Preprints in 2007†
Title: Infrared behavior of the Faddeev-Popov operator in Coulomb gauge QCD
Author: Y. Nakagawa, A. Nakamura, T. Saito, H. Toki
Comments: 10 pages, 10 figures
Appears in: Phys. Rev. D 75, 014508 (2007)
[e-Print: hep-lat/0702002]
Title: Tensor correlation in 4He with the tensor-optimized shell model
Author: Takayuki Myo, Satoru Sugimoto, Kiyoshi Kato Hiroshi Toki and Kiyomi Ikeda
Appears in: Progress of Theoretical Physics 117(2007) pp257-274
Title: Two-nucleon systems in a relativistic Bethe-Salpeter approach
Author: Yuichiro Manabe (RCNP)
Comments: Doctor Thesis, Osaka Univ. (May 2007), 101pages.
[PDF file]
Title: Possible omega bound states in nuclei produced with the (gamma,p) reaction
Author: M. Kaskulov, H. Nagahiro, S. Hirenzaki, E. Oset
Comments: PRC Accepted at 24 May 2007 (RCNP-Th06028)
Appears in: Phys. Rev. C 75, 064616 (2007)
Title: Scalar-quark systems and chimera hadrons in SU(3)c lattice QCD
Author: H. Iida, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Comments: 10 pages, 13 figures
Appears in: Phys. Rev. D 75, 114503 (2007)
Title: Relativistic chiral mean-field model with parity and charge projection for finite nuclei
Author: Yoko Ogawa, Hiroshi Toki, and Setsuo Tamenaga
Comments: 10 pages
Appears in: Phys. Rev. C76, 014305 (2007)
Title: eta-meson photoproduction and N* resonances
Author: Choi Ki-Seok, Nam Seung-il, Hosaka Atsushi and Kim, Hyun-Chul
Title: Reanalysis of muonic 90Zr and 208Pb atoms
Author: Akihiro Haga, Yataro Horikawa, Hiroshi Toki
Appears in: Published in Physical Review C75, 044315 (2007)
Title: Chiral properties of baryon interpolating fields
Author: Keitaro Nagata, Atsushi Hosaka, V. Dmitrasinovic
Comments: 14 pages
[e-Print: arXiv:0705.1896 [hep-ph] ]
Title: Roles of the tensor and pairing correlations on the halo formation in 11Li
Author: Takayuki Myo, Kiyoshi Kato, Hiroshi Toki and Kiyomi Ikeda
Comments: 8 pages
Appears in: Physical Review C76 (2007) 024305
[e-Print: arXiv:0706.2911 ]
Title: Properties of the tensor correlation in neutron halo nuclei
Author: Takayuki Myo, Kiyoshi Kato, Hiroshi Toki and Kiyomi Ikeda
Comments: Proceedings of the 18th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB18)
Appears in: Nuclear Physics A 790 (2007) 311c-314c.
Title: Role of the tensor correlation on the spin-orbit splitting in neutron halo nuclei
Author: Takayuki Myo, Kiyoshi Kato, Hiroshi Toki and Kiyomi Ikeda
Comments: Proceedings of The 17th International Spin Physics Symposium, SPIN2006 (invited in the parallel session)
Appears in: AIP Conference Proceeding 915 (2007) 823-828.
Title: Structure of the Roper Resonance with Diquark Correlations
Author: Keitaro Nagata, Atsushi Hosaka
Comments: 19 pages, 15 figures. To appear in the proceedings of Workshop on Hadronic and Nuclear Physics 2007, Pusan National University, Korea, 22-24 Feb 2007
[e-Print: arXiv:0708.3471 [hep-ph] ]
Title: A new nucleon resonance in $\eta$ photoproduction
Author: Ki-Seok Choi, Seung-Il Nam, Atsushi Hosaka and Hyun-Chul Kim
Comments: Proceedings for the international workshop NSTAR2007 (Sept. 5-8, 2007, Bonn Germany)
Title: Magnetic interaction induced by the anomaly in kaon-photoproduction
Author: Sho Ozaki, Hideko Nagahiro, Atsushi Hosaka
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures
[e-Print: ArXiv:0710.5581 [hep-ph]]
Title: Resonances of 7He using the complex scaling method
Author: Takayuki Myo, Kiyoshi Kato and Kiyomi Ikeda
Comments: 7 pages
Appears in: Physical Review C76 (2007) 054309
[e-Print: arXiv:0710.2945 [nucl-th]]
Title: Formation of deeply bound kaonic atoms in (K-,N) reactions
Author: J. Yamagata, H. Nagahiro, R. Kimura, and S. Hirenzaki
Appears in: Phys. Rev. C 76, 045204 (2007) (10 pages)
[e-Print: arXiv:0708.0459 [nucl-th]]
Title: Role of Chiral Symmetry for Baryons
Author: Atsushi Hosaka, Daisuke Jido and Makoto Oka
Comments: Talk given at 9th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2006), Mainz, Germany, 10-14
Appears in: Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl.168:482-485,2007
[e-Print: ]
Title: Light Scalar Mesons in the QCD Sum Rule
Author:Hua-Xing Chen, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
Comments: Talk given at YKIS Seminar on New Frontiers in QCD: Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter, Kyoto, Japan, 20 Nov - 8 Dec 2006
Appears in: Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl.168:186-189,2007
[e-Print: arXiv:0711.1007 [hep-ph] ]
Title:Measurement of the polarized gamma ---> p ---> K+ Lamda reaction at backward angles
Author:By LEPS Collaboration (K. Hicks et al.). Oct 2007. 6pp
Appears in:Phys.Rev.C76:042201,2007
Title: Exotic hadrons and SU(3) chiral dynamics
Author: Tetsuo Hyodo, Daisuke Jido, Atsushi Hosaka
Comments:Talk given at 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), Julich, Germany, 10-14 Sep 2007
[e-Print: arXiv:0710.2853 [hep-ph] ]
Title:New candidate for an alpha cluster condensed state in 16O(alpha, alpha') at 400 MeV
Author: T.Wakasa, E.Ihara, K.Fujita, Y.Funaki, K.Hatanaka, H.Horiuchi, M.Itoh, J.Kamiya, G.Roepke, H.Sakaguchi, N.Sakamoto, Y.Sakemi, P.Schuck, Y.Shimizu, M.Takashina, S.Terashima, A.Tohsaki, M.Uchida, H.P.Yoshida, and M.Yosoi
Appears in:Phys. Letters B 635 (2007), pp.173 - 177
Title:Clustering and triaxial deformations of 40Ca.
Author:Y.Taniguchi, M.Kimura, Y.Kanada-En'yo, and H.Horiuchi
Appears in: Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007), pp.044317, 1 - 10
Title:Alpha particle condensation in nuclear systems
Author:Y.Funaki, H.Horiuchi, G.Roepke, P.Schuck, A.Tohsaki, and T.Yamada
Appears in: Nucl. Phys. News 17(04) (2007), pp.11 - 18
Title:Clustering in Neutron-rich Nuclei
Author:H. Horiuchi
Appears in:Proc. 3rd ANL/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop, Opportunities with Exotic Beams, ANL (2006), edited by Thomas Duguet, Henning Esbensen,Kenneth M Nollett, and Craig D Roberts, Proceedings from the Institute for Nuclear Theory Vol.15, ( World Scientific, 2007 ), pp.101 - 105
Author: 堀内昶
Appears in: 日本物理学会誌 Vol.62 No.10 (2007), pp.789 - 791
Title:Non-Markovian diffusion over a parabolic potential barrier : influence of the friction-memory function
Author: B. Yilmaz, S. Ayik, Y. Abe, and D. Boilley
Comments: Results by collaborations at RCNP in 2006
Appears in: Phys. Rev. E77, 1(2008)
Title:Bottom baryons.
Author: Xiang Liu, Hua-Xing Chen, Yan-Rui Liu, Atsushi Hosaka, Shi-Lin Zhu
Appears in: Phys.Rev.D77:014031,2008
[e-Print: arXiv:0710.0123 [hep-ph] ]
Title: Anomalous contributions in kaon-photoproductions
Author: S. Ozaki, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka
Appears in: Proceedings for the Strangeness workshop, Akiu,November 26-28, 2007
Last-modified: 2011-07-22 (金) 14:57:52