
** &aname(BLlayout){Beam Line Layout}; [#u08c4329]
** &aname(BLlayout);Beam Line Layout [#u08c4329]
[[to Page Top>Beam Line#top]]

- Plan view of the high momentum secondary beam line.~

-Schematic layout of the beam optical elements.~

** &aname(optics){Beam Optics}; [#y80436a5]
** &aname(optics);Beam Optics [#y80436a5]
[[to Page Top>Beam Line#top]]

- Beam envelope, calculated by TRANSPORT.~

- Correlation of a beam position with a momentum at the dispersive focul plane, calculated by Visual TURTLE.~

** &aname(intensity){Expected Beam Intensity}; [#l6e60fa3]
** &aname(intensity);Expected Beam Intensity [#l6e60fa3]
[[to Page Top>Beam Line#top]]

- Calculated by using the Sanford-Wang formula.
-- Assuming 15 kW loss on Pt, Acceptance: 1.5 msr%, Total Length: 133.2 m

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