1. "Forth International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility (HEF-ex), J-PARC, Feb 19-21, 2024
    1. "Study of nucleon structure at J-PARC", N. Tomida [plenary]
    2. "The pbar Physics Opportunities at the J-PARC Hadron Facility", K. Suzuki [invited]
  2. "加速ミュオンを用いたミュオンイメージング研究の可能性(domestic), KEK, Tsukuba, 18 January, 2024
    1. "0.5~20 GeV/cの高エネルギーミュオンビームの利用可能性(in Japanese), H. Noumi


  1. "Streaming readout Workshop SRO-XI", Hawaii, Nov. 28- Dec. 2nd, 2023
    1. "SRO FEE development Japan", R. Honda
  2. "6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan:", Hawaii, 26 November-1 December, 2023
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryons using hadron beam at J PARC", K. shirotori [invited]
    2. "Standardization of trigger-less data-streaming DAQ system in Japan", R. Honda [invited]
    3. "Study of 3D nucleon structure at the J-PARC π20 beamline", Natsuki Tomida [invited]
  3. "International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2023)", Mainz, 16 - 20, October, 2023
    1. "Study of the nucleon structure using hadron beam at J-PARC", N. Tomida
  4. "Nagoya Workshop on Exotic Hadrons 2023", Nagoya, 14 - 17 October, 2023
    1. Exotic Hadrons at J-PARC”, K. Suzuki, (for π-A collaboration, J-PARC E15 collaboration, J-PARC E50 collaboration)
  5. "52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2023)", Gyöngyös, Hungary, 21-26th August 2023
    1. M. Naruki,“Dilepton Measurement and Future Possibilities at J-PARC", M. Naruki
  6. "17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Meson2023)", KRAKÓW, POLAND, 22 - 27 June, 2023.
    1. "The hadron experimental facility extension at J-PARC", F. Sakuma [plenary]
  7. "Workshop on Physics opportunities with proton beams at SIS100", Maximum, KRAKOW, Poland, 21 June, 2023.
    1. "Strangeness physics at JPARC", H. Noumi
  8. "20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023)", Genova, Italy, 5-9 June, 2023
    1. "Overview of J-parc Physics", H. Noumi [plenary]
    2. "The J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Extension Project", F. Sakuma [invited]
  9. "RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の先端データ収集システム 標準化と将来」" (domestic), RCNP, Osaka, 17 March, 2023
    1. "汎用ワイヤーチェンバー読み出しASD カード : ASAGI" (in Japanese), K. Shirotori
  10. "Third International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility (3rd J-PARC HEF-ex WS)",J-PARC Tokai, 14-16 March 2023
    1. "Casdace baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC", M. Naruki
    2. "Spectroscopy of charmed and multi-strange baryons using hadronic beam at J-PARC", K. Shirotori [plenary]
    3. "Study of the nucleon structure at the high momentum beamline", N. Tomida [invited]
    4. "Closing", H. Noumi
  11. "RCNP workshop on Hadron Physics at the LEPS2 photon beamline", SPring-8 Koto,Sayo, Hyogo, 6-7 March, 2023
    1. "Spectroscopic study of baryon production and decay at J-PARC and LEPS2", K. Shirotori
  12. "The 14th HOPE meeting", Tsukuba, 27 February - 3 March, 2023.
    1. "Probe inside a proton", N. Tomida (1 March, 2023)
  13. "第8回クラスター階層領域研究会(Domestic), Osaka University, Osaka, 9-11 February, 2023.
    1. "Study of inner structure of hadrons within partonic view", N. Tomida
    2. "Investigation of hadron effective degrees of freedom from charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC", K. Shirotori
  14. "Workshop on "Physics of heavy quark and exotic hadrons 2023"", J-PARC Tokai, 30-31 January, 2023
    1. "Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC", M. Naruki [invited]


  1. "ハイパー核研究の進展と未来 ~格致日新~" (domestic), Tohoku Univeristy, Sendai, 17 December, 2022
    1. "大強度ハドロンビームで拓くバリオン励起状態の研究" (in Japanese), K. Shirotori
  2. "CLUSHIQ2022", Sendai, 31 October -3 November, 2022
    1. "Quark-cluster aspects in baryons and baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. Noumi
    2. "Performance evaluation of an Amp-Shaper-Discriminator card for drift chambers for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC: ASAGI ASD card>", Y, Yamamoto
    3. "Performance evaluation of a prototype Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector for the charm baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC", T. Toda
    4. "Design and performance evaluation of optics system of Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector for the charm baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC", M. Tokuda
    5. "Development of the TOF-RPC for the study of charmed baryons at J-PARC", F. Hayashi
    6. "Development of a Precise Time and Position Resolution TOF-tracker Resistive Plate Chamber for the study of proton structure at J-PARC", R. Uda
  3. "研究会「奇妙な強い力、それによる結合系」Strange Strong Force and Bound System 2022 (ST2-2022)"(domestic), Fukushima, 16 December, 2022, "J-PARC π20 ビームラインに用いる Beam-RICH 検出器の設計" (in Japanese), S. Suzuki
  4. "計測システム研究会 2022" (Domestic), Tokai, J-PARC, 17 November, 2022
    1. "MPPC とチェレンコフ光を利用した検出器 -Cherenkov timing detector-" (in Japanese), K. Shirotori
  5. "XVI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2022)", CERN, 26-30 September, 2022
    1. "Development of a Precise Time and Position Resolutions TOF-tracker RPC for the pi20 Beamline at J-PARC", R. Uda
    2. "Development of the TOF-RPC for the pi20 beamline at J-PARC", N. Tomida
  6. "SpinQuest and mini-workshop on related experiments", RCNP, 12 September, 2022
    1. "Exclusive Drell-Yan Experiment at J-PARC", N. Tomida
    2. "High-momentum beam line and spectrometer status at J-PARC", K. Shirotori
  7. "The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)", 23 August, 2022
    1. "Spectroscopy of heavy flavor baryons at J-PARC", K. Shirotori [invited]
  8. "16th Hadron Spectroscopy Cafe "Recent hot topics and future prospects of hadron experiments at J-PARC" (domestic), TITECH, 20 July.
    1. "Spectroscopic experiments of charmed and strange baryons at J-PARC", K. Shirotori
  9. "Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclusive reactions", online, 21 July, 2022
    1. "[[Physics at the new π20 beamline in J-PARC:https://indico.phys.vt.edu/event/51/contributions/1062/attachments/862/1186/Exclusive workshop7.pdf]]" N. Tomida
  10. "APCTP Workshop on Nuclear Physics 2022: Physics of Excited Hadrons in the Present and Future Facilities", Jeju, the Republic of Korea, 11-15 July, 2022.
    1. "Studies of excited baryons with heavy flavors at J-PARC",H. Noumi [invited]
  11. "新学術領域「宇宙観測検出器と量子ビームの出会い。 新たな応用への架け橋。」 領域研究会" (domestic), 20 May, 2022
    1. "高運動量ハドロンビーム反応測定のための粒子識別検出器の開発" (in Japanese) K. Shirotori
  12. "RCNP Workshop「原子核実験の次世代データ収集システム基盤開発にむけて」" (domestic), RCNP, 16 May, 2022
    1. "Development of Amp Shaper Discriminator card for drift chamber: ASAGI card" (in Japanese), K. Shirotori
  13. "Symposium on Korea-Japan collaboration on hadron spectroscopy with strangeness and charm", the 77th JPS annual meeting, Okayama University/online, 18 March, 2022
    1. "Hadron spectroscopy experiments at J-PARC", K. Shirotori [invited]
  14. Reimei Workshop on "Hadrons in dense matter at J-PARC", JAEA/online, 21-22 February, 2022
    1. "Studies of mass modification of the eta'(958) meson in nuclei in the LEPS2/BGOegg experiment", N. Tomida [invited]
  15. 2nd International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility (2nd J-PARC HEF-ex WS), online, 16-18 February, 2022.
    1. "Spectroscopic studies of strange and charmed baryons at J-PARC", K. Shirotori


  1. 第7回クラスター階層領域研究会(in Japanese), ELPH, Tohoku University/online, 27-28 Dec., 2021
    1. "Study of diquark dynamics in baryon spectroscopy with heavy flavors", H. Noumi
  2. Light Cone 2021: Physics of Hadrons on the Light Front, Jeju, Korea/online, 29 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2021.
    1. "Spectroscopic Study of Quark Dynamics in Baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi [plenary].
  3. ELPH 研究会 C031「多彩なビーム実験と多様な理論的手法で迫るハドロン間相互作用」(in Japanese)
    1. "J-PARCにおける高運動量K中間子ビームによるオメガバリオン分光実験" (in Japanese), K. Shirotori
  4. International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility, online, 7-9 July, 2021.
    1. "Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the K10 beamline", K. Shirotori
  5. 第6回クラスター階層領域研究会(in Japanese), online, 14 and 19 June, 2021,
    1. "排他的ドレルヤン反応を用いた 核子構造研究のための ミューオン検出器の開発", N. Tomida
    2. "Baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. Noumi
  6. Strong QCD 2021: Teleworkshop on Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Nanjing University (online), 7-10 June, 2021
    1. "Heavy-quark baryons", H. Noumi [invited]
  7. Workshop on Physics of Omega Baryons at the J-PARC-K10 beam line, online, 7-9 June, 2021
    1. "Omega-N Scattering Experiment at K10", H. Noumi
    2. "Omega Baryon Spectroscopy at the J-PARC K10 Beam Line", K. Shirotori
    3. "K10 beamline facility", H. Takahashi
  8. Domestic Workshop on "Physics at the J-PARC K10 Beam line"(in Japanese), online, 13-14 May, 2021
    1. "Spectrometer for Omega* Spectroscopy", K. Shirotori
    2. "Beam Line", H. Takahashi


  1. 2nd Deterctor Workshop on Clustering as a window on the hierarchical structure of quantum systems, online, 25 December, 2020.
    1. "Detector R&D for new hadron experiment platform at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori
  2. Exchange program between SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY and OSAKA UNIVERSITY, Mini Workshop on "Prospect on particle and nuclear Physics, and related subjects", online, 30 November, 2020.
    1. “Hadron Physics at J-PARC”, H. Noumi
  3. Workshop on "Physics of Heavy-quark and Exotic Hadrons", 27-29 January, 2020, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "Hadron physics at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  4. International symposium on Clustering as a Window on the Hierarchical Structure of Quantum Systems (CLUSHIQ2020), 23-24 January, 2020, Beppu.
    1. "Baryon spectroscopy with secondary hadronic beams at J-PARC", K. Shirotoi.
    2. "Development of a high-rate Cherenkov timing counter with MPPC", K. Shirotori (Poster).


  1. Reimei Symposium on "Synergies in Hadron Physics between J-PARC and JLab", 5 November, 2019, Jefferson Lab., Virginia, USA.
    1. "High-momentum pion beamline at J-PARC and Open Charm Production", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  2. ELPH 研究会 C024「ハドロン構造における多粒子相関」(in Japanese), 16-17, October, 2019, ELPH, Tohoku University, Japan.
    1. "Spectroscopy experiment of multi-strangeness baryons at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori and for the J-PARC E50 collaboration (invited).
  3. The 3rd J-PARC symposium (J-PARC2019), 24-26 September, 2019, Tsukuba, Japan.
    1. "Hadron spectroscopy with high-momentum hadron beams", K. Shirotori and for the J-PARC E50 collaboration.
  4. XVth RECONTRES du VIETNAM “Perspectives in Hadron Physics", 22-28 September, 2019, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
    1. "Production of charmed baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  5. 日本物理学会2019年秋季大会 実験核・素実・理論核合同セッション 高エネルギーQCD・核子構造(in Japanese), 17 Sep, 2019, Yamagata, Japan
    1. "J-PARC高運動量ビームで探るハドロンの内部構造"(in Japanese), H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  6. 第二回クラスター階層領域研究会(in Japanese), 31 May - 1 June, 2019, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
    1. "Spectroscopy of multi-strangeness baryons by using high-intensity kaon beam at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori and for the J-PARC E50 collaboration.
  7. [[6th Almaty International Workshop on "Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays"]], 16-18 April, 2019, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
    1. "Baryon Spectroscopy with Hadron Beams at J-PARC", H. Noumi
    2. "The physics E31 experiment to search the Λ(1405) via the d(K-, πƩ) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR", Z. Omar
  8. Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on the Present and the Future in Hadron Physics at J-PARC, 4-5 March, 2019, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
    1. "Hadron physics with hadron beams at J-PARC", H. Noumi
  9. The 52nd Reimei Workshop on "Experimental and Theoretical Hadron Physics: Recent Exciting Developments", 9-11 January, 2019, IQBRC, Tokai, Japan
    1. "E50 at High-momentum beamline", H. Noumi (Talk)


  1. 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), 13-17 November, 2018, Epocal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
    1. "Experimental study of di-quark correlation by charmed baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC high-momentum secondary beam line", Y. Komatsu (Talk)
  2. RCNP Workshop on "Physics with General Purpose Spectrometer in the High-momentum Beam Line", 27-28 August, 2018, RCNP, Ibaraki, Japan
    1. "overview of J-PARC E50 experiment",H. Noumi (Talk)
    2. "High-momentum beam line for Secondary beams", Y. Komatsu (Talk)
    3. "E50 Spectrometer System", K. Shirotori (Talk)
    4. "Baryon Spectroscopy", K. Shirotori (Talk)
    5. "Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction: YN scattering", R. Honda (Talk)
    6. "Kaonic Nuclei", F. Sakuma (Talk)
    7. "Meson in Nucleus", K. Aoki (Talk)
    8. "Nucleon Structure (Drell-Yan)", K. Nagai (Talk)
    9. "E50 RICH and beam Cherenkov", T. Yamaga (Talk)
    10. "Front-end Modules: E50", T.N. Takahashi (Talk)
    11. "Streaming DAQ: E50", M. Yue (Talk)
  3. International Workshop on the Project for the Extended Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, 26-28 March, 2018, J-PARC, Tokai, Japan
    1. "HIHR Beam Line", Noumi (Talk)
    2. "High-momentum beam line and upgrade plan in the extended hadron hall", H. Noumi(Talk)
    3. "J-PARC E50 Experiment", K. Shirotori (Talk)


  1. ETC* workshop on "Dilepton Productions with Meson and Antiproton Beams", 6-10 November, 2017, ETC*, Trento, Italy
    1. "Charm Physics with Meson Beam at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  2. 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2017), 17-29 August, 2017, Crete, Greek
    1. "Strange and Charm Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  3. International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics, 12-14 March, 2017, Neyagawa, Osaka E-C University.
    1. "Analysis status of the d(K-,n)pi+ Sigma-+ and d(K-,p) pi-Sigma 0 at J-PARC K1.8BR beam line", K. Inoue (Talk)
    2. "Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy Flavors at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Keynote Talk)
  4. Workshop on "Structures and Interactions of Heavy Quark Hadrons", 1-3 March, 2017, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryon by using hadron beam at J-PARC", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  5. KEK theory center workshop on Hadron and Nuclear Physics in 2017 (KEK-HN-2017), 7-10 January, 2017, Tsukuba, KEK.
    1. "Charmed-hadron Physics and Physics of Hadron-hall extension at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)


  1. The 10th APCTP-BLTP/JINR-RCNP-RIKEN Joint Workshop on Nuclear and Hadronic Physics, 17-21 August, 2016, Wako, RIKEN.
    1. "[Exploring diquark correlations by charmed baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC]]", H. Asano (Talk)
  2. The 34th Reimei WorkShop "Physics of Heavy-Ion Collisions at J-PARC", 8-9, August, 2016, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy via the (pi,D*-) reactions", H. Noumi (Talk)
  3. The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016), 25-30 July, 2016, Kyoto, Kyoto University.
    1. "Experimental investigation for diquark degrees of freedom in a charmed baryon at J-PARC", T.N. Takahashi (Talk)
    2. "Physics in J-PARC Hadron-hall extension", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  4. J-PARC HADRON WORKHOP in 2016, 2-4 March, 2016, Tokai, J-PARC.
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryon at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  5. Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab Workshop (KL2016), 1-3 Feb., 2016, Newport News, Jefferson Lab.
    1. "Hadron Physics with High-momentum Hadron Beams at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  6. The 31st Reimei WorkShop on Hadron Physics in Extreme Conditions at J-PARC, 18-20, Jan., 2016, Advanced Science Reseach Center (ASRC), JAEA Tokai Campus
    1. "Charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)


  1. XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron2015), 13-20 Sep., 2015, Newport News, Virginia, USA.
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryon resonances at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  2. The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), 7-12 Sep., 2015, Sendai, Japan.
    1. "Strange and charm hadron physics at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
  3. The 9th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop on "Modern Problems of Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics", 28 June - 3 July, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan
    1. "New Platform for Hadron Physics at RCNP", H. Noumi (invited)
  4. 日本物理学会第70回年次大会 実験核・理論核・素実 合同シンポジウム "多彩な実験プラットフォームによるハドロンの本質的自由度の探求"(in Japanese), 22 Mar, 2015, Waseda, Japan
    1. "J-PARC高運動量ハドロンビームで探るハドロンダイナミクス"(in Japanese), H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  5. KEK theory center Workshop on "Hadron physics with high-momentum hadron beams at J-PARC in 2015", 11-16 Mar, 2015, KEK(Tsukuba), Japan
    1. "Charmed hadron experiments at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  6. Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015 Sympoium, 2-6 Mar, 2015, YKIS, Kyoto, Japan
    1. "Hadron spectroscopy at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)


  1. Workshop on "Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 2014, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2014, Tokai, Japan
    1. "Experiments of Charmed Baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  2. Workshop on "Charmed Hadron and Nuclear Physics, 10-12 Nov, 2014, TITech, Japan
    1. "Heavy Baryon Spectroscopy via Meson-Baryon Collisions", H. Noumi (Invited Talk)
  3. 4th Joint Meeting of the NP Divs of the APS and JPS Mini-symposium on "Baryons with Spatial and Flavor Excitation I", 7-11 Oct, 2014, Hawaii, USA
    1. "Baryon Spectroscopy with Heavy flavors at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)
  4. 2rd International Symposium on "Science at J-PARC", 12-15 July, 2014, Tsukuba, Japan
    1. "Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy Experiment at J-PARC", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  5. 3rd International Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP3), 26-30 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan
    1. "Spectroscopy of charmed baryons at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  6. Hadron Physics Symposium, 17-19 April, 2014, Nagoya University, Japan
    1. "Hadron Spectroscopy with high-momentum secondary beam", M. Naruki (Invited Talk)
  7. KEK theory center Workshop on J-PARC Hadron Physics, 10-12 Feb, 2014, Tokai, Japan
    1. "Charmed Hadron Experiments at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Talk)


  1. 8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2013), 2-6 Dec, 2013, Hayama, Japan
    1. "Development of PID counter for charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at J-PARC", T. Yamaga (Poster)
  2. XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (HADRON2013), 4-8 Nov, 2013, Nara, Japan
    1. "Spectroscopic study of charmed baryons at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
    2. "Spectrometer for the charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line", K. Shirotori (Talk)
  3. The Seventh Symposium on chiral symmetry in Hadron and Nuclei, 27-30 Oct, 2013, Beihang Univ. Beijing, China
    1. "Future Projects at J-PARC:", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)
  4. International Conference on Structure of Baryons, 24-28 Jun, 2013, Glasgow, Scotland
    1. "Charmed baryons and future project at JPARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)


  1. The 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, 20-25 Aug, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan
    1. "Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC", H. Noumi (Plenary talk)

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Last-modified: 2024-03-24 (日) 01:35:38