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Annual Report 2020

         Director's Greetings

RCNP Director Takashi Nakano

         2020 Highlights


■Formation of α clusters in heavy nuclei probed by the (p, pα) reaction

Upgrade of the accelerator facility in 2020

■Installation of a pulse laser at the LEPS beamline

■Development of RICH detector for Secondary Beam Particles at J-PARC High-momentum Beamline


Pc pentaquarks in a hybrid model of chiral and quark dynamics

■Theoretical and numerical study of QCD phase –What do high energy nuclear experiments tell us?

          International Joint Usage/Research Projects

Joint Usage Program

Joint Research Program: COREnet

RCNP Workshop

       Research Report


         Conference, Workshop and Colloquia


         Back Number

RCNP Annual Report 2020 editors
    Kazuyuki OGATA (Chief Editor), Atsushi HOSAKA, Tatsushi SHIMA, Tomoaki HOTTA, Tetsuhiko YORITA, Sachiko KARASUYAMA
     contact: annurep_at_rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp

10-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047

©2015 Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University