1. XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron2015), 13-20 Sep., 2015, Newport News, Virginia, USA.
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryon resonances at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  2. The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), 7-12 Sep., 2015, Sendai, Japan.
    1. "Strange and charm hadron physics at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
  3. The 9th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop on "Modern Problems of Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics", 28 June - 3 July, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan
    1. "New Platform for Hadron Physics at RCNP", H. Noumi (invited)
  4. 日本物理学会第70回年次大会 実験核・理論核・素実 合同シンポジウム "多彩な実験プラットフォームによるハドロンの本質的自由度の探求"(in Japanese), 22 Mar, 2015, Waseda, Japan
    1. "J-PARC高運動量ハドロンビームで探るハドロンダイナミクス"(in Japanese), H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  5. KEK theory center Workshop on "Hadron physics with high-momentum hadron beams at J-PARC in 2015", 11-16 Mar, 2015, KEK(Tsukuba), Japan
    1. "Charmed hadron experiments at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  6. Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015 Sympoium, 2-6 Mar, 2015, YKIS, Kyoto, Japan
    1. "Hadron spectroscopy at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)


  1. Workshop on "Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 2014, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2014, Tokai, Japan
    1. "Experiments of Charmed Baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  2. Workshop on "Charmed Hadron and Nuclear Physics, 10-12 Nov, 2014, TITech, Japan
    1. "Heavy Baryon Spectroscopy via Meson-Baryon Collisions", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  3. 4th Joint Meeting of the NP Divs of the APS and JPS Mini-symposium on "Baryons with Spatial and Flavor Excitation I", 7-11 Oct, 2014, Hawaii, USA
    1. "Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy flavors at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  4. 2rd International Symposium on "Science at J-PARC", 12-15 July, 2014, Tsukuba, Japan
    1. "Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy Experiment at J-PARC", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  5. 3rd International Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP3), 26-30 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryons at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  6. Hadron Physics Symposium, 17-19 April, 2014, Nagoya University, Japan
    1. "Hadron Spectroscopy with high-momentum secondary beam", M. Naruki (Invited Talk)
  7. KEK theory center Workshop on J-PARC Hadron Physics, 10-12 Feb, 2014, Tokai, Japan
    1. "Charmed Hadron Experiments at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)


  1. 8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2013), 2-6 Dec, 2013, Hayama, Japan
    1. "Development of PID counter for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC", T. Yamaga (Poster)
  2. XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, 4-8 Nov, 2013, Nara, Japan
    1. "Spectroscopic study of charmed baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
    2. "Spectrometer for the charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  3. The Seventh Symposium on chiral symmetry in Hadron and Nuclei, 27-30 Oct, 2013, Beihang Univ. Beijing, China
    1. "Future Projects at J-PARC:", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
  4. International Conference on Structure of Baryons, 24-28 Jun, 2013, Glasgow, Scotland
    1. "Charmed baryons and future project at JPARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)


  1. The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, 20-25 Aug, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan
    1. "Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)

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