RCNP Home> Publicity> Annual Report 2019> International Joint Usage/Research Projects

Annual Report 2019

   International Joint Usage/Research Projects

       ■  RCNP Joint Usage Program

•Proposal for a beam test of BGOegg-RPCs for J-PARC E16 and EMPHATIC
• Proposal to borrow BGOegg-RPC counters for use in the J-PARC/E16 and FNAL/EMPHATIC experiments
• Decay pion spectroscopy of 5ΛΛH at J-PARC using the LEPS-TPC 
— Request for usage permission of Time Projection Chamber and Superconducting Magnet at J-PARC—
•Proposal for Further Testing of BGOegg-RPCs for EMPHATIC
<Finished programs>
Study of Iron-based high temperature superconductors by means of μSR
Establishment of low background techniques for neutron measurements in underground laboratories
• Development of permanent magnet compact ECR ion source

       ■  RCNP Joint Research Program: COREnet

Study of the chiral tensor dynamics in the heavy exotic hadrons
Structure of tetra and pentaquark systems with a few-body method in the quark model and lattice QCD
Microscopic understanding of nuclear collectivity through collaboration of experiment and theory
Theoretical and numerical study of QCD phase – What do high energy
Quantum dynamics for superheavy elements
Neutrinoless double-β decay for determination of neutrino mass
Elucidation of heavy hadrons in B-factory by collaboration of experimentalists and theorists
Promoting and improving the NLOAccess program for the nuclear physics community
Study of α condensation in 20Ne within the THSR wave function
Gamma-Decay from Pygmy and Giant Dipole Resonances

       ■  RCNP Workshop

The 9th workshop on muon science and accelerator studies (第9回 Muon科学と加速器研究)
Nuclear astrophysics meeting relevant to the heavy-element synthesis and the nuclear data (核データと重元素合成を中心とする宇宙核物理研究会)
NNR19 Neutrino Nuclear Responses for Double Beta Decays and Astro Neutrinos
Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG15)
Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics (地下から解き明かす宇宙の歴史と物質の進化)
SNP2019 (International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics; SNP School)
Flavor Physics Workshop 2019
Workshop on Beam Physics 2019 for Researchers and Young Scientists (2019年度ビーム物理研究会、若手の会)
Workshop on RI-beam Spectroscopy by Innovative Gaseous Active Targets (革新的アクティブ・ガス標的を⽤いた不安定核分光)
* Some of reports for domestic workshop are written in Japanese. Thank you for your kind understanding.



10-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047

©2015 Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University