General Assembly in JFY2017, March 22, 2018, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan
HUAGeneralAssembly-Mar2018.pdf [957KB]
Report from Facility
Report from DAQ working group [172KB]
General Assembly in JFY2016, March 17, 2017, Osaka Univ. Japan
HUAGeneralAssembly-Mar2017.pdf [294KB]
Report from Facility [2847KB]
Report from DAQ working group [102KB]
General Assembly in JFY2015, March 19, 2016,
Tohoku-Gakuin Univ. Japan
HUAGeneralAssembly-Mar2016.pdf [586KB]
General Assembly in JFY2014, March 21, 2015,
Waseda Univ. Japan
HUAGeneralAssembly-Mar2015.pdf [661KB]
FY2008HUA_GAeng.pdf [333KB]
Report from the Secretariat at the HUA General Assembly, March 26, 2009.
HUAGeneralAssembly-March09rev.pdf [186KB]
the Users' Committee of J-PARC 2008 Mar 17
080317_Tamura.pdf [8.9MB]
the Users' Committee of J-PARC 2008 Jun 26
080626_Tamura.pdf [0.47MB]
HUA Charter
HUACharter-E20071001.pdf [38kB]
HUA bylaws (Updated April 2009)
Bylaws20090401.pdf [15kB]
Meeting minutes of the HUA general assembly at Hokkaido (23 Sep 2007)
Minutes20070923.pdf [30kB]
v6.pdf [21MB]
HUA flier to look on a screen
v6_forweb.pdf [1.7MB]