2.1 Quark-Hadron Nuclear Physics
1. Dynamics of Heavy-Ion Fusion and Synthesis of Superheavy Elements
Y. Abe
2. Quark-hadron matter with strangeness
T. Endo
3. Vacuum polarization effect in nuclear excitations
A. Haga, H. Toki, S. Tamenaga, and Y. Horikawa
4. Bethe-Salpeter approach for the deuteron with the inclusion of negative energy states
Y. Manabe, A. Hosaka, and H. Toki
6. Role of the explicit tensor correlation in neutron halo nuclei
T. Myo, K. Kato, H. Toki, and K. Ikeda
7. Formation spectra of $\eta$-mesic nuclei by ($\pi^+$, p) reaction at J-PARC and chiral symmetry for baryons
H. Nagahiro, D. Jido, S. Hirenzaki, and E. Oset
8. Formation of $\omega$-mesic nuclei by ($\gamma$, p) reaction
H. Nagahiro, M. Kaskulov, S. Hirenzaki, and E. Oset
9. Electric properties of the nucleon and Roper resonance in a chiral quark-diquark model
K. Nagata, and A. Hosaka
10. Relativistic description of nuclear surface with vacuum fluctuation
N. Nose-Togawa, and H. Toki
11. Role of pion in finite nuclei based on the charge and parity projected chiral mean field model
Y. Ogawa, H. Toki, and S. Tamenaga
12. The hadron properties in the massless sigma model at finite temperature
S. Tamenaga, H. Toki, A. Haga, and Y. Ogawa
13. The effect of renormalization in the massless sigma model for finite nuclei
S. Tamenaga, H. Toki, A. Haga and Y. Ogawa