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Persistent Decoupling of Valence Neutrons Toward the Dripline:Study of $^{20}$C by $\gamma$ Spectroscopy
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$|V_{ub}|$ from Exclusive Semileptonic $B\rightarrow\rho$ Decays
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Extended Relativistic Chiral Mean Field Model for Nuclear Matter
Coulomb Breakup Reactions in Complex-Scaled Solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger Equation
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Scalar, Axial-vector, and Tensor Resonances from the $\rho{}D^{*}$, $\omega{}D^{*}$ Interaction in the Hidden Gauge Formalism
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One-neutron Removal Strength of $^7$He into $^6$He Using the Complex Scaling Method
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Tensor-optimized Shell Model with Bare Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction for $^4$He
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Hidden Gauge Formalism for the Radiative Decays of Axial-vector Mesons
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Contribution of Two-Boson-Exchange with $\Delta$(1232) Excitation to Parity-Violating Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering
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Coulomb-gauge Ghost and Gluon Propagators in SU(3) Lattice Yang-Mills Theory
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Skyrmions with Holography and Hidden Local Symmetry
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Relativistic Description of Semi-Infinite Nuclear Matter with Vacuum Polarization
Y. Ogawa, H. Toki, S. Tamenaga and A. Haga
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Relativistic Chiral Mean Field Model for Finite Nuclei
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Coupled-channel Analysis for $\phi$ Photoproduction with $\Lambda (1520)$
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Gauge Invariance of Color Confinement Due to the Dual Meissner Effect Caused by Abelian Monopoles
M. Takashina and Y. Sakuragi
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Multistep Effect in $^{16}$O+$^{16}$O Inelastic Scattering
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Low-lying States in $^{32}$Mg Studied by Proton Inelastic Scattering
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Three Conductor Transmission Line Theory and Origin of Electromagnetic Radiation and Noise
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Fixed Scale Approach to Equation of State in Lattice QCD