1. "KEK理論センター 小規模研究会「ストレンジネス核物理:現状と最近の進展」"(domestic), J-PARC, 26 January, 2024
    1. "E31実験におけるL(1405)測定"(in Japanese), H. Noumi [invited]


  1. "6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan:", Hawaii, 26 November-1 December, 2023
    1. "Study of the Lambda(1405) resonance via kaon-induced reactions", H. Noumi [invited]
  2. "17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Meson2023)", KRAKÓW, POLAND, 22 - 27 June, 2023.
    1. "Measurement of KbarN scattering below the KbarN mass threshold", H. Noumi [invited]
  3. "RCNP workshop on Hadron Physics at the LEPS2 photon beamline", SPring-8 Koto,Sayo, Hyogo, 6-7 March, 2023
    1. "K-d → πΣn reactions at J-PARC", H. Asano
  4. "Workshop on "Physics of heavy quark and exotic hadrons 2023"", J-PARC Tokai, 30-31 January, 2023
    1. "KbarN Scattering Amplitude and Pole Position of Lambda(1405)", H. Noumi [invited]


  1. "CLUSHIQ2022", Sendai, 31 October -3 November, 2022
    1. "Quark-cluster aspects in baryons and baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. Noumi
  2. "EXOTICO: EXOTIc atoms meet nuclear COllisions for a new frontier precision era in low-energy strangeness nuclear physics", ECT*, Trento, Italy, 17-21 October, 2022.
    1. "pi-Sigma mass spectra measured in d(K-,N)piSigma reactions", H. Noumi [invited]
  3. "QNP2022 - The 9th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics", Online, 5-9 September, 2022.
    1. "Search for the KbarNN bound state produced via in-flight d(K-, Λp) π- reaction", Rie Murayama for the E31 collaboration.
  4. "16th Hadron Spectroscopy Cafe "Recent hot topics and future prospects of hadron experiments at J-PARC" (domestic), TITECH, 20 July.
    1. "Study of Lambda(1405) resonance via kaon-induced reactions on deuteron at J-PARC", H. Noumi


  1. Workshop on "Physics of Heavy-quark and Exotic Hadrons 2021", 15-17 February, 2020, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "J-PARC E31: Kbar N to pi Sigma Scattering", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)


  1. Workshop on "Physics of Heavy-quark and Exotic Hadrons", 27-29 January, 2020, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "Result of the J-PARC E31 experiment", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)


  1. 3rd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, 23-28 June 2019, Collegium Maius, Krakow, Poland
    1. Experimental study of Lambda(1405) resonance via kaon-induced reactions on deuteron, H. Noumi (invited)
  2. Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on the Present and the Future in Hadron Physics at J-PARC, 4-5 March, 2019, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
    1. "Hadron physics with hadron beams at J-PARC", H. Noumi
  3. The 52nd Reimei Workshop on Experimental and Theoretical Hadron Physics, Recent Exciting Developments, 9-11 January, 2019, IQBRC, Tokai, Japan
    1. "E31 "Lambda (1405) from K- d reaction"", H. Asano (Talk)


  1. 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), 13-17 November, 2018, Epocal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
    1. "The E31 spectroscopic experiment of Λ(1405) via in-flight d(K-n) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR", S. Kawasaki (Talk)


  1. International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2017), 11-15 September, 2017, Vienna, OAW.
    1. "Experimental study of hyperon resonances below the KbarN threshold at J-PARC", H. Noumi for the E31 experiment (Plenary Talk)


  1. Excited Hyperons in QCD Thermodynamics at Freeze-Out(YSTAR2016), 16-17 November, 2016, Newport News, Jefferson Lab.
    1. "Spectroscopy of Hyperon Resonances and Related Program at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  2. The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016), 25-30 July, 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
    1. "Spectroscopic experiment of Λ(1405) via in-flight d(K-,n) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR", S. Kawasaki (Talk)


  1. The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), 7-12 Sep., 2015, Sendai, Japan.
    1. "Spectroscopic study of hyperon resonance below Kbar N threshold via d(K-, n) reaction at J-PARC", K. Inoue (Talk)

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Last-modified: 2024-03-24 (日) 01:03:05