Last Update: August 2, 2014
The 10th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons
May 25 (Mon) - 28 (Thu), 2015
Icho Kaikan, Suita Campus, Osaka University
First Circular
The nucleon excitations have been providing a good opportunity to test our understanding of low energy QCD.
The excitations go along not only energies but also along flavors, thus including strange and heavy baryons.
Recent experiments aim at complete measurements for meson photoproduction reactions.
Theoretical methods of QCD-inspired models aim at the identification of the relevant degrees of freedom and their dynamics.
The first principle methods such as lattice QCD are now subject to explain and predict phenomena with a precision.
The purpose of this workshop is to share the latest results in various aspects of low energy QCD dynamics in terms of N* resonances, and to discuss the future developments.
Topics covered in the workshop are:
- Complete experiments of meson-photoproduction reactions for N*
- Reaction models and PWA for resonance parameters
- Dynamical models and coupled channel analysis
- Baryon (hadron) structure, form factors, and transition amplitudes
- Chiral symmetry and baryon resonances
- Baryons (hadrons) from lattice QCD and new approaches
- Facilities and future projects
- Other topics related to N* physics
- Atsushi Hosaka (RCNP, Osaka, Chair)
- Tomoaki Hotta (RCNP, Osaka)
- Tetsuo Hyodo (YITP, Kyoto)
- Noriyoshi Ishii (RCNP, Osaka)
- Hiroyuki Kamano (RCNP, Osaka)
- Hideko Nagahiro (Nara WU/RCNP)
- Hiroyuki Noumi (RCNP, Osaka)
- Makoto Oka (TITech)
- Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku U)
- Toru Sato (Osaka U)
- Takayasu Sekihara (RCNP, Osaka)
- Kotaro Shirotori (RCNP, Osaka)
- Kiyoshi Tanida (SNU, Korea)
International Advisory Committee:
- A. D'Angelo (Rome)
- R. Beck (Bonn)
- V. Braun (Regensburg)
- S. Brodsky (SLAC)
- V. Burkert (Jefferson Lab)
- S. Capstick (Florida State University)
- W.-C. Chang (Academia Sinica)
- H. Gao (Duke University)
- R. Gothe (South Carolina)
- D. Ireland (Glasgow)
- F. Klein (Bonn)
- T.-S. H. Lee (Argonne)
- K.-F. Liu (Kentucky)
- U.-G. Meißner (Bonn)
- U. Mosel (Giessen)
- T. Nakano (Osaka)
- E. Oset (Valencia)
- C. Roberts (Argonne)
- B. Saghai (CEA/Saclay)
- E. Santopinto (U. Genoa)
- X. Shen (IHEP, Beijing)
- H. Ströher (FZ Jülich)
- A. W. Thomas (Adelaide)
- L. Tiator (Mainz)
- R. Workman (George Washington University)
- Q. Zhao (IHEP, Beijing)
- Z. Zhao (University of Science & Technology of China)
- B. Zou (ITP/CAS, Beijing)