev. A82 (2010) 013643
--''Density-wave Instability in a Two-dimensional Dipolar...
--'''K. Nagata and A. Nakamura'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 094027
--''Wilson Fermion Determinant in Lattice QCD''
**Publications in 2010 [#b86ef164]
--'''H.X. Chen, V.Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c} and A. Hosaka'''
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 054002
--''Baryon Fields with $U_L(3) \times U_R(3)$ Chiral Symm...
--'''H.X. Chen, V. Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c} and H. Toki'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 034011
--''Pseudoscalar Mesons in the $SU(3)$ Linear Sigma Model...
--'''H.X. Chen, A. Hosaka, H. Toki and S.L. Zhu'''
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 114034
--''Light Scalar Meson Sigma(600) in QCD Sum Rule with Co...
--'''V. Dmitra\v{s}inovi\'{c}, A. Hosaka and K. Nagata'''
--Int. J. Mod. Phys. E19 (2010) 91
--''A Lagrangian for the Chiral $(1/2,0) \oplus (0,1/2)$ ...
--'''Y. Funaki, M. Girod, H. Horiuchi, G. R\"opke, P. Sch...
--J. Phys. G37 (2010) 064012
--''Open Problems in $\alpha$ Particle Condensation''
--'''E. Hern\'andez, J. Nieves, M. Valverde and M.J. Vice...
--Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 085046
--''$N$-$\Delta(1232)$ Axial form Factors from Weak Pion ...
--'''K. Horii, M. Takashina, T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and...
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 061602
--''Elastic Scattering of $^8$B from $^{12}$C with Intern...
--'''H. Horiuchi'''
--Lect. Notes Phys. 818 (2010) Clusters in Nuclei 57-108
--''Coexistence of Cluster States and Mean-Field-Type Sta...
--'''H. Horiuchi'''
--J. Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys. 37 (2010) 064021
--''Coexistence of Cluster States and Mean-field-type Sta...
--'''J. Hu, H. Toki, W. Wen and H. Shen'''
--Phys. Lett. B687 (2010) 271
--''Relativistic Hartree-Fock Model with Bare Nucleon Nuc...
--'''K. Ikeda, T. Myo, K. Kato and H. Toki'''
--Lect. Notes Phys. 818 (2010) Clusters in Nuclei Volume ...
--''Di-neutron Clustering and Deuteron-like Tensor Correl...
--'''Y. Kikuchi, K. Kato, T. Myo, M. Takashina and K. Ike...
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 044308
--''Two-neutron Correlation of $^6$He in Coulomb Breakup ...
--'''F. Minato and Y. Nagai'''
--J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.79 (2010) 093201
--''Estimation of Production Yield of $^{99}$Mo for Medic...
--'''T. Myo, R. Ando and K. Kato'''
--Phys. Lett. B691 (2010) 150
--''Five-body Resonances of $^8$He Using the Complex Scal...
--'''K. Nagata'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 034007
--''Quartet of Spin-3/2 Baryons in Chiral Multiplet $(1, ...
--'''S. Ohkubo and Y. Hirabayashi'''
--Phys. Lett. B684 (2010) 127
--''$\alpha$-particle Condensate States in $^{16}$O''
--'''S. Ozaki, A. Hosaka, H. Nagahiro and O. Scholten'''
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 059901
--''Erratum: Coupled-channel Analysis for $\phi$ Photopro...
--'''Y. Suzuki and S. Ohkubo'''
--Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 041303
--''Enhanced E-1 Transitions and $\alpha$ $+$ $^{208}$Pb-...
--'''M. Takashina, T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi'''
--Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 047605
--''$^{16}$O + $^{16}$O Inelastic Scattering Studied by a...
--'''Y. Taniguchi, Y. Kanada-En'yo, M. Kimura, K. Ikeda, ...
--Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 011302
--''Triaxial Superdeformation in $^{40}$Ar''
--'''Y. Yamaguchi, T. Sogo, T. Ito and T. Miyakawa'''
--Phys. Rev. A82 (2010) 013643
--''Density-wave Instability in a Two-dimensional Dipolar...
--'''K. Nagata and A. Nakamura'''
--Phys. Rev. D82 (2010) 094027
--''Wilson Fermion Determinant in Lattice QCD''