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&mathjax(font-size: 80%); 

*News [#news]

-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-18)~
Some new input samples and external files are uploaded on [[the A3F-CNSSS20 room>A3F-CNSSS20]].
-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-15)~
&color(red){Please re-download [[pikoe1.f90>#latest]] to properly perform the momentum distribution calculation (when IVAR=9).}; The result of the test below is not affected at all by this change.
-''To the participants of A3F-CNSSS20'' (2020-08-07)~
Please complete the following test by the summer school. Because I must concentrate on the preparation for my lecture, I will not be able to respond to any question/request for a while. Thank you for your kind understanding. (K. Ogata)
++Read this page carefully.
++Download pikoe1.f90, FLtbl_rede.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat, EDAD1p11B_e.dat, and 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt.
++Compile pikoe1.f90 and run the executable file with redirecting 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt.
++See tbl_12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.dat and plot "tdx" as a function of "th2l" given in the file.
++You will get a result like &ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.pdf,this);. (Experimental data are also plotted in the figure.)
-Site opened (2020-08-07)
-Site renewed (2023-09-28)
-[[Past News>past]]

*What's this page? [#intro]

A computer code "pikoe" for proton-induced knock-out reaction calculations for exclusive processes can be downloaded from this page. Some instruction, updates, and FAQ are also available here.

*About the program [#program]

***Language [#lang]
Fortran 90 (complete program).

***Notice [#notice]
Copyright belongs to the following persons. &color(red){Please do not redistribute the files or make them public};.
-Kazuyuki Ogata (RCNP, Osaka U / Osaka City U)
-Kazuki Yoshida (ASRC, JAEA / RCNP, Osaka U)
-Yoshiki Chazono (RCNP, Osaka U)
-Kazuyuki Ogata (Kyushu U / RCNP, Osaka U)
-Kazuki Yoshida (ASRC, JAEA)
-Yoshiki Chazono (RIKEN Nishina Center)

&color(red){If you present or publish results obtained by pikoe, please cite it as follows.};~

 K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, computer program pikoe (unpublished).
 K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, computer program pikoe, arXiv:******.

We are planning to publish pikoe in Computer Physics Communications. Once it is done, we announce it on this page.
We have submitted pikoe (a program package and document) to Computer Physics Communications. Once it is accepted/open, we announce it on this page.

***Usage [#usage]

+Prepare an input file (a manual and samples are given below) and, if necessary, external file(s).
+Compile pikoe1.f90~
In some cases, you may need to put an option (see below).
+Run pikoe1 with redirecting the input file. For example,
 pikoe1 < 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt
In some environment, you must type
 ./pikoe1 < ./12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt

***Error! [#error]

If pikoe does not run successfully, try the following.
-Read carefully the output. In many cases, the reason for the error is given. Correct your input file and/or external file(s) accordingly.
--If it is written that the size of an array is not enough, you need to change the parameter(s) given in "module dims" in the source file.
-Put a compiler option that specifies SAVE statement for every local variable and array.
--gfortran: -fno-automatic
--ifort: -save (Unix/Linux/OS X) or /Qsave (Windows)
-Make stacksize larger.
--On the RCNP high-performance computing system, you can put
--For example, on the RCNP high-performance computing system, you can put
 ulimit -s unlimited
in your batch file.
--If you use Intel compiler on windows, you can add
 -link /stack:***
 /link /stack:***
when you compile pikoe1.f90 (*** is the stacksize in bytes).

*Download [#dl]

***Latest version [#latest]

-&ref(files/pikoe1.f90, pikoe1.f90); (2020/08/15)~
-&ref(files/pikoe1.f90, pikoe1.f90); (2023/09/28)~
source file of pikoe version 1~
&color(red){NOTE: The 200807 version was found not to calculate the &mathjax{d\sigma/dP_x}; and &mathjax{d\sigma /dP_{\rm tot}};, which has been corrected in the 200815 version. This bug-fix does not affect any numerical result you obtained with the 200805 version. For this reason, we have decided not to give a different version # to the revised source code. Thank you.};

//***Old versions [#old]

***Manual for input [#man]

-&ref(files/manual_pikoe1.txt, manual_pikoe1.txt); (2020/08/07)~
-&ref(files/manual_pikoe1.txt, manual_pikoe1.txt); (2023/09/28)~
input manual
***Input samples [#input]

-&ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt, 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt); (2020/08/07)~
&mathjax{^{12}{\rm C}(p,2p){}^{11}{\rm B}_{\rm g.s.}}; at 392 MeV kinematics1, Dirac phenomenology for proton optical potential, Franey-Love NN effective interaction. Needs nnampFL.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat, and EDAD1p11B_e.dat.
-&ref(files/12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt, 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1_cs.cnt); (2020/08/07)~
Same as above but with cross-section factorization. Needs FLtbl_rede.dat instead of nnampFL.dat.
***Input and output samples (zipped package) [#input]

-&ref(files/readme.txt, readme.txt); (2023/09/28)~
-&ref(files/,; (2023/09/28)

***External files [#ext]

-&ref(files/FLtbl_rede.dat, FLtbl_rede.dat); (2020/08/07)~
NN cross section with the Franey-Love effective interaction
-&ref(files/nnampFL.dat, nnampFL.dat); [''48MB''] / &ref(files/,; [zipped]: (2020/08/07)~
NN amplitude with the Franey-Love effective interaction
-&ref(files/EDAD1p12C_e.dat, EDAD1p12C_e.dat); (2020/08/07)~
proton optical potential on &mathjax{^{12}{\rm C}}; at 392 MeV with the Dirac phenomenology (EDAD1, reduced-energy)
-&ref(files/EDAD1p11B_e.dat, EDAD1p11B_e.dat); (2020/08/07)~
proton optical potential on &mathjax{^{11}{\rm B}}; from 5 MeV to 390 MeV with the Dirac phenomenology (EDAD1, reduced energy)
*Contact [#contact]

If you have questions, bug report, and request, please contact us with
If you have questions, bug report, or request, please contact us with

-Because we will not have enough time to reply, you are strongly encouraged to read all the documents on this page and [[FAQ>FAQ]]. If an answer is given in the documents/[[FAQ>FAQ]], we may not even reply to your e-mail, sorry.
-Because we may not have enough time to reply, you are strongly encouraged to read all the documents and [[FAQ>FAQ]]. If an answer is given in the documents/[[FAQ>FAQ]], we may not even reply to your e-mail, sorry.
-We basically welcome your request. However, it will totally be up to our availability. Please be patient.

***FAQ [#me901dee]
FAQ are listed [[here>FAQ]].

*References [#ref]
-DWIA framework~
T. Wakasa, K. Ogata, and T. Noro, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. ''96'', 32 (2017); see Sec. 3.1 in particular.
-Franey-Love nucleon-nucleon effective interaction~
M. A. Franey and W. G. Love, Phys. Rev. C ''31'', 488 (1985).
-Dirac phenomenology~
S. Hama, B. C. Clark, E. D. Cooper, H. S. Sherif, and R. L. Mercer, Phys. Rev. C ''41'', 2737 (1990).~
E. D. Cooper, S. Hama, B. C. Clark, and R. L. Mercer, Phys. Rev. C ''47'', 297 (1993).
-Nonlocality correction for nucleon~
F. Perey and B. Buck, Nucl. Phys. ''32'', 353 (1962).
-M淡ller factor~
C. M淡ller, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selsbak,Mat-fys. Medd. ''23'', 1 (1945).~
A. K. Kerman, H. Mc&mathjax{\rm };Manus, and R. M. Thaler, Ann. Phys. (NY) ''8'', 551 (1959).
*Reference [#ref]
-K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, arXiv:******. and the references cited therein.