*Presentations in 2008 [#fca9260d]
**International Conference [#i74ff2eb]
--Title:Clustering and deformation in 40Ca
--Author:TANIGUCHI Yasutaka
--Place and date: CNS-RIKEN Joint International Symposium...
--Title:Di-Nucleus Dynamics toward Fusion of Heavy Nuclei
--Author:Y. Abe, C. Shen, G. Kosenko, D. Boilley and B.G....
--Place and date: Cluster08, Strasbourg, May 13-16, 2008
--Title:Molecular Resonances in 26Si + 28Si System ...
--Author:E. Uegaki and Y. Abe
--Place and date:Sotancp, Strasbourg, May 13, 2008
--Title: On the origin of S-wave baryon resonances
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzou, China. June 23 (2008)
--Title:QCD Sum Rule Study of pi1 states
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu ...
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzhou, Chaina, 23-27 June 2008
--Title: Kaon Photoproduction induced by the QCD anomaly
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzhou, Chaina, 23-27 June 2008
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
--Title: Study of exotic baryons through photoproduction
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: Almunecar, Spain, September 25-28, 2008
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
-Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
--Title:Folding model analysis and cluster structure of t...
--Author: M. Takashina
--Place and date: KGU Yokohama Autumn School of Nuclear P...
Title: Multistep effect on the 16O+16O inelastic scatteri...
Author: M. Takashina and Y. Sakuragi
Place and date: Alpha- and Dineutron-Correlation in Nucle...
--Title: Folding model analysis and cluster structure of ...
--Author: M. Takashina
--Place and date: IIAS Nuclear Physics Meeting on "Ab-ini...
--Title: From Di-Nucleus Dynamics to Mono-Nucleus-- Neck ...
--Author:Y. Abe, D. Boilley, C. Shen and B.G. Giraud ...
--Place and date:Japanese-French Symposium on New Paradig...
--Title: Nature of S-wave baryon resonances
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
**Poster presentation [#ef6fc574]
--Title: Chiral Properties of Baryon Fields with Three Li...
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Keitaro Na...
--Place and date: :PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (20...
--Title: Mixing of baryon chiral multiplets [(0,1/2) + (1...
--Author: Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Keitaro Nagata, Atsushi H...
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
--Title: Linear Sigma Model for N(940), Delta(1232) and t...
--Author: Keitaro Nagata, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Atsushi H...
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
**国内研究会 [#f8232ee6]
--Title:12C+12C -> 8Be+16O 反応における分子的共鳴状態
--Author:高階 正彰、伊藤 誠、工藤 善輝、岡部 成玄、櫻木 ...
--Place and date: 原子核の分子的構造と低エネルギー核反応/...
--Title:LM-G行列ポテンシャルを使った single-folding model...
--Author:高階 正彰
--Place and date: 理研ミニワークショップ/理研/2008年7月16...
--Author:高階 正彰、明 孝之、加藤 幾芳
--Place and date: RCNPにおける不安定核の研究/RCNP/2008年8...
--Title:phi meson photoproduction with coupled channel K-...
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 「ストレンジネスで探るクォーク多体系」...
--Title: ハドロン分光
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date:KEKワークショップ 8月7日ー9日、KEK
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date: JPARC-hadron Physics, RIKEN, 9月1−2日
--Title: ハドロンのカイラルパートナーとカイラル対 称性の...
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date: ストレンジネス特定領域研究会、山代 温泉...
**日本物理学会 [#k9ad491b]
--Title:Radiative decays into gamma P of the low lying ax...
--Author:永廣 秀子, Luis Roca, 保坂 淳, Eulogio Oset
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第63回年次大会, 近畿大学, 2...
--Title:Chiral structure of three-quark baryons and their...
--Author:Keitaro Nagata, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Hua-Xing C...
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第63回年次大会, 近畿大学, 2...
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 日本物理学会2008年秋期大会、山形大学、 ...
--Title:The $I^GJ^{PC}=1^-1^{-+}$ Tetraquark States
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu
--Place and date: 日本物理学会2008年秋期大会、山形大学、 ...
--Author: 高階 正彰、櫻木 千典
--Place and date: 日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会/山形大学/20...
--Title:phi meson photoproduction with coupled channel K-...
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 「ストレンジネスで探るクォーク多体系」...
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
**seminar [#uacebd28]
--Title:Radiative decays of the low lying axial-vector me...
--Author:Hideko Nagahiro, Luis Roca, Atsushi Hosaka, Eulo...
--Place and date: IFIC's Seminar, Valencia University, Sp...
--Title:Kaon photoproductions near the threshold region -...
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka (Talk given ...
--Place and date: IFIC's Seminar, Valencia University, Sp...
--Title:Baryonic matter in Holographic QCD
--Author:Kanabu Nawa, Hideo Suganuma, and Toru Kojo
--Place and date: YITP, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 3/6
--Title: From quarks to nuclei with chiral symmetry
--Author: Atsushi hosaka
--Place and date: SINAP, 上海、中国, Dec. 15 (2008)
--Title: From quarks to nuclei with chiral symmetry
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: 上海交通大学、上海、中国, Dec. 17 (2008)
--Title: Kaon photoproductions near the threshold region
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka (talk given...
--Place and date:IFIC, Valencia, March 6 (2008)
--Title:kaon and phi meson photoproduction
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: RCNP Informal Seminar, RCNP Osaka Unive...
--Title: Synthesis of Super-Heavy Elements-- Modern Alche...
--Author: Y. Abe
--Place and date: Huzhou Univ., Nov. 28, 2008
**others [#u3fed29c]
--Title: Visit
--Place and date: KVI, Groningen University, the Netherla...
*Presentations in 2008 [#fca9260d]
**International Conference [#i74ff2eb]
--Title:Clustering and deformation in 40Ca
--Author:TANIGUCHI Yasutaka
--Place and date: CNS-RIKEN Joint International Symposium...
--Title:Di-Nucleus Dynamics toward Fusion of Heavy Nuclei
--Author:Y. Abe, C. Shen, G. Kosenko, D. Boilley and B.G....
--Place and date: Cluster08, Strasbourg, May 13-16, 2008
--Title:Molecular Resonances in 26Si + 28Si System ...
--Author:E. Uegaki and Y. Abe
--Place and date:Sotancp, Strasbourg, May 13, 2008
--Title: On the origin of S-wave baryon resonances
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzou, China. June 23 (2008)
--Title:QCD Sum Rule Study of pi1 states
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu ...
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzhou, Chaina, 23-27 June 2008
--Title: Kaon Photoproduction induced by the QCD anomaly
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka
--Place and date: HNP08, Lanzhou, Chaina, 23-27 June 2008
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
--Title: Study of exotic baryons through photoproduction
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: Almunecar, Spain, September 25-28, 2008
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
-Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
--Title:Folding model analysis and cluster structure of t...
--Author: M. Takashina
--Place and date: KGU Yokohama Autumn School of Nuclear P...
Title: Multistep effect on the 16O+16O inelastic scatteri...
Author: M. Takashina and Y. Sakuragi
Place and date: Alpha- and Dineutron-Correlation in Nucle...
--Title: Folding model analysis and cluster structure of ...
--Author: M. Takashina
--Place and date: IIAS Nuclear Physics Meeting on "Ab-ini...
--Title: From Di-Nucleus Dynamics to Mono-Nucleus-- Neck ...
--Author:Y. Abe, D. Boilley, C. Shen and B.G. Giraud ...
--Place and date:Japanese-French Symposium on New Paradig...
--Title: Nature of S-wave baryon resonances
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
**Poster presentation [#ef6fc574]
--Title: Chiral Properties of Baryon Fields with Three Li...
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Keitaro Na...
--Place and date: :PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (20...
--Title: Mixing of baryon chiral multiplets [(0,1/2) + (1...
--Author: Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Keitaro Nagata, Atsushi H...
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
--Title: Linear Sigma Model for N(940), Delta(1232) and t...
--Author: Keitaro Nagata, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Atsushi H...
--Place and date: PANIC08, Eilat, Israel, Nov. 10-14 (2008)
**国内研究会 [#f8232ee6]
--Title:12C+12C -> 8Be+16O 反応における分子的共鳴状態
--Author:高階 正彰、伊藤 誠、工藤 善輝、岡部 成玄、櫻木 ...
--Place and date: 原子核の分子的構造と低エネルギー核反応/...
--Title:LM-G行列ポテンシャルを使った single-folding model...
--Author:高階 正彰
--Place and date: 理研ミニワークショップ/理研/2008年7月16...
--Author:高階 正彰、明 孝之、加藤 幾芳
--Place and date: RCNPにおける不安定核の研究/RCNP/2008年8...
--Title:phi meson photoproduction with coupled channel K-...
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 「ストレンジネスで探るクォーク多体系」...
--Title: ハドロン分光
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date:KEKワークショップ 8月7日ー9日、KEK
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date: JPARC-hadron Physics, RIKEN, 9月1−2日
--Title: ハドロンのカイラルパートナーとカイラル対 称性の...
--Author: 保坂 淳
--Place and date: ストレンジネス特定領域研究会、山代 温泉...
**日本物理学会 [#k9ad491b]
--Title:Radiative decays into gamma P of the low lying ax...
--Author:永廣 秀子, Luis Roca, 保坂 淳, Eulogio Oset
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第63回年次大会, 近畿大学, 2...
--Title:Chiral structure of three-quark baryons and their...
--Author:Keitaro Nagata, Veljko Dmitrasinovic, Hua-Xing C...
--Place and date: 日本物理学会第63回年次大会, 近畿大学, 2...
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 日本物理学会2008年秋期大会、山形大学、 ...
--Title:The $I^GJ^{PC}=1^-1^{-+}$ Tetraquark States
--Author: Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu
--Place and date: 日本物理学会2008年秋期大会、山形大学、 ...
--Author: 高階 正彰、櫻木 千典
--Place and date: 日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会/山形大学/20...
--Title:phi meson photoproduction with coupled channel K-...
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: 「ストレンジネスで探るクォーク多体系」...
--Title:Inelastic proton scattering and neutron quadrupol...
--Author: M. Takashina and Y. Kanada-En'yo
--Place and date: Frontier in Unstable Nuclear Physics/Ho...
**seminar [#uacebd28]
--Title:Radiative decays of the low lying axial-vector me...
--Author:Hideko Nagahiro, Luis Roca, Atsushi Hosaka, Eulo...
--Place and date: IFIC's Seminar, Valencia University, Sp...
--Title:Kaon photoproductions near the threshold region -...
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka (Talk given ...
--Place and date: IFIC's Seminar, Valencia University, Sp...
--Title:Baryonic matter in Holographic QCD
--Author:Kanabu Nawa, Hideo Suganuma, and Toru Kojo
--Place and date: YITP, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 3/6
--Title: From quarks to nuclei with chiral symmetry
--Author: Atsushi hosaka
--Place and date: SINAP, 上海、中国, Dec. 15 (2008)
--Title: From quarks to nuclei with chiral symmetry
--Author: Atsushi Hosaka
--Place and date: 上海交通大学、上海、中国, Dec. 17 (2008)
--Title: Kaon photoproductions near the threshold region
--Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka (talk given...
--Place and date:IFIC, Valencia, March 6 (2008)
--Title:kaon and phi meson photoproduction
--Author:S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro, A. Hosaka, O. Scholten
--Place and date: RCNP Informal Seminar, RCNP Osaka Unive...
--Title: Synthesis of Super-Heavy Elements-- Modern Alche...
--Author: Y. Abe
--Place and date: Huzhou Univ., Nov. 28, 2008
**others [#u3fed29c]
--Title: Visit
--Place and date: KVI, Groningen University, the Netherla...