] [
** 2024 [#m8d41d93]
+ "[[Forth International Workshop on the Extension Projec...
++ "[[Study of nucleon structure at J-PARC:
++ "[[The pbar Physics Opportunities at the J-PARC Hadron...
+ "[[加速ミュオンを用いたミュオンイメージング研究の可能性...
++ "[[0.5~20 GeV/cの高エネルギーミュオンビームの利用可能...
** 2023 [#i04195fa]
+ "[[Streaming readout Workshop SRO-XI]]", Hawaii, Nov. 2...
++ "[[SRO FEE development Japan]]", R. Honda
+ "[[6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Phy...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryons using hadron beam a...
++ "[[Standardization of trigger-less data-streaming DAQ ...
++ "[[Study of 3D nucleon structure at the J-PARC π20 bea...
+ "[[International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics an...
++ "[[Study of the nucleon structure using hadron beam at...
+ "[[Nagoya Workshop on Exotic Hadrons 2023]]", Nagoya, 1...
++ ”[[Exotic Hadrons at J-PARC]]”, K. Suzuki, (for π-A co...
+ "[[52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynami...
++ M. Naruki,“[[Dilepton Measurement and Future Possibili...
+ "[[17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Meson2...
++ "[[The hadron experimental facility extension at J-PAR...
+ "[[Workshop on Physics opportunities with proton beams ...
++ "[[Strangeness physics at JPARC>
+ "[[20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy...
++ "[[Overview of J-parc Physics>
++ "[[The J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Extension P...
+ "[[RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の先端データ収集システム 標...
++ "[[汎用ワイヤーチェンバー読み出しASD カード : ASAGI:ht...
+ "[[Third International Workshop on the Extension Projec...
++ "[[Casdace baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC:https://kds.k...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed and multi-strange baryons u...
++ "[[Study of the nucleon structure at the high momentum...
++ "[[Closing:
+ "[[RCNP workshop on Hadron Physics at the LEPS2 photon ...
++ "[[Spectroscopic study of baryon production and decay ...
+ "[[The 14th HOPE meeting:
++ "Probe inside a proton", N. Tomida (1 March, 2023)
+ "[[第8回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.tite...
++ "[[Study of inner structure of hadrons within partonic...
++ "[[Investigation of hadron effective degrees of freedo...
+ "[[Workshop on "Physics of heavy quark and exotic hadro...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC:
** 2022 [#d6f0a189]
+ "ハイパー核研究の進展と未来 ~格致日新~" (domestic), T...
++ "大強度ハドロンビームで拓くバリオン励起状態の研究" (in...
+ "[[CLUSHIQ2022:
++ "[[Quark-cluster aspects in baryons and baryon spectro...
++ "Performance evaluation of an Amp-Shaper-Discriminator...
++ "Performance evaluation of a prototype Ring-Imaging Ch...
++ "Design and performance evaluation of optics system of...
++ "Development of the TOF-RPC for the study of charmed b...
++ "Development of a Precise Time and Position Resolution...
+ "研究会「奇妙な強い力、それによる結合系」Strange Strong...
+ "[[計測システム研究会 2022>
++ "[[MPPC とチェレンコフ光を利用した検出器 -Cherenkov ti...
+ "[[XVI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related...
++ "[[Development of a Precise Time and Position Resoluti...
++ "[[Development of the TOF-RPC for the pi20 beamline at...
+ "[[SpinQuest and mini-workshop on related experiments:h...
++ "[[Exclusive Drell-Yan Experiment at J-PARC:https://in...
++ "[[High-momentum beam line and spectrometer status at ...
+ "[[The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)>ht...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of heavy flavor baryons at J-PARC>http...
+ "[[16th Hadron Spectroscopy Cafe "Recent hot topics and...
++ "[[Spectroscopic experiments of charmed and strange ba...
+ "[[Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclus...
++ "[[Physics at the new π20 beamline in J-PARC:https://i...
+ "[[APCTP Workshop on Nuclear Physics 2022: Physics of E...
++ "[[Studies of excited baryons with heavy flavors at J-...
+ "[[新学術領域「宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。 新...
++ "高運動量ハドロンビーム反応測定のための粒子識別検出器...
K. Shirotori
+ "[[RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の次世代データ収集システム...
++ "[[Development of Amp Shaper Discriminator card for dr...
+ "[[Symposium on Korea-Japan collaboration on hadron spe...
++ "Hadron spectroscopy experiments at J-PARC", K. Shirot...
+ [[Reimei Workshop on "Hadrons in dense matter at J-PARC...
++ "Studies of mass modification of the eta'(958) meson i...
+ [[2nd International Workshop on the Extension Project f...
++ "Spectroscopic studies of strange and charmed baryons ...
** 2021 [#d28f1795]
+ [[第7回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.titec...
++ "Study of diquark dynamics in baryon spectroscopy with...
+ [[Light Cone 2021: Physics of Hadrons on the Light Fron...
++ "[[Spectroscopic Study of Quark Dynamics in Baryons at...
+ [[ELPH 研究会 C031「多彩なビーム実験と多様な理論的手法...
++ "[[J-PARCにおける高運動量K中間子ビームによるオメガバリ...
+ [[International Workshop on the Extension Project for t...
++ "[[Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the K10 beamline>https...
+ [[第6回クラスター階層領域研究会>http://be.nucl.ap.titec...
++ "[[排他的ドレルヤン反応を用いた 核子構造研究のための ...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC>
+ [[Strong QCD 2021: Teleworkshop on Strong QCD from Hadr...
++ "[[Heavy-quark baryons>
+ [[Workshop on Physics of Omega Baryons at the J-PARC-K1...
++ "[[Omega-N Scattering Experiment at K10>https://indico...
++ "[[Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the J-PARC K10 Beam Li...
++ "[[K10 beamline facility>
+ [[Domestic Workshop on "Physics at the J-PARC K10 Beam ...
++ "[[Spectrometer for Omega* Spectroscopy>https://indico...
++ "[[Beam Line>
** 2020 [#b7476ae3]
+ [[2nd Deterctor Workshop on Clustering as a window on t...
++ "Detector R&D for new hadron experiment platform at th...
+ Exchange program between SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ...
++ “Hadron Physics at J-PARC”, H. Noumi
+ [[Workshop on "Physics of Heavy-quark and Exotic Hadron...
++ "[[Hadron physics at the J-PARC high-momentum beam lin...
+ [[International symposium on Clustering as a Window on ...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy with secondary hadronic beams a...
++ "Development of a high-rate Cherenkov timing counter w...
** 2019 [#n2dbe7be]
+ [[Reimei Symposium on "Synergies in Hadron Physics betw...
++ "[[High-momentum pion beamline at J-PARC and Open Char...
+ [[ELPH 研究会 C024「ハドロン構造における多粒子相関」:ht...
++ "[[Spectroscopy experiment of multi-strangeness baryon...
+ [[The 3rd J-PARC symposium (J-PARC2019):https://j-parc....
++ "[[Hadron spectroscopy with high-momentum hadron beams...
+ [[XVth RECONTRES du VIETNAM “Perspectives in Hadron Phy...
++ "[[Production of charmed baryons at J-PARC:https://dri...
+ [[日本物理学会2019年秋季大会 実験核・素実・理論核合同セ...
++ "[[J-PARC高運動量ビームで探るハドロンの内部構造>http:/...
+ [[第二回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.tite...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of multi-strangeness baryons by using ...
+ [[6th Almaty International Workshop on "Nuclear Physics...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Hadron Beams at J-PARC]]",...
++ "[[The physics E31 experiment to search the Λ(1405) vi...
+ [[Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on the Present and the Fut...
++ "[[Hadron physics with hadron beams at J-PARC]]", H. N...
+ [[The 52nd Reimei Workshop on "Experimental and Theoret...
++ "[[E50 at High-momentum beamline:
** 2018 [#z5f3a3af]
+ [[8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Ph...
++ "[[Experimental study of di-quark correlation by charm...
+ [[RCNP Workshop on "Physics with General Purpose Spectr...
++ "[[overview of J-PARC E50 experiment:https://indico.rc...
++ "[[High-momentum beam line for Secondary beams:https:/...
++ "[[E50 Spectrometer System:
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy:
++ "[[Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction: YN scattering:https://...
++ "[[Kaonic Nuclei:
++ "[[Meson in Nucleus:
++ "[[Nucleon Structure (Drell-Yan):https://indico.rcnp.o...
++ "[[E50 RICH and beam Cherenkov:https://indico.rcnp.osa...
++ "[[Front-end Modules: E50:
++ "[[Streaming DAQ: E50:
+ [[International Workshop on the Project for the Extende...
++ "[[HIHR Beam Line:
++ "[[High-momentum beam line and upgrade plan in the ext...
++ "[[J-PARC E50 Experiment:
** 2017 [#v8eb091a]
+ [[ETC* workshop on "Dilepton Productions with Meson and...
++ "Charm Physics with Meson Beam at J-PARC", H. Noumi (T...
+ [[6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Phys...
++ "Strange and Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. ...
+ [[International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics...
++ "[[Analysis status of the d(K-,n)pi+ Sigma-+ and d(K-,...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy Flavors at J-PARC:ht...
+ [[Workshop on "Structures and Interactions of Heavy Qua...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon by using hadron beam...
+ [[KEK theory center workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Phys...
++ "[[Charmed-hadron Physics and Physics of Hadron-hall e...
** 2016 [#s604043b]
+ [[The 10th APCTP-BLTP/JINR-RCNP-RIKEN Joint Workshop on...
++ "[Exploring diquark correlations by charmed baryon spe...
+ [[The 34th Reimei WorkShop "Physics of Heavy-Ion Collis...
++ "[[Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy via the (pi,D*-) reacti...
+ [[The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Ph...
++ "[[Experimental investigation for diquark degrees of f...
++ "[[Physics in J-PARC Hadron-hall extension>http://indi...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon at the J-PARC high-m...
+ [[Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab Workshop (KL20...
++ "[[Hadron Physics with High-momentum Hadron Beams at J...
+ [[The 31st Reimei WorkShop on Hadron Physics in Extreme...
++ "[[Charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PAR...
** 2015 [#f2616bd8]
+ [[XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon resonances at J-PARC...
+ [[The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and...
++ "[[Strange and charm hadron physics at J-PARC>http://w...
+ [[The 9th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop on "Modern Pro...
++ "[[New Platform for Hadron Physics at RCNP>http://www....
+ [[日本物理学会第70回年次大会 実験核・理論核・素実 合同...
++ "[[J-PARC高運動量ハドロンビームで探るハドロンダイナミ...
+ [[KEK theory center Workshop on "Hadron physics with hi...
++ "[[Charmed hadron experiments at J-PARC>http://www.rcn...
+ [[Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015 Sympoium:...
++ "[[Hadron spectroscopy at the J-PARC high-momentum bea...
** 2014 [#teb099e9]
+ [[Workshop on "Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 201...
++ "[[Experiments of Charmed Baryons at J-PARC>http://j-p...
+ [[Workshop on "Charmed Hadron and Nuclear Physics:http:...
++ "[[Heavy Baryon Spectroscopy via Meson-Baryon Collisio...
+ [[4th Joint Meeting of the NP Divs of the APS and JPS M...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy flavors at J-PARC>ht...
+ [[2rd International Symposium on "Science at J-PARC":ht...
++ "[[Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy Experiment at J-PARC>ht...
+ [[3rd International Workshop on "State of the Art in Nu...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryons at the J-PARC high...
+ [[Hadron Physics Symposium:
++ "[[Hadron Spectroscopy with high-momentum secondary be...
+ [[KEK theory center Workshop on J-PARC Hadron Physics:h...
++ "[[Charmed Hadron Experiments at J-PARC>http://www.rcn...
** 2013 [#mf67785a]
+ [[8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov ...
++ "[[Development of PID counter for charmed baryon spect...
+ [[XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (H...
++ "[[Spectroscopic study of charmed baryons at J-PARC:ht...
++ "[[Spectrometer for the charmed baryon spectroscopy ex...
+ [[The Seventh Symposium on chiral symmetry in Hadron an...
++ "[[Future Projects at J-PARC::
+ [[International Conference on Structure of Baryons:http...
++ "[[Charmed baryons and future project at JPARC:https:/...
** 2012 [#dabfd3d1]
+ [[The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body P...
++ "[[Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC:https://www....
** 2024 [#m8d41d93]
+ "[[Forth International Workshop on the Extension Projec...
++ "[[Study of nucleon structure at J-PARC:
++ "[[The pbar Physics Opportunities at the J-PARC Hadron...
+ "[[加速ミュオンを用いたミュオンイメージング研究の可能性...
++ "[[0.5~20 GeV/cの高エネルギーミュオンビームの利用可能...
** 2023 [#i04195fa]
+ "[[Streaming readout Workshop SRO-XI]]", Hawaii, Nov. 2...
++ "[[SRO FEE development Japan]]", R. Honda
+ "[[6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Phy...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryons using hadron beam a...
++ "[[Standardization of trigger-less data-streaming DAQ ...
++ "[[Study of 3D nucleon structure at the J-PARC π20 bea...
+ "[[International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics an...
++ "[[Study of the nucleon structure using hadron beam at...
+ "[[Nagoya Workshop on Exotic Hadrons 2023]]", Nagoya, 1...
++ ”[[Exotic Hadrons at J-PARC]]”, K. Suzuki, (for π-A co...
+ "[[52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynami...
++ M. Naruki,“[[Dilepton Measurement and Future Possibili...
+ "[[17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Meson2...
++ "[[The hadron experimental facility extension at J-PAR...
+ "[[Workshop on Physics opportunities with proton beams ...
++ "[[Strangeness physics at JPARC>
+ "[[20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy...
++ "[[Overview of J-parc Physics>
++ "[[The J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Extension P...
+ "[[RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の先端データ収集システム 標...
++ "[[汎用ワイヤーチェンバー読み出しASD カード : ASAGI:ht...
+ "[[Third International Workshop on the Extension Projec...
++ "[[Casdace baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC:https://kds.k...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed and multi-strange baryons u...
++ "[[Study of the nucleon structure at the high momentum...
++ "[[Closing:
+ "[[RCNP workshop on Hadron Physics at the LEPS2 photon ...
++ "[[Spectroscopic study of baryon production and decay ...
+ "[[The 14th HOPE meeting:
++ "Probe inside a proton", N. Tomida (1 March, 2023)
+ "[[第8回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.tite...
++ "[[Study of inner structure of hadrons within partonic...
++ "[[Investigation of hadron effective degrees of freedo...
+ "[[Workshop on "Physics of heavy quark and exotic hadro...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC:
** 2022 [#d6f0a189]
+ "ハイパー核研究の進展と未来 ~格致日新~" (domestic), T...
++ "大強度ハドロンビームで拓くバリオン励起状態の研究" (in...
+ "[[CLUSHIQ2022:
++ "[[Quark-cluster aspects in baryons and baryon spectro...
++ "Performance evaluation of an Amp-Shaper-Discriminator...
++ "Performance evaluation of a prototype Ring-Imaging Ch...
++ "Design and performance evaluation of optics system of...
++ "Development of the TOF-RPC for the study of charmed b...
++ "Development of a Precise Time and Position Resolution...
+ "研究会「奇妙な強い力、それによる結合系」Strange Strong...
+ "[[計測システム研究会 2022>
++ "[[MPPC とチェレンコフ光を利用した検出器 -Cherenkov ti...
+ "[[XVI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related...
++ "[[Development of a Precise Time and Position Resoluti...
++ "[[Development of the TOF-RPC for the pi20 beamline at...
+ "[[SpinQuest and mini-workshop on related experiments:h...
++ "[[Exclusive Drell-Yan Experiment at J-PARC:https://in...
++ "[[High-momentum beam line and spectrometer status at ...
+ "[[The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)>ht...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of heavy flavor baryons at J-PARC>http...
+ "[[16th Hadron Spectroscopy Cafe "Recent hot topics and...
++ "[[Spectroscopic experiments of charmed and strange ba...
+ "[[Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclus...
++ "[[Physics at the new π20 beamline in J-PARC:https://i...
+ "[[APCTP Workshop on Nuclear Physics 2022: Physics of E...
++ "[[Studies of excited baryons with heavy flavors at J-...
+ "[[新学術領域「宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。 新...
++ "高運動量ハドロンビーム反応測定のための粒子識別検出器...
K. Shirotori
+ "[[RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の次世代データ収集システム...
++ "[[Development of Amp Shaper Discriminator card for dr...
+ "[[Symposium on Korea-Japan collaboration on hadron spe...
++ "Hadron spectroscopy experiments at J-PARC", K. Shirot...
+ [[Reimei Workshop on "Hadrons in dense matter at J-PARC...
++ "Studies of mass modification of the eta'(958) meson i...
+ [[2nd International Workshop on the Extension Project f...
++ "Spectroscopic studies of strange and charmed baryons ...
** 2021 [#d28f1795]
+ [[第7回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.titec...
++ "Study of diquark dynamics in baryon spectroscopy with...
+ [[Light Cone 2021: Physics of Hadrons on the Light Fron...
++ "[[Spectroscopic Study of Quark Dynamics in Baryons at...
+ [[ELPH 研究会 C031「多彩なビーム実験と多様な理論的手法...
++ "[[J-PARCにおける高運動量K中間子ビームによるオメガバリ...
+ [[International Workshop on the Extension Project for t...
++ "[[Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the K10 beamline>https...
+ [[第6回クラスター階層領域研究会>http://be.nucl.ap.titec...
++ "[[排他的ドレルヤン反応を用いた 核子構造研究のための ...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC>
+ [[Strong QCD 2021: Teleworkshop on Strong QCD from Hadr...
++ "[[Heavy-quark baryons>
+ [[Workshop on Physics of Omega Baryons at the J-PARC-K1...
++ "[[Omega-N Scattering Experiment at K10>https://indico...
++ "[[Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the J-PARC K10 Beam Li...
++ "[[K10 beamline facility>
+ [[Domestic Workshop on "Physics at the J-PARC K10 Beam ...
++ "[[Spectrometer for Omega* Spectroscopy>https://indico...
++ "[[Beam Line>
** 2020 [#b7476ae3]
+ [[2nd Deterctor Workshop on Clustering as a window on t...
++ "Detector R&D for new hadron experiment platform at th...
+ Exchange program between SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ...
++ “Hadron Physics at J-PARC”, H. Noumi
+ [[Workshop on "Physics of Heavy-quark and Exotic Hadron...
++ "[[Hadron physics at the J-PARC high-momentum beam lin...
+ [[International symposium on Clustering as a Window on ...
++ "[[Baryon spectroscopy with secondary hadronic beams a...
++ "Development of a high-rate Cherenkov timing counter w...
** 2019 [#n2dbe7be]
+ [[Reimei Symposium on "Synergies in Hadron Physics betw...
++ "[[High-momentum pion beamline at J-PARC and Open Char...
+ [[ELPH 研究会 C024「ハドロン構造における多粒子相関」:ht...
++ "[[Spectroscopy experiment of multi-strangeness baryon...
+ [[The 3rd J-PARC symposium (J-PARC2019):https://j-parc....
++ "[[Hadron spectroscopy with high-momentum hadron beams...
+ [[XVth RECONTRES du VIETNAM “Perspectives in Hadron Phy...
++ "[[Production of charmed baryons at J-PARC:https://dri...
+ [[日本物理学会2019年秋季大会 実験核・素実・理論核合同セ...
++ "[[J-PARC高運動量ビームで探るハドロンの内部構造>http:/...
+ [[第二回クラスター階層領域研究会:http://be.nucl.ap.tite...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of multi-strangeness baryons by using ...
+ [[6th Almaty International Workshop on "Nuclear Physics...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Hadron Beams at J-PARC]]",...
++ "[[The physics E31 experiment to search the Λ(1405) vi...
+ [[Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on the Present and the Fut...
++ "[[Hadron physics with hadron beams at J-PARC]]", H. N...
+ [[The 52nd Reimei Workshop on "Experimental and Theoret...
++ "[[E50 at High-momentum beamline:
** 2018 [#z5f3a3af]
+ [[8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Ph...
++ "[[Experimental study of di-quark correlation by charm...
+ [[RCNP Workshop on "Physics with General Purpose Spectr...
++ "[[overview of J-PARC E50 experiment:https://indico.rc...
++ "[[High-momentum beam line for Secondary beams:https:/...
++ "[[E50 Spectrometer System:
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy:
++ "[[Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction: YN scattering:https://...
++ "[[Kaonic Nuclei:
++ "[[Meson in Nucleus:
++ "[[Nucleon Structure (Drell-Yan):https://indico.rcnp.o...
++ "[[E50 RICH and beam Cherenkov:https://indico.rcnp.osa...
++ "[[Front-end Modules: E50:
++ "[[Streaming DAQ: E50:
+ [[International Workshop on the Project for the Extende...
++ "[[HIHR Beam Line:
++ "[[High-momentum beam line and upgrade plan in the ext...
++ "[[J-PARC E50 Experiment:
** 2017 [#v8eb091a]
+ [[ETC* workshop on "Dilepton Productions with Meson and...
++ "Charm Physics with Meson Beam at J-PARC", H. Noumi (T...
+ [[6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Phys...
++ "Strange and Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. ...
+ [[International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics...
++ "[[Analysis status of the d(K-,n)pi+ Sigma-+ and d(K-,...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy Flavors at J-PARC:ht...
+ [[Workshop on "Structures and Interactions of Heavy Qua...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon by using hadron beam...
+ [[KEK theory center workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Phys...
++ "[[Charmed-hadron Physics and Physics of Hadron-hall e...
** 2016 [#s604043b]
+ [[The 10th APCTP-BLTP/JINR-RCNP-RIKEN Joint Workshop on...
++ "[Exploring diquark correlations by charmed baryon spe...
+ [[The 34th Reimei WorkShop "Physics of Heavy-Ion Collis...
++ "[[Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy via the (pi,D*-) reacti...
+ [[The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Ph...
++ "[[Experimental investigation for diquark degrees of f...
++ "[[Physics in J-PARC Hadron-hall extension>http://indi...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon at the J-PARC high-m...
+ [[Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab Workshop (KL20...
++ "[[Hadron Physics with High-momentum Hadron Beams at J...
+ [[The 31st Reimei WorkShop on Hadron Physics in Extreme...
++ "[[Charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PAR...
** 2015 [#f2616bd8]
+ [[XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryon resonances at J-PARC...
+ [[The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and...
++ "[[Strange and charm hadron physics at J-PARC>http://w...
+ [[The 9th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop on "Modern Pro...
++ "[[New Platform for Hadron Physics at RCNP>http://www....
+ [[日本物理学会第70回年次大会 実験核・理論核・素実 合同...
++ "[[J-PARC高運動量ハドロンビームで探るハドロンダイナミ...
+ [[KEK theory center Workshop on "Hadron physics with hi...
++ "[[Charmed hadron experiments at J-PARC>http://www.rcn...
+ [[Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015 Sympoium:...
++ "[[Hadron spectroscopy at the J-PARC high-momentum bea...
** 2014 [#teb099e9]
+ [[Workshop on "Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 201...
++ "[[Experiments of Charmed Baryons at J-PARC>http://j-p...
+ [[Workshop on "Charmed Hadron and Nuclear Physics:http:...
++ "[[Heavy Baryon Spectroscopy via Meson-Baryon Collisio...
+ [[4th Joint Meeting of the NP Divs of the APS and JPS M...
++ "[[Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy flavors at J-PARC>ht...
+ [[2rd International Symposium on "Science at J-PARC":ht...
++ "[[Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy Experiment at J-PARC>ht...
+ [[3rd International Workshop on "State of the Art in Nu...
++ "[[Spectroscopy of charmed baryons at the J-PARC high...
+ [[Hadron Physics Symposium:
++ "[[Hadron Spectroscopy with high-momentum secondary be...
+ [[KEK theory center Workshop on J-PARC Hadron Physics:h...
++ "[[Charmed Hadron Experiments at J-PARC>http://www.rcn...
** 2013 [#mf67785a]
+ [[8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov ...
++ "[[Development of PID counter for charmed baryon spect...
+ [[XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (H...
++ "[[Spectroscopic study of charmed baryons at J-PARC:ht...
++ "[[Spectrometer for the charmed baryon spectroscopy ex...
+ [[The Seventh Symposium on chiral symmetry in Hadron an...
++ "[[Future Projects at J-PARC::
+ [[International Conference on Structure of Baryons:http...
++ "[[Charmed baryons and future project at JPARC:https:/...
** 2012 [#dabfd3d1]
+ [[The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body P...
++ "[[Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC:https://www....