The deadline for applications to the IPC for enrollment in April or October 2025 was in November 2024. We may advertise another call for applications at the end of April 2025, for enrollment in October 2025.
If you plan to apply, keep in mind that the first thing applicants must do is selecting the research group(s) they want to work in and contact the professor(s) of the group(s) in order to obtain a "Letter of Conditional Acceptance". The first contact should happen as soon as possible and at the latest four weeks before the application deadline. The list of groups is found
here and
Please contact us if you have any question or need help in contacting the professors.
Information about further calls for applications
Note that the application schedule, guidelines and deadlines change
every year, but usually we have two calls for applications for the
Master's and Ph.D. programs, with deadlines in November (for
enrollment in April or October of the following year) and in
June (for enrollment in October of the same year). The official
guidelines are usually published in April and September on the website
of the Graduate School of Science of Osaka University:
Note that only the official guidelines contain reliable information and
the dates mentioned on this webpage are only approximate and subject to change.
Additional material
Examination questions assigned in previous years can be found below:
Entrance examination 2010
Entrance examination 2011
Entrance examination 2013
Entrance examination 2014
In recent years we often assign questions about statistical mechanics, like
this, rather than about classical thermodynamics.