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&mathjax(font-size: 80%); 

*News [#news]

-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-18)~
Some new input samples and external files are uploaded on [[the A3F-CNSSS20 room>A3F-CNSSS20]].
-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-15)~
&color(red){Please re-download [[pikoe1.f90>#latest]] to properly perform the momentum distribution calculation (when IVAR=9).}; The result of the test below is not affected at all by this change.
-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-07)~
Please complete the following test by the summer school. Because I must concentrate on the preparation for my lecture, I will not be able to respond to any question/request for a while. Thank you for your kind understanding. (K. Ogata)
++Read this page carefully.
++Download pikoe1.f90, FLtbl_rede.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat, EDAD1p11B_e.dat, and 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt.
++Compile pikoe1.f90 and run the executable file with redirecting 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt.
++See tbl_12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.dat and plot "tdx" as a function of "th2l" given in the file.
++You will get a result like &ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.pdf,this);. (Experimental data are also plotted in the figure.)
-Site opened (2020-08-07)
-[[Past News>past]]

*What's this page? [#intro]

A computer code "pikoe" for proton-induced knock-out reaction calculations for exclusive processes can be downloaded from this page. Some instruction, updates, and FAQ are also available here.

*About the program [#program]

***Language [#lang]
Fortran 90 (complete program).

***Notice [#notice]
Copyright belongs to the following persons. &color(red){Please do not redistribute the files or make them public};.
-Kazuyuki Ogata (RCNP, Osaka U / Osaka City U)
-Kazuki Yoshida (ASRC, JAEA / RCNP, Osaka U)
-Yoshiki Chazono (RCNP, Osaka U)

&color(red){If you present or publish results obtained by pikoe, please cite it as follows.};~

 K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, computer program pikoe (unpublished).

We are planning to publish pikoe in Computer Physics Communications. Once it is done, we announce it on this page.

***Usage [#usage]

+Prepare an input file (a manual and samples are given below) and, if necessary, external file(s).
+Compile pikoe1.f90~
In some cases, you may need to put an option (see below).
+Run pikoe1 with redirecting the input file. For example,
 pikoe1 < 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt
In some environment, you must type
 ./pikoe1 < ./12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt

***Error! [#error]

If pikoe does not run successfully, try the following.
-Read carefully the output. In many cases, the reason for the error is given. Correct your input file and/or external file(s) accordingly.
--If it is written that the size of an array is not enough, you need to change the parameter(s) given in "module dims" in the source file.
-Put a compiler option that specifies SAVE statement for every local variable and array.
--gfortran: -fno-automatic
--ifort: -save (Unix/Linux/OS X) or /Qsave (Windows)
-Make stacksize larger.
--On the RCNP high-performance computing system, you can put
 ulimit -s unlimited
in your batch file.
--If you use Intel compiler on windows, you can add
 -link /stack:***
when you compile pikoe1.f90 (*** is the stacksize in bytes).

*Download [#dl]

***Latest version [#latest]

-&ref(files/pikoe1.f90, pikoe1.f90); (2020/08/15)~
source file of pikoe version 1~
&color(red){NOTE: The 200807 version was found not to calculate the &mathjax{d\sigma/dP_x}; and &mathjax{d\sigma /dP_{\rm tot}};, which has been corrected in the 200815 version. This bug-fix does not affect any numerical result you obtained with the 200805 version. For this reason, we have decided not to give a different version # to the revised source code. Thank you.};

//***Old versions [#old]

***Manual for input [#man]

-&ref(files/manual_pikoe1.txt, manual_pikoe1.txt); (2020/08/07)~
input manual
***Input samples [#input]

-&ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt, 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt); (2020/08/07)~
&mathjax{^{12}{\rm C}(p,2p){}^{11}{\rm B}_{\rm g.s.}}; at 392 MeV kinematics1, Dirac phenomenology for proton optical potential, Franey-Love NN effective interaction. Needs nnampFL.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat, and EDAD1p11B_e.dat.
-&ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt, 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt); (2020/08/07)~
Same as above but with cross-section factorization. Needs FLtbl_rede.dat instead of nnampFL.dat.

***External files [#ext]

-&ref(files/FLtbl_rede.dat, FLtbl_rede.dat); (2020/08/07)~
NN cross section with the Franey-Love effective interaction
-&ref(files/nnampFL.dat, nnampFL.dat); [''48MB''] / &ref(files/,; [zipped]: (2020/08/07)~
NN amplitude with the Franey-Love effective interaction
-&ref(files/EDAD1p12C_e.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat); (2020/08/07)~
proton optical potential on &mathjax{^{12}{\rm C}}; at 392 MeV with the Dirac phenomenology (EDAD1, reduced-energy)
-&ref(files/EDAD1p11B_e.dat, EDAD1p11B_e.dat); (2020/08/07)~
proton optical potential on &mathjax{^{11}{\rm B}}; from 5 MeV to 390 MeV with the Dirac phenomenology (EDAD1, reduced energy)
*Contact [#contact]

If you have questions, bug report, and request, please contact us with

-Because we will not have enough time to reply, you are strongly encouraged to read all the documents on this page and [[FAQ>FAQ]]. If an answer is given in the documents/[[FAQ>FAQ]], we may not even reply to your e-mail, sorry.
-We basically welcome your request. However, it will totally be up to our availability. Please be patient.

***FAQ [#me901dee]
FAQ are listed [[here>FAQ]].

*References [#ref]
-DWIA framework~
T. Wakasa, K. Ogata, and T. Noro, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. ''96'', 32 (2017); see Sec. 3.1 in particular.
-Franey-Love nucleon-nucleon effective interaction~
M. A. Franey and W. G. Love, Phys. Rev. C ''31'', 488 (1985).
-Dirac phenomenology~
S. Hama, B. C. Clark, E. D. Cooper, H. S. Sherif, and R. L. Mercer, Phys. Rev. C ''41'', 2737 (1990).~
E. D. Cooper, S. Hama, B. C. Clark, and R. L. Mercer, Phys. Rev. C ''47'', 297 (1993).
-Nonlocality correction for nucleon~
F. Perey and B. Buck, Nucl. Phys. ''32'', 353 (1962).
-M淡ller factor~
C. M淡ller, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selsbak,Mat-fys. Medd. ''23'', 1 (1945).~
A. K. Kerman, H. Mc&mathjax{\rm };Manus, and R. M. Thaler, Ann. Phys. (NY) ''8'', 551 (1959).