Experiments approved on Augusut 9, 2010.

                               - Updated on January 5, 2011

(B-PAC on Augusut 9, 2010)

                               summary [pdf]

  E356 [pdf]

Title : High-resolution study of Gamow-Teller transitions starting from 20Ne and 22Ne
Spokesperson : Yoshitaka Fujita
Institution :Department of Physics, Osaka University, Japan

  E357 [pdf]

Title : High resolution study of the 136Xe(3He,t)136Cs reaction at 420 MeV and ββ decay matrix elements
Spokespersons: Dieter Frekers / Hiroyasu Ejiri / Peter Puppe
Institution: Institut fÄur Kernphysik, UniversitÄat MÄunster, Germany / RCNP, Japan


Title : Heavy-ion double charge exchange studies for p-shell nuclei
Spokesperson: Hiroaki Matsubara / Tomohiro Uesaka
Institution: Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Japan

  E359 [pdf]

Title :A beam study for 57Mn Mössbauer sepctroscopy
Spokesperson : Kenya Kubo
Institution : International Christian University, Japan

  E360 [pdf]

Title :Production of polarized 58Cu for the development of transient field technique
Spokesperson :Mototsugu Mihara
Institution :Department of Physics, Osaka University, Japan

  E361 [pdf]

Title :Measurement of High-Energy Neutron Cross Sections for Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclides and Nuclear Chemistry
Spokesperson : Kunihiko Nishiizumi
Institution : Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.

  E362 [pdf]

Title :Characterization of quasi-monoenergetic neutron field and radiation instrumentswith spectrometry using 140 and 200 MeV 7Li(p,n) reaction
Spokesperson : Yosuke Iwamoto
Institution : Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan

  E363 [pdf]

Title :SER Measurement for Soft-error Hardened Circuits on a 65nm LSI
Spokesperson : Kazutoshi Kobayashi
Institution : Department of Electronics, Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan

  E364 [pdf]

Title :Test of the hybrid-emulsion system for the study of Double hypernuclei
Spokesperson : Kazuma Nakazawa
Institution : Physics department, Gifu University, Japan