Information (old announcements)
HUA General Assembly in JFY2022 at JPS Spring meeting
Performance evaluation of a threshold-type Cherenkov detector using low index aerogel.
Author: Ryohei Tatsumi (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Development of a scintillating fiber detector for beam tracking in a $\Lambda p$ scattering experiment at J-PARC
Author: Shunsuke Wada (Tohoku University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Feasibility study for measurement of beta-decay rates of $\Lambda$ hypernuclei
Author: Kento Kamada (Tohoku University)
Thesis (in English)
HUA meeting at JPS Fall meeting
(January 6, 2021)
HUA meeting was held online on September 14, 2020 during JPE meeeingAgenda etc.. (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
Report from facility (protected)
(Sep 6, 2022)
HUA General Assembly was held online on Sep. 6, 2022 during JPS meeeing. The slides are uploaded at KEK Indico (protected).
HUA General Assembly in JFY2021 at JPS Spring meeting
(March 15, 2022)
HUA General Assembly was held online on March 15, 2022 during JPS meeeing. The slides are uploaded at KEK Indico (protected).
HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2021
(March 15, 2022)
The winners of the HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2021 have been selected. The winners are the followings.
HUA General Assembly in JFY2020 at JPS Spring meeting
(March 13, 2021)
HUA General Assembly was held online on March 12, 2021 during JPE meeeing. The slides are uploaded at KEK Indico (protected).
HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2019
(March 17, 2020)
The winners of the HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2019 have been selected. The winners are the followings.
Background neutron reduction ability of the upgraded electromagnetic
calorimeter fot the J-PARC KOTO experiment
Author; Mayu Osugi (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Study of the ΣN interaction by the scattrering experiment at J-PARC
Authoer: Kumpei Matsuda (Tohoku University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Background neutron reduction ability of the upgraded electromagnetic
calorimeter fot the J-PARC KOTO experiment
HUA General Assembly in JFY2019
(March 17, 2020)
HUA General Assembly in JFY2019 is canceled, since JPS Spring meeting is canceled. The sildes to be shown at the meeting are followings.
Agenda etc.. (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
Report from facility (protected)
HUA meering at JPS Fall meeting
(September 19, 2019)
HUA meeting was held on September 17, 2019 at Yamagata University during JPS meeting. The followings are slides on the meeting.
Agenda etc.. (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
Report from facility (protected)
Current status and future prospects of SX operation at J-PARC (protected)
Write up document of "International workshop in the project for
the extended hadron experimental facility of J-PARC" in arXiv
(June 7, 2019)
Write up document was published in arXiv (arXiv:1906.02357[nucl-ex]) This document coresponds to Part 2 of English edition of White Paper on the extention of Hadron Experimental Facility. Part 1 had been publihed as arXiv:1706:07916[nucl-ex].
HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2018
(March 29, 2019)
The winners of the HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2018 have been selected. The winners are the followings.
Building a new experimental method to identify the Σ- p
scattering events with a high intensity pion beam
Author: Norina Fujioka (Tohoku University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Development of a beam timing detector for the chamed baryon spectrscopy
Aythor: Takuya Akaishi (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Development of trigger signal reaout system on a hadron-blind detector
for electron-positiron pair measumrentr
Aythor: Kazuki Suzuki (Kyoto University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Building a new experimental method to identify the Σ- p
scattering events with a high intensity pion beam
Author: Norina Fujioka (Tohoku University)
General Assembly in JFY2018 (March 29, 2019)
General Assembly in JFY2017 was held on March 14, 2019 at Kyushu University during JPS meeting. The followings are slides on the General Assembly.
Agenda etc.. (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
General Assembly in JFY2018
(Feburary 5, 2019)
HUA General Assemly in JFY2018 will be held at Kyushu University (Ito Campus) during JPS meeting as follows,
Date and Time; March 14, 2019 17:30-19:30
Room: K303
Call for application of 8th HUA Master's Thesis Award
(February 4, 2019)
The candidate should be send his/her master's thesis and one-page abstract written in English to HUA secetariat by February 19. HUA Secretarit at hua-sec _AT_
Postal Address: HUA Secretariat
KEK Tokai Campus, Kyoto Univ. J-PARC Branch Office, Shirakata 203-1, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki, 319-1106, Japan
Informal meeting at HAWAII 2018
(November 5, 2018)
Informal meeting was held on October 24, 2018 at HWAII 2018. Slides are shown at Indico Page: (protected)
"International workshop on the project
for the extended hadron experimental facility of J-PARC"
was held.
(April 2, 2018)
The above workshop organized by HUA was held from March 26 to 28 at KEK Tokai Campus.
Program and slides are shown at Indico Page:
HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2017
(April 2, 2018)
The winners of the HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2017 have been selected. The winners are the followings.
Development of the new circuit to readout MPPCs for the KOTO experiemnt
Author: Yuta Sato (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Abstract (in English) -
Performance study of a new method to reduce neutron background events
in KOTO experiment
Aythor Hayato Nishimiya (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Abstract (in English)
Development of the new circuit to readout MPPCs for the KOTO experiemnt
Author: Yuta Sato (Osaka University)
General Assembly in JFY2017 (April 2, 2018)
General Assembly in JFY2017 was held on March 22, 2018 at Tokyo University of Science during JPS meeting. The followings are slides on the General Assembly.
Agenda etc.. (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
General Assembly in JFY2017 (January 14, 2018)
HUA General Assemly in JFY2017 will be held at Tokyo University of Science (Noda Campus) during JPS meeting as follows,
Date and Time; March 22, 2018 17:30-19:30
Room: K309
Call for application of 8th HUA Master's Thesis Award
(January 14, 2018)
The candidate should be send his/her master's thesis and one-page abstract written in English to HUA secetariat by February 28.
"International workshop on the project
for the extended hadron experimental facility of J-PARC" will
be held.
(January 12, 2018)
HUA will organized the above workshop from March 26 to 28 at KEK Tokai Campus.
Indico Page:
White paper on the extension of Hadron Experimental
Facility in English Edition (Part I) in arXiv
(January 12, 2018)
White paper on the extension of Hadron Experimental Facility in English is now ready. This is an English transplation of chaper 1 to 4 in Japanese edition. It contains introduction, overcview of the extended hadron hall, and selected goals of particle, hadron, and nuclear physics researched in the proposed new facility.
This white paper was published in arXiv as arXiv:1706.07916 [nucl-ex].
Meeting at JPS Fall meeting
(September 11, 2017)
HUA meeting will be held at Utsunomita Univ. during JPS Fall Meeting as follows;
Date: Sep. 12 (Tue.)
Time: 17:30-19:30
Place: T12
See you at the meeting!
General Assembly in JFY2016
(March 22, 2017)
General Assembly in JFY2016 was held on March 17, 2017 at Osaka University during JPS meeting. The followings are slides on the General Assembly.
Agenda etc.. (protected)
Report from Facility (protected)
Report from DAQ working group (protected)
HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2016
(March 22, 2017)
The winners of the HUA Master Thesis Award in JFY2016 have been selected. The winners are the followings.
Constrcution of a BGO Calorimeter System for the Σp
scattering experiment
Author: Michihiko Ikeda (Tohoku University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Abstract (in English) -
Development of an aerogel Cherenkov counter for the Σp
scattering experiment
Author:Kazuya Kobayashi (Osaka University)
Thesis (in Japanese)
Abstract (in English)
Constrcution of a BGO Calorimeter System for the Σp
scattering experiment
White paper on the extension of Hadron Experimental
Facility in English Edition (Part I)
(March 22, 2017)
White paper on the extension of Hadron Experimental Facility in English is now ready. This is an English transplation of chaper 1 to 4 in Japanese edition. It contains introduction, overcview of the extended hadron hall, and selected goals of particle, hadron, and nuclear physics researched in the proposed new facility.
Extension of the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility -- summary report --
April 30, 2017
Committee for the study of the extension of the Hadron Experimental Facility
At this occation, we invite more colleagues to join in the extendeh hadron hall supporters who endose this project. Instructions for downloading the document and registration as a supporter are given in Regstration page (Indico) at
JFY2015 HUA Master Thesis Award
(March 22, 2016)
The winner of the JFY2015 HUA Master Thesis Award has been selected. The winner is the following.
Development of acylic Cherenkov counter in the KOTO experiment
Author: Satoshi Shinohara (Kyoto University)
General Assembly in JFY2015 (March 22, 2016)
General Assembly in JFY2015 was held on March 19, 2016 at Tohoku Gakuin University during JPS meeting. Agenda is found at Indico (
Internatinal workshop on physics at the extended hadron
experimetal facility of J-PARC was held (March 22, 2016)
The workshop was successfully held on March 5-6, 2016 at Tokai.
WS Summary WEB Page:
Internatinal workshop on physics at the extended hadron
experimetal facility of J-PARC (January 2016)
HUA will organize the international workshop on March 5-6, 2016 at Tokai.
WEB Page:
Hadron Experimental Facility restarted its user operation
on April 24, 2015.
Dear HUA members,
I would like to make a quick report that the Hadron Experimental Facility restarted its user operation officially at 11:03:03 on Friday, April 24, 2015.
We really appreciate your patience during these two difficult years. We are going to continue safety operation of the Hadron Facility and expect excellent scientific outcome by working with you closely.
Best regards,
taken on April 28, 2015
JFY2014 HUA Master Thesis Award
(March 2015)
The winner of the JFY2014 HUA Master Thesis Award has been selected. The winner is the following.
Development of a MPPC multi-channel readout system for the Σp scattering experiment
Author: Takehiro Shiozai (Tohoku University)
Special Meeting in HAWAII2014 (September 2014)
At the occaasion of the APS and JPS joint meeting in Hawaii (HAWAII2014), we are going to have a special meeting of J-PARC Hadron Hall Users' Association (HUA) as follows,
Data and Time : Oct. 9 (Thu.) 16:00 - 17:30
Place: room Queen's 5
Language: in English
1. Introduction of HUA
2. Recent HUA activities
3. Status of Hadron Hall renovation and the next beam schedule
4. Discussion
The participation of all who are intested in hadron physiscs and experiments using hadron beams are welcome.
Request of Accommodations for Long-term Users
(Aug. 2014)
We submitted "Request of Accommodations for long-term users" to Director of J-PARC Center, concerning to the shutdown of Ohta-danchi Houses in March 2016.
JFY2013 HUA Master Thesis Award(March 2014)
The winners of the JFY2013 HUA Master Thesis Award have been selected. The winners are the following.
Design of the PID counter for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC (in Japanese)
Author: Takumi Yamaga
Affiliation: Osaka UniversityProduction and performance test of the Inner Barel detector module for KOTO experiment(in Japanese)
Author: Takashi Toyoda
Affiliation: Osaka University
JFY2012 HUA Master Thesis Award (March 26, 2013)
The winner of the JFY2012 HUA Master Thesis Award has been selected. The winner is the following.
Title: Development of a High Refractive Index Aerogel Cherenkov Counter for the Spectroscopy of eta' Mesic Nuclei
Author: Yoshiki Tanaka
Affiliation: University of TokyoTitle: Development and performance evaluation of gamma-ray detector in downstream of calorimeter for KOTO experiment (in Japanese)
Author: Shintaro Banno
Affiliation: Osaka UniversityTitle: Development of fiber detector for high intensity beam tracking at J-PARC (in Japanese)
Author: Yuki Matsumoto
Affiliation: Tohoku University
JFY2011 HUA Master Thesis Award (March 24, 2012)
The winner of the JFY2011 HUA Master Thesis Award has been selected. The winner is the following.
Title: Development of large area, high time resolution Resistive Plate Chambers
Author: Natsuki Tomida
Affiliation: Kyoto University
JFY2010 HUA Master Thesis Award (June 11, 2011)
The winners of the JFY2010 HUA Master Thesis Award have been selected. The winners are the following.
Title: Performance evaluation of silicon drift detectors for a precision spectroscopy of kaonic Helium-3 X-rayps
Author: Tadashi Hashimoto
Affiliation: University of TokyoTitle: Sigma-p scattering experiment with a proton measurement system of a multi-fiber tracking detector (written in Japanese)
Author: Ryotaro Honda
Affiliation: Tohoku University
First beam extracted to the Hadron Hall and the "First-Beam Workshop at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Hall"
As was announced by a press release, that was also informed by a Special Issue of the Newsletter, the first proton beam was successfully accelerated to 30 GeV in the 50-GeV synchrotron (MR), extracted, and transported to the beam dump of the Hadron@Hall on January 27th. On that day, both the accelerator and the hadron teams started an attempt to slow-extract a proton beam for the first time, and only after a few hours of the effort, a proton beam was successfully observed at the beam dump with a monitor at 19:35. After a scheduled maintenance of the accelerator, on February 10th, the production target, T1, was inserted into the proton beam to produce secondary beams. The first secondary beam was observed by the E15/E17 experiment team, headed by Prof. Ryugo Hayano (Tokyo) and Prof. Masahiko Iwasaki (RIKEN), at the K1.8BR beamline.
The "First-Beam Workshop at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Hall" was held at the Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, located just in front of the J-PARC site, on March 25th and 26th. About 100 researchers attended the meeting. They discussed reports on the first beam from the accelerator team, the hadron beamline team, and the E15/E17 team, as well as the reports by the experimental groups who expect to use the beams in this fall at the K1.8 beamline and the KL beamline. In addition, they were encouraged by the talks from noted theorists, Prof. Tetsuo Hatsuda and Prof. Yasuhiro Okada, hearing physics opportunities in the Hadron Hall. In the afternoon of March 26th, a tour to the Hadron Hall and a general assembly of the Hadron Hall Users Association (HUA) also took place.
We are very much excited on the beginning of the new era with the Hadron Hall.
The construction of the J-PARC Hadron Hall was finished at the end of June 2007, and an excursion to
introduce the newly completed Hadron Hall was held on Friday, July 27, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. The
participants numbered about 250 and included staff from KEK, JAEA, affiliate companies involved in the
construction, and participating universities and institutes. Members of the mass media, such as NHK,
were also present to gather information about the Hadron Hall. Beginning at 2:30pm, addresses were
delivered by Prof. Shoji Nagamiya (head of the J-PARC Center), Prof. Fumihiko Takasaki (head of the
KEK IPNS), Prof. Kazuma Nakazawa (chair of the Hadron Hall Users' Association and a professor at Gifu
University), and Toshio Tanaka (head of the facilities department at KEK). Next, J-PARC staff talked
about the T1 target (secondary target), the beam dump, the K1.8 and K1.1 beamlines, and the
switching yard. Finally, the users described the experiments to be prepared at each beamline. The
Hadron Hall beamlines will be installed and the experimental apparatus prepared in time for the first
proton beam in December 2008.
- 15 May,2007: Inaugural member of executive committee was selected by an election.
- 25 Mar,2007: J-PARC Hadron Hall Users' AssociationiabbreviationFHUA) was founded.