] [
* Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC [#qb249ac2]
//あなたのサイトに合わせ、自由に編集してください :) ((安...
** Introduction [#b312ab47]
- How hadrons are formed?
~This is a fundamental question in hadron physics.
Quarks are thought to be more fundamental ingredient of h...
The principle to describe the dynamics of quarks is known...
~The constituent quark model (CQM) treats "dressed quark"...
But the CQM sometimes fails in excited states. There rema...
The mass order of resonances, '''i.e.''' the N*(1440)1/2+...
These suggest that hadrons can have rich structure beyond...
Through studies of hadrons, we can clarify a mystery of t...
- Why charmed baryons?
In order to answer the above-mentioned questions in hadro...
In particular, quark-quark correlation, namely diquark co...
In light baryons, where flavor SU(3) symmetry seems to wo...
Extraction of diquark correlation may not be easy.
Magnitude of the color-spin interaction between quarks is...
level structure, production rates, and decay branching ra...
- What we measure/How we measure?
We propose charmed baryon spectroscopy via the (π-, D*...
Charmed baryons with a wide mass range are expected to be...
A high-momentum beam line is being constructed at [[J-PAR...
with p(π-,D*-).
** Collaboration [#i94c0fc6]
-This activity is an international collaborative research...
-The project is based also on the research collaboration ...
** Activity [#q1a25556]
- [[Beam Line]]
- [[Spectrometer]]
-- [[RICH>Spectrometer#RICH]]
-- [[Scintillating Fiber Tracker(SFT)>Spectrometer#SFT]]
- [[DAQ]]
** Event [#m11eb1c4]
- The test experiment, T103, for developing the Streaming...
- We got a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (Kiba...
- RCNP Workshop on "[[Physics with General Purpose Spectr...
- The [[18th J-PARC PAC:
** AWARD: Congratulations! [#q0c80441]
- Yuta Kimura won [[the student Presentation Award of the...
- Shota Suzuki won the the [[HUA:
- Ryohei Tatsumi won the [[HUA:
- Takaya Akaishi won the [[HUA:
- Takumi Yamaga won the [[HUA:
** Document [#nf811a14]
- [[PAC/Review]]
- [[Conference/Symposium/Workshop]]
- [[Publication]]
- [[Others]]
-- [[thesis>Others#thesis]]
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* Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC [#qb249ac2]
//あなたのサイトに合わせ、自由に編集してください :) ((安...
** Introduction [#b312ab47]
- How hadrons are formed?
~This is a fundamental question in hadron physics.
Quarks are thought to be more fundamental ingredient of h...
The principle to describe the dynamics of quarks is known...
~The constituent quark model (CQM) treats "dressed quark"...
But the CQM sometimes fails in excited states. There rema...
The mass order of resonances, '''i.e.''' the N*(1440)1/2+...
These suggest that hadrons can have rich structure beyond...
Through studies of hadrons, we can clarify a mystery of t...
- Why charmed baryons?
In order to answer the above-mentioned questions in hadro...
In particular, quark-quark correlation, namely diquark co...
In light baryons, where flavor SU(3) symmetry seems to wo...
Extraction of diquark correlation may not be easy.
Magnitude of the color-spin interaction between quarks is...
level structure, production rates, and decay branching ra...
- What we measure/How we measure?
We propose charmed baryon spectroscopy via the (π-, D*...
Charmed baryons with a wide mass range are expected to be...
A high-momentum beam line is being constructed at [[J-PAR...
with p(π-,D*-).
** Collaboration [#i94c0fc6]
-This activity is an international collaborative research...
-The project is based also on the research collaboration ...
** Activity [#q1a25556]
- [[Beam Line]]
- [[Spectrometer]]
-- [[RICH>Spectrometer#RICH]]
-- [[Scintillating Fiber Tracker(SFT)>Spectrometer#SFT]]
- [[DAQ]]
** Event [#m11eb1c4]
- The test experiment, T103, for developing the Streaming...
- We got a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (Kiba...
- RCNP Workshop on "[[Physics with General Purpose Spectr...
- The [[18th J-PARC PAC:
** AWARD: Congratulations! [#q0c80441]
- Yuta Kimura won [[the student Presentation Award of the...
- Shota Suzuki won the the [[HUA:
- Ryohei Tatsumi won the [[HUA:
- Takaya Akaishi won the [[HUA:
- Takumi Yamaga won the [[HUA:
** Document [#nf811a14]
- [[PAC/Review]]
- [[Conference/Symposium/Workshop]]
- [[Publication]]
- [[Others]]
-- [[thesis>Others#thesis]]
//** 練習ページ [#if72ced0]
//- [[SandBox]] -- 編集をお試しください
//- [[InterWikiSandBox]] -- [[InterWiki]]を試してみてくだ...
//** PukiWikiについて [#c2af49f4]
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