*Presentations in 2010 [#g371dc0e]
**International Conference [#a44378ca]
--Title: Hadron structure with coexistence of single particle and collective states.
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: International workshop "HNP11", Pohang, Korea, February 21, 2010.

--Title: K* photoproduction with Regge approach.
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka
--Place and date: CHIRAL10, Valencia, Spain, 2010 June 21-24.

--Title: Algebraic aspects of chiral symmetry.
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: International workshop "Chiral10", Valencia University, Spain, June 21-24, 2010.

--Title: Nucleon resonances from three-hadron dynamics.
--Author: Kanchan Khemchandani
--Place and date: International workshop "Chiral10", Valencia University, Spain, June 21-24, 2010.

--Title: Structure of resonances in hadron scattering.
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: WS on "Bound states from QCD", ECT*, Italy, August 2, 1010.

--Title: Structure of resonances, single particle vs collective (cluster)", International Symposium.
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: "Nuclear Physics in Asia", October 14, 2010, Beihang Univ, China.

--Title: Vector meson baryon interaction to study dynamical generation of resonances.
--Author: Kanchan Khemchandani
--Place and date: "Baryons 2010", December 07, 2010, Osaka, Japan.

--Title:Two-color PNJL model and equation of state of hadrons at finite temperature and density
--Author:S. Imai, H. Toki, W. Weise
--Place and date:"Baryons'10" at Osaka Univ. 2010, 12, 10

**Poster presentation [#j72ebcbf]
--Title: Relativistic Hartree-Fock model with realistic NN interaction for asymmetric nuclear matter.
--Author: Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, Wu Wen and Hong Shen
--Place and date: International symposium on "Forefronts of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures", March 1-4, 2010, Hotel BELNATIO, Tokamachi, Niigata.

--Title: The neutron-rich matter in relativistic Hartree-Fock model with Bare NN interaction.
--Author: Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, Wu Wen and Hong Shen
--Place and date: The 10th. International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of the Galaxies (OMEG10), March 8-10, 2010, RCNP, Osaka University.

--Title:A Regge approach in K* photoproduction.
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka
--Place and date:INPC2010, TRIUMF at the University of British Columbia, Canada, 2010 July 4-9.

**国内研究会 [#lde667ec]
--Title:Nucleon axial couplings and chiral multiplet mixing.
--Author:保坂 淳、V. Dmitrasinovic, H-X. Chen
--Place and date:日本物理学会, 3月23日、2010年, 岡山大学.

--Title: Regge模型を用いたK*中間子光生成の研究.
--Author: 尾崎翔、永廣秀子、保坂淳
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第65回年次大会、岡山大学、2010年3月20-23日.

--Place and date:日本物理学会第65回年次大会 岡山大学 2010年3月21日

--Title: 核子,ハイペロン核物質の有効質量とハイペロン束縛エネルギーのHV定理について.
--Author:上地T. 舜, 上地宏
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第65回年次大会、岡山大学、2010年3月20-23日.

--Title: Algebraic aspects of chiral symmetry.
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: YITP molecule, EXIHC10, May 27, 2010.

--Title:The admixture states of X(3872).
--Author:尾崎 翔、名和 要武、永廣 秀子、慈道 大介、保坂 淳
--Place and date:日本物理学会秋季大会、九州工業大学、2010年9月11日〜14日.

--Place and date:日本物理学会第65回年次大会 岡山大学 2010年3月21日
--Author:今井匠太朗、土岐博、Wolfram Weise
--Place and date:日本物理学会秋季大会 九州工業大学 2010年9月14日

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