International Workshop on "Double Beta Decay and Underground Science"

December 1st - 3rd, 2023
Hawaii, United States

1st Bulletin

DBD23 announcement (English version at the bottom)


国際ワークショップ「二重ベータ崩壊と地下実験の科学」 "Double Beta Decay and Underground Science(DBD23)"

二重ベータ崩壊の研究は、ニュートリノ振動の確認以後最も重要な問題のひとつです。 その証明は、レプトン数保存則の破れを意味し、物質優勢の宇宙誕生解明の鍵です。 一方で、ダークマターの探索は宇宙の未知質量の起源を知る鍵となっています。 これらの宇宙の始まりと現在を解く鍵が、地下の極低バックグランド環境での素粒子原子核実験です。 現在、世界中で多くの地下素粒子原子核研究が進行中ないし、計画中です。 本ワークショップでは二重ベータ崩壊研究と地下実験の科学について現状と将来の方向性 について議論します。

ワークショップでは、二重ベータ崩壊と、関連するニュートリノの質量、階層性、CPの破れ、 宇宙論、現在稼動中及び計画中の二重ベータ崩壊実験とダークマター探索実験、 次世代実験技術についての講演の他、コントリビューションからの講演を予定しています。



DBD23 announcement (in English)

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first circular of the International Workshop on "Double Beta Decay and Underground Science" (DBD23), which will be held from December 1st to 3rd, 2023 at Hilton Waikoloa Village in Hawaii. The workshop provides a platform for open discussions on current and future directions in the study of double beta decay, dark matter, neutrino physics and other related topics in underground science.

For the workshop the subjects to be discussed are:
Double beta decay
Direct Detection of Dark matter
Neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology
Underground laboratories
Accelerator and Reactor neutrinos
Instrumentation and Technology
Nuclear matrix element

December 1 (Fri.)
US-Japan Workshop day - Future Prospects of Direct Detection of Dark Matter
US-Japan Workshop day - Future Prospects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
December 2 (Sat.)
Session III, IV and V- Opening, Review, Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments I, II, III
Poster session
December 3 (Sun.)
Session VI, VII, VIII, IX - Dark Matter I, II, Neutrino Properties I, II

Call for Contributions
Abstracts of contributed papers will be accepted through the workshop registration page. Please visit the following URL;
The deadline for abstract submission is Oct. 20th, 2023. We will have a poster session also. Please indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation in your registration.

Conference Site
The workshop site is Hilton Waikoloa Hawaii. Further information is available in the following web site:

Those who will attend the full US/Japan DNP meeting (HAWAII 2023) have to register and pay registration fee through HAWAII 2023 WEB page. Those who will attend just DBD23 have to pay registration fee at our registration desk. The fee will be about half of the registration fee of the US/Japan DNP meeting since its workshop day belongs to both DBD18 and HAWAII 2023. We request additional ??? USD for reception, refreshment and sunset cruise. We accept only cash. Please pay the fee at the registration desk during the workshop.

We look forward to seeing you in Hawaii in December 2023.

Best regards,
Brian Fujikawa (LBNL)
Takashi Iida(Tsukuba)
Kunio Inoue (RCNS)
Tadafumi Kishimoto (Osaka)
Kevin Lesko (LBNL)
Aaron Manalaysay (LBNL)
Izumi Ogawa (Fukui)
Alan Poon (LBNL)
Itaru Shimizu (RCNS)
Saori Umehara (RCNP)
Sei Yoshida (Osaka)
Host Institutes:
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University