Haruki Yamaura

Haruki Yamaura
Department of chemistry, Graduate school of science

I specialize in synthetic organic chemistry, natural products chemistry, and bioorganic chemistry. I usually synthesize immunostimulatory compounds and evaluate their functions. Furthermore, I focus on the immune effects during radiation therapy, and investigate the combined use of targeted alpha therapy and immunotherapy.

The reason I applied for PQBA was because I thought I would have the opportunity to interact with researchers in other fields. Actually, with the support of this program, I was able to conduct research training for about two months in a non-specialized laboratory. In the training, I was able to learn the way of thinking of research and the principle of experimentation in different fields, and gained valuable experience. In addition, PQBA actively holds exchange meetings with students from various fields, and by listening to the opinions of non-specialized researchers, it is possible to have a bird's-eye view.

In the future, I would like to elucidate various biological phenomena and create pharmaceuticals through chemistry, and for that purpose, I would like to advance my research by one by one.