Cyclotoron Facility > About RCNP Cyclotron Facility > Beamlines and experimental devices > White neutron irradiation facility


WN course [White neutron irradiation facility]


  • Introduction
  • Specification
  • Layout
  • Publication List

The white neutron irradiation facility at RCNP provides suitable experimental circumstances for testing single-event effects (SEE) in semiconductor devices for the neutron energy range from 1 to 300 MeV. The neutron is produced using a 392-MeV proton beam incident on a 6.5-cm-thick tungsten target. The neutron spectrum obtained by time-of-flight measurements reproduces the terrestrial neutron flux distribution at sea level while its intensity is higher by a factor of 1.5 × 108. The average neutron intensity and spectrum in the energy region from 10 to 100 MeV were almost the same as those at the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR). The neutron density per pulse at RCNP, which is around 500 times lower than that for WNR, has the advantage in reduction of the pileup probability of single-event transient currents and false multiple-bit upsets. Such conditions at RCNP are suitable for accelerated SEE testing to get meaningful results in a realistic time frame.


For more technial information, please refere to the following paper.

Y. Iwamoto et al., " Evaluation of the white neutron beam spectrum for SEE testing at the RCNP cyclotron facility",
Nuclear Technology, Vol.173, pp.210-217 (2011)

The energy spectrum of the neutrons obtained at RCNP white neutron source facility




〒567-0047 大阪府茨木市美穂ヶ丘10-1

©2015 Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University