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&mathjax(font-size: 80%); 

*News [#news]

-Site renewed (2023-09-28)
-[[Past News>past]]

*What's this page? [#intro]

A computer code "pikoe" for proton-induced knock-out reaction calculations for exclusive processes can be downloaded from this page. Some instruction, updates, and FAQ are also available here.

*About the program [#program]

***Language [#lang]
Fortran 90 (complete program).

***Notice [#notice]
Copyright belongs to the following persons. &color(red){Please do not redistribute the files or make them public};.
-Kazuyuki Ogata (Kyushu U / RCNP, Osaka U)
-Kazuki Yoshida (ASRC, JAEA)
-Yoshiki Chazono (RIKEN Nishina Center)

&color(red){If you present or publish results obtained by pikoe, please cite it as follows.};~

 K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, computer program pikoe, arXiv:******.

We have submitted pikoe (a program package and document) to Computer Physics Communications. Once it is accepted/open, we announce it on this page.

***Usage [#usage]

+Prepare an input file (a manual and samples are given below) and, if necessary, external file(s).
+Compile pikoe1.f90~
In some cases, you may need to put an option (see below).
+Run pikoe1 with redirecting the input file. For example,
 pikoe1 < 12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt
In some environment, you must type
 ./pikoe1 < ./12Cp2p11Bgs_set1.cnt

***Error! [#error]

If pikoe does not run successfully, try the following.
-Read carefully the output. In many cases, the reason for the error is given. Correct your input file and/or external file(s) accordingly.
--If it is written that the size of an array is not enough, you need to change the parameter(s) given in "module dims" in the source file.
-Put a compiler option that specifies SAVE statement for every local variable and array.
--gfortran: -fno-automatic
--ifort: -save (Unix/Linux/OS X) or /Qsave (Windows)
-Make stacksize larger.
--For example, on the RCNP high-performance computing system, you can put
 ulimit -s unlimited
in your batch file.
--If you use Intel compiler on windows, you can add
 /link /stack:***
when you compile pikoe1.f90 (*** is the stacksize in bytes).

*Download [#dl]

***Latest version [#latest]

-&ref(files/pikoe1.f90, pikoe1.f90); (2023/09/28)~
source file of pikoe version 1~

//***Old versions [#old]

***Manual for input [#man]

-&ref(files/manual_pikoe1.txt, manual_pikoe1.txt); (2023/09/28)~
input manual

***Input and output samples (zipped package) [#input]

-&ref(files/readme.txt, readme.txt); (2023/09/28)~
-&ref(files/,; (2023/09/28)

*Contact [#contact]

If you have questions, bug report, or request, please contact us with

-Because we may not have enough time to reply, you are strongly encouraged to read all the documents and [[FAQ>FAQ]]. If an answer is given in the documents/[[FAQ>FAQ]], we may not even reply to your e-mail, sorry.
-We basically welcome your request. However, it will totally be up to our availability. Please be patient.

***FAQ [#me901dee]
FAQ are listed [[here>FAQ]].

*Reference [#ref]
-K. Ogata, K. Yoshida, and Y. Chazono, arXiv:******. and the references cited therein.