Time | Title | Speaker |
Session I : Review of the Neutrino Physics/Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments I (08:30-10:30)
Chair:Tadafumi Kishimoto (Osaka University) |
08:30 | Opening&Welcome (08:30-08:35) abstract/pdf | Tadafumi Kishimoto (Osaka University)
Neutrino/Cosmology (08:35-09:15) abstract/pdf | Hitoshi Murayama (Kavli IPMU/Berkeley)
09:00 |
Discovery Potential of Future Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiments (09:15-09:40)
Abstract: A vigorous international effort is underway to observe matter creation in the laboratory in the form of neutrinoless double-beta decay. Observation of this hypothetical process would indicate that lepton number is not a conserved quantity in nature and that neutrinos are Majorana particles, with implications for high energy theory and the matter asymmetry of the universe. Current generation experiments with half-life sensitivities of up to 10^26 years have largely ruled out quasi-degenerate Majorana neutrino masses, modulo theoretical uncertainties. Next-generation experiments using multiple isotopes and a variety of techniques will probe half lives on the order of 10^28 years. This talk will discuss the potential for this international program to observe neutrinoless double beta decay. In the case of inverted-ordered neutrino masses, next-generation experiments will robustly cover the available parameter space. For normal-ordered neutrino masses, indicated by recent neutrino oscillation results, the sensitivity is greatly reduced, and covering the bulk of the available parameter space will require future, much larger experiments. However attractive scenarios exist with significant discovery probability already in the next-generation experiments. I will discuss these scenarios, along with the impact of g_A quenching and alternative exchange mechanisms, as well as the relevance of kinematic neutrino mass measurements and cosmological limits on the sum of the neutrino masses.
| Jason Detwiler (University of Washington) |
09:30 |
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA (09:40-10:05)
Abstract: The GERDA detector, installed in the underground laboratory at Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy, has been designed to search for neutrino-less double beta decay of 76Ge. Observation of this process would mean that neutrinos are Majorana particles and that the lepton number is not conserved, implying physics beyond the Standard Model. In GERDA high-purity Germanium detectors enriched in the isotope 76Ge are used. They are directly immersed in radio-pure liquid argon, which acts as cooling medium for the detectors and as a passive and an active shield against external backgrounds. Recently, a new half-life limit on the neutrino-less double beta decay of 76Ge has been obtained: T1/2 > 0.9x1026 yr. The background rate in the energy region of interest is so low that GERDA is working practically in a background-free regime thus, with high discovery potential. The design, importance of the achieved results and the perspectives of GERDA will be discussed.
| Grzegorz Zuzel (Jagiellonian University) |
10:00 |
KamLAND-Zen (10:05-10:30)
Abstract: Talk about recent activities for KamLAND-Zen 800 experiment.
| Haruo Ikeda (RCNS, Tohoku University) |
10:30 | Coffee break(10:30-11:00) |
Session II : Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments II (11:00-12:25)
Chair:Kunio Inoue (RCNS, Tohoku University) |
11:00 | Latest Results from the CUORE Experiment (11:00-11:25)
Abstract: The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 with the installation of all towers in the cryostat. Following a cooldown, diagnostic, and optimization campaign, routine data-taking began in spring 2017. After the first two months of data taking, CUORE collected a total TeO2 exposure of 86.3 kg·yr with an average energy resolution of 7.7 keV FWHM and a background in the region of interest of 0.014 counts/(keV·kg·yr). With this dataset, CUORE placed a lower limit on the 130Te 0νββ half-life of > 1.3 × 1025 yr (90% C.L.). In this talk, we report on the latest evaluation of the CUORE background budget, and using this same 86.3 kg·yr dataset, we present the most precise measurement of the 130Te 0νββ half-life to date.
| Lindley Winslow (MIT) |
New Results on Double Beta Decay with CUPID-0 (11:25-11:45)
Abstract: CUPID-0 is the first large mass experiment based on cryogenic calorimeters that implements the dual read-out of light and heat for background rejection. The detector, consisting of 24 enriched Zn82Se crystals (5.28 kg of 82Se), is taking data in the underground LNGS (Italy) from March 2017. In this contribution we present the analysis that allowed us to set the most stringent limit on the half-life of neutrinoless double-beta decay of 82Se. We prove that the particle identification, enabled by the simultaneous read-out of heat and light, provides an unprecedented background level for cryogenic calorimeters of 3x10^{-3} counts/keV/kg/y in the RoI. Finally, we discuss the impact of these results on next generation projects.
| Luca Pattavina (Gran Sasso Science Institute and LNGS) |
11:30 |
NEXT (11:45-12:05) abstract/pdf | David Nygren (UTA)
12:00 |
PandaX-III experiment and its prototype detector (12:05-12:25)
Abstract: The PandaX-III (Particle And Astrophysical Xenon Experiment III) experiment will search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (NLDBD) of 136Xe at the China Jin Ping underground Laboratory (CJPL). PandaX-III exploits the tracking capability of gaseous TPC to effectively identify possible signal and suppress background. The first TPC will contain 200 kg of enriched xenon at 10 bar. Fine pitch micro-pattern gas detector (Microbulk Micromegas) will be used for the charge readout to reconstruct tracks of NLDBD events and provide good energy resolution (3% FWHM) and millimeter level spatial resolution. A 20 kg scale prototype TPC with 7 Micromegas modules, the first application of Microbulk Micromegas in TPC of this size, has been built and commissioned. In this talk, I will give an overview of recent progress of PandaX-III, including data taking of the prototype TPC.
| Ke Han (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) |
Lunch(12:25-13:30) |
12:30 |
13:00 |
Session III : Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments III (13:30-15:40)
Chair:Brian Fujikawa (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
13:30 | The AMoRE project (13:30-13:55)
Abstract: The AMoRE (Advanced Molybdenum based Rare process Experiment) is an international project to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100. The project utilizes Mo-based scintillating crystals in phonon-scintillation detection with MMC (Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter) readout at 10-20 mK. A commissioning stage of the project, AMoRE-Pilot is running with six 40Ca100MoO4 crystals with a total mass of about 1.9 kg at Y2L (YangYang underground laboratory) South Korea. After the completion of the Pilot measurement, AMoRE-I is to be prepared with 18 crystals including several R&D crystals with a total mass about 6 kg in this year. The project also plans to build a next generation detector of AMoRE-II with 200 kg crystals improving effective Majorana mass sensitivity to 20-50 meV. AMoRE-II will be installed in a new 1,000 m deep underground laboratory (Yemi Lab) to be constructed by 2020. Recent results on the Pilot runs and plans on future upgrades will be presented.
| Yong-Hamb Kim (Institute for Basic Science ) |
SNO+: First data analysis in the water-filled detector (13:55-14:15)
Abstract: The SNO+ experiment will use a 780-ton liquid scintillator detector, loaded with 1.3 tons of Te-130, to search for neutrino-less double beta decay. In addition to neutrinoless double beta decay, SNO+ also has a broad science program that includes measuring reactor neutrinos, solar neutrinos, geoneutrinos, and sensitivity to invisible modes of nucleon decay. The detector has been collecting data with ultra-pure water in preparation for the scintillator fill this year. This talk will present the first results of data collected in the water phase, providing a critical assessment of backgrounds for neutrinoless double beta decay.
| Christopher Grant (Boston University) |
14:00 |
The SuperNEMO project and final results from NEMO-3 (14:15-14:40)
Abstract: The SuperNEMO experiment uses a unique tracker-calorimeter design to search for 0νββ decay. Its technology is based on the successful approach used by the NEMO-3 experiment, which ran at the Modane Underground Laboratory in the Frejus Tunnel under the French-Italian Alps from 2003 to 2011.The key features of the design are the ability to look at almost any ββ isotope, combined with a detailed reconstruction of the event topology, which enables us to learn more about the underlying physics mechanism.
I will present the final results from NEMO-3, which studied 7 different ββ-decaying isotopes. I will also introduce the SuperNEMO project and its sensitivity, as well as the progress on the SuperNEMO Demonstrator Module, which is being installed in Modane, and is due to start taking data in the coming months.
| Cheryl Patrick (University College London) |
14:30 |
Searching for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Ge-76 with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR (14:40-15:05)
Abstract: The MAJORANA collaboration is searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in Ge-76 using modular arrays of enriched, high-purity Ge detectors. The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR consists of an array of 44 kg of high-purity Ge detectors (30 kg enriched to 88% Ge-76) with a p-type point contact geometry. The detectors are split between two modules contained in a low background shield at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. While searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in Ge-76, the DEMONSTRATOR also aims to establish the required background and scalability to justify a tonne-scale, Ge-based experiment. Recent results from the DEMONSTRATOR will be presented, including a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with 26 kg-yr of enriched exposure. The unprecedented energy resolution achieved by the DEMONSTRATOR, progress towards modeling the extremely low measured backgrounds, and prospects for future Ge-based neutrinoless double-beta decay searches will also be discussed.
| Thomas Caldwell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |
15:00 |
Recent progress on double-beta decay nuclear matrix elements (15:05-15:25)
Abstract: I will discuss the latest developments in the calculation of the nuclear matrix elements that govern double-beta decay.
In particular, I will discuss recent efforts to understand the origin of the "quenching" usually needed in Gamow-Teller single-beta decays, that can have a significant impact if also needed in neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix elements. In addition I will present first efforts to obtain double-beta decay matrix elements from ab initio nuclear many-body calculations.
Then I will discuss possible ways to constrain the matrix elements in related nuclear experiments, such as two-neutrino double-beta decay searches or double charge-exchange reactions.
| Javier Menendez (Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo) |
Neutrinoless double beta decay without proton decay (15:25-15:40)
Abstract: The effective operators that generate neutrinoless double beta decay in mass dimension nine can be classified into two topologies, and each topology can be further decomposed into contributions from new scalar, vector, and/or fermion degrees of freedom with particular transformation properties under the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model. We show that many of the short-distance possibilities are eliminated if we require that the new degrees of freedom cannot mediate tree-level proton decay (|Delta B|=1) processes. Indeed for the topology in which no new fermion appears we find that the only surviving contributions can be related to other |Delta B|=2 processes, so that we can connect the existence of this particular short-distance mechanism to a pattern of observation of neutron-antineutron oscillation and nucleon-antinucleon conversion processes.
| Xinshuai Yan (University of Kentucky) |
15:30 |
Coffee break(15:40-16:10) |
16:00 |
Session IV : Neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments IV/Neutrino Properties I (16:10-18:05)
Chair:Sei Yoshida (Osaka University) |
16:10 | Direct Neutrino Mass Measurements (16:10-16:40)
Abstract: Neutrino mass can be directly measured with kinematics of beta decays, by looking at tiny distortion of decay spectrum near the end-point. This is practically the only way to measure the neutrino mass independent from models, and KATRIN is the only present experiment to improve the current limit, expected to start measurement within a year. In this talk commissioning status and evaluated performance of KATRIN are presented with some recent results. Also some future experiments, such as Project 8, will be briefly reviewed.
| Sanshiro Enomoto (University of Washington) |
16:30 |
Review of sterile neutrino searches (16:40-17:05)
Abstract: The status and plans for searches for sterile neutrino are reviewed in this talk. There are nice results on this topic recently, therefore relevant results are reviewed at first, then planed experiments are shown.
| Takasumi Maruyama (KEK) |
17:00 |
Searching for 0νββ with the EXO-200 Experiment: Results and Prospects (17:05-17:30)
Abstract: The EXO-200 experiment is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) of the isotope Xe136. Using the first year of data taken with the upgraded EXO-200 detector and the previous data set, a lower limit on the 0νββ half-life of 1.8×10^25yr at the 90% confidence level was obtained. Relative to previous EXO-200 searches, the median 90% confidence level 0νββ half-life sensitivity has increased 2-fold to 3.7× 10^25 yr due to increased exposure, hardware upgrades and analysis improvements. Additional recent results from EXO-200 include searches for rare nucleon decays, constraints on the 0νββ and 2νββ of Xe134, and the development of advanced event reconstruction techniques. This talk will present details of the latest results from EXO-200 and the detector's projected sensitivity through the end of the data taking period.
| Qing (Shilo) Xia (Yale Wright Lab) |
17:30 | Imaging individual Ba atoms in solid xenon for barium tagging in nEXO (17:30-17:50)
Abstract: Individual barium atoms in solid xenon have been detected and imaged by scanning a focused laser across the solid xenon matrix deposited on a cold sapphire window. Ba is deposited at low density by implanting a few pulses of a mass-selected Ba+ beam as the solid xenon matrix is grown. Some neutralization is observed to occur. The 619 nm emission line assigned to Ba atoms in solid xenon is used for imaging. By fixing the laser position on a single Ba atom, it is found that the fluorescence suddenly drops to background level after times of as short as 30 s. In some cases, it persists for >600 s. The sudden drop to background is a clear confirmation of single atoms. A remarkable result is that heating the matrix to 100 K erases all signal from a previous Ba deposit.
To our knowledge, this is the first time that single atoms have been imaged in solid noble gas and represents significant progress towards a practical barium tagging technique for the proposed nEXO neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. The identification, or “tagging” of the Ba-136 daughter atom that results from double beta decay of Xe-136 could be used to eliminate all false radioactive backgrounds in nEXO that do not produce a Ba-136 daughter. The proposed Ba tagging scheme utilizes a cryogenic probe to trap the barium daughter atom in solid xenon and extract it from the time projection chamber. The observation of a single barium atom in the laser scan of the solid xenon matrix on the widow at the end of the probe would be a positive confirmation of a true double beta decay event.
| William Fairbank (Colorado State University) |
High pressure Xe gas TPC for 0vbb decay search : AXEL (17:50-18:05)
Abstract: AXEL (A Xenon ElectroLuminescence detector) is a high pressure xenon gas TPC being developed for neutrinoless double-beta (0vbb) decay search. The AXEL has unique readout with a cellular structure. Ionization electrons are collected inside these cells and produce electroluminescence light. This detection scheme makes possible to achieve very high energy resolution with little event position dependence. Our target energy resolution is 0.5 % FWHM at 2458 keV i.e. Q-value of 0nbb decay of 136 Xe. The detector has a capability of tracking with which background can be reduced. The project is in an R&D phase. We have constructed a small prototype detector with φ15cm x 10cm-long sensitive volume and 8 bar Xe gas. The performance was evaluated by irradiating 122 keV gamma-rays from 57Co and 356 keV gamma-rays from 133Ba. The obtained energy resolution is 1.74 % FWHM by extrapolated to the Q-value. We are now constructing a large size (~φ50cm x 50cm sensitive volume) prototype detector to evaluate the performance of the AXEL detector in an energy region of the Q-value of 0νββ decay. A dedicated readout electronics board, a high voltage power supply with Cockcroft-Walton generator to be used inside the gas chamber, a field cage and a MPPC calibration system have been developed for this detector. Development of an algorithm to reject the gamma background using deep learning is also on going. The sensitivity, when this algorithm is applied to a future 1 ton detector, is estimated to be 37 meV.
| Sei Ban (Kyoto university) |
18:00 |
Break(18:05-18:30) |
Poster Session/Reception (18:30-20:30)
18:30 | Poster session/Reception(18:30-20:30)List:
P01 : David Hervas Aguilar Design Improvements to Cables and Connectors in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR P02 : Koji Ishidoshiro Development of new front-end electronics for KamLAND2-Zen P03 : Tomohiro Iyoda Isotope Separation of Calcium by Laser Deflection of an Atomic Beam P04 : Bjoern Lehnert Electronic recoil events in DEAP-3600: Background Model, Ar36 0nECEC capture and Ar39, Ar42/K42 specific activity in LAr P05 : Xiaolong Li Development of Scintillating Bolometer for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca P06 : Keita Mizukoshi Measurement of ambient neutrons in an underground laboratory at Kamioka Observatory P07 : Kiseki Nakamura Columnar recombination study in high pressure xenon gas for direction-sensitive dark matter search P08 : Atsuto TAKEUCHI After pulse measurement of HQE-PMTs for KamLAND2-Zen P09 : Batpurev Temuge CANDLES Collaboration Progress Update and Future Prospects List:
P01 : David Hervas Aguilar Design Improvements to Cables and Connectors in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR, a modular array containing both natural and Ge-76-enriched germanium p-type point contact detectors, is currently searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in Ge-76. The DEMONSTRATOR uses custom high voltage and signal cables to bias the detectors and to read out the deposited charge respectively. These purposefully low-mass cables and connectors must meet stringent radiopurity requirements and maintain electrical integrity while being subjected to thermal and mechanical stress. Based on the DEMONSTRATOR’s operational performance, a replacement set of cables and connectors is being developed with the aim of increasing overall reliability while maintaining low connector mass and radiopurity. We will discuss the motivations for the upgrade, the ongoing performance tests, issues encountered, and potential future applications to LEGEND, a next-generation ton-scale Ge-76 experiment and other ultra-low background experiments.
P02 : Koji Ishidoshiro Development of new front-end electronics for KamLAND2-Zen KamLAND-Zen is a experiment to search for neutrino-less double-beta decay of 136Xe. Several R&D is ongoing to improve the sensitivity. This update plan is called KamLAND2-Zen.
We are developing the new front-end electronics for KamLAND2-Zen. The electronics has a size of VME9U. In the electronics, the input signal is divided into two gain channels. One channel is sampled with 1GS/s, 8bit FADC. The other is sampled with 250MS/s, 16bit FADC. The waveform data is send to computers with Ethernet TCP. The slow control is implemented with Ethernet UDP. Higher intelligence logic will be implemented on FPGA. For example, digital removal of PMT overshoot after muon events will be available.
We will present the R&D status of this front-end electronics. P03 : Tomohiro Iyoda Isotope Separation of Calcium by Laser Deflection of an Atomic Beam Among double beta decay isotopes, Ca-48 is considered as one of the most promising isotopes for the observation of the double beta decay due to its highest Q-value (4.27MeV) and is expected to provide intense signals well above the back ground signals. The natural isotopic abundance of Ca-48 is small (0.187%) and its enrichment is desired.
The laser deflection method of isotope separation relies on momentum transfer from a laser light to the target isotopic component of an atomic beam which is to be separated from other isotopic components of atomic beam. Here the laser wavelength is precisely tuned to the resonance line of the target isotope. In this study, we discuss the applicability of laser-deflection method to calcium isotope separation.
In the experiment, we used a CW diode laser light tuned to the Ca-40 resonance line (422.673nm) which irradiated a well-collimated naturally abundant Ca atomic beam at right angles. By measuring the atomic beam profile for each isotope, it was found that the Ca-40 beam was deflected by an angle 12 mrad from the original calcium atomic beam with a divergence 4.7 mrad (HWHM). It was also found that the deflection was sufficiently isotopically selective. These experimental results suggested the laser deflection method is promising as a highly selective and efficient technique for Ca isotope separation.
P04 : Bjoern Lehnert Electronic recoil events in DEAP-3600: Background Model, Ar36 0nECEC capture and Ar39, Ar42/K42 specific activity in LAr The DEAP-3600 experiment is searching for WIMP dark matter with a 3.3 tonne single phase liquid argon (LAr) target, located at SNOLAB.
255 PMTs are used to observe scintillation light from particle interactions inside the LAr with a total light detection efficiency of about 19%. The large time difference between the fast and slow component in LAr allows powerful pulse shape discrimination between electronic and nuclear recoils by up to a factor of 1e10 in the low energy region of the WIMP search. The experiment started normal operations in November 2016 and continues data taking to date.
A dataset of about 2200 kg yr of atmospheric argon exposure is used to investigate electronic recoils in DEAP-3600 which is presented on this poster. A background model is developed to quantitatively describe beta and gamma emitters internal and external to the LAr. Natural decay chain activities, as well as neutron capture gammas, give insight to the neutron background - relevant for the WIMP search. In addition, DEAP-3600 allows the precise measurement of the Ar39 and Ar42/K42 specific activity in atmospheric argon and, furthermore, the lepton number violating radiative neutrinoless double electron capture of Ar36 can be explored. P05 : Xiaolong Li Development of Scintillating Bolometer for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca Neutrinoless double beta decay (0vDBD) search is a way to prove the Majorana nature of neutrinos and to support leptogenesis scenarios. We are developing CaF2 scintillating bolometers to search for 0vDBD of 48Ca. The scintillating bolometers measuring heat and scintillation-light signals simultaneously can achieve an excellent energy resolution and to provide a clear particle identification between beta/gamma and alpha events.
The target of the R&D setup is a 300 g CaF2(Eu) crystal. The heat signals are read by a metallic magnetic calorimeter (MMC) thermally connected to a phonon collector film that is a thin metal layer evaporated on a surface of the crystal. A light detector composed of a 2 inch Ge wafer and an MMC sensor is employed just above the crystal. An above ground experiment was carried out for simultaneous detection of heat and light signals from the crystal. The measurement was compared with a Geant4 simulation of scintillation detection with realistic geometry of the detector components. It is noted that some portion of light is absorbed on the metal phonon collector. In this presentation, we report on the latest performance of the detector setup and a future plan to search for 0vDBD of 48Ca using simultaneous phonon-scintillation detection. P06 : Keita Mizukoshi Measurement of ambient neutrons in an underground laboratory at Kamioka Observatory Ambient neutrons are one of the most serious backgrounds for underground experiments searching for rare events.
The ambient neutron flux in an underground laboratory of Kamioka Observatory was measured using a $\mathrm{^3He}$ proportional counter with various moderator setups.
Since the detector response largely depends on the spectral shape, the energy spectra of the neutrons transported from the rock to the laboratory are estimated by Monte-Carlo simulations.
The ratio of the thermal neutron flux to the total neutron flux was found to depend on the thermalizing efficiency of the rock.
Therefore, the ratio of the count rate without a moderator to that with a moderator was used to determine this parameter.
Consequently, the most-likely neutron spectrum predicted by the simulations for the parameters determined by the experimental results was obtained.
The result suggests an interesting spectral shape, which has not been indicated in previous studies.
The total ambient neutron flux is $(23.52 \pm 0.68 \ \mathrm{_{stat.}} ^{+1.87}_{-2.13} \ \mathrm{_{sys.}}) \times 10^{-6}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$.
This result, especially the energy spectrum information, could be a new and important input for estimating the background in current and future experiments in the underground laboratory at Kamioka Observatory. P07 : Kiseki Nakamura Columnar recombination study in high pressure xenon gas for direction-sensitive dark matter search In 2013, D. R. Nygren proposed a phenomenon that recombination is promoted when a direction of electric field and that of an ionizing particle are aligned in a detector, named columnar recombination.
If this phenomenon is practical for low energy nuclear track, direction-sensitive dark matter search with large target mass and spin-independent sensitivity can be realized.
We report on the measurement of columnar recombination in a high pressure gas detector filled with 8 atm xenon using 5.4 MeV alpha particle.
We measured both scintillation and ionization to study columnar recombination for 5.4 MeV alpha particle in a high pressure gas detector filled with 8 atm xenon.
Since the recombination photons are emitted several microseconds after de-excitation emission, scintillation photons are separated to fast and slow component
The fast component does not show dependence on the angle of alpha particle, on the other hand, the slow component increased when the angle of alpha particle is aligned with the electric field.
The result indicates that the track angle relative to the electric field can be reconstructed from scintillation time profile.
P08 : Atsuto TAKEUCHI After pulse measurement of HQE-PMTs for KamLAND2-Zen KamLAND2-Zen is an upgrade of the existing KamLAND-Zen that searchs for neutrino-less double beta decay with 136Xe. The update mainly motivates improvements of energy resolution by the combination of brighter LS, HQE-PMT and light collecting mirrors. However, this improvement will make it difficult to measure muon events since the expected number of photo electron will be too large, and non-linear region in PMTs. Increase of after pulse is also serious issue because it disturb removing background analytically. In this presentation, we study HQE-PMTs property in terms of after pulse and discuss the possible PMT arrangement in KL2. P09 : Batpurev Temuge CANDLES Collaboration Progress Update and Future Prospects CANDLES experiment is looking for the neutrinoless double beta decay(0νββ) of 48 Ca using 96 pure CaF 2 crystals. The 0νββ decay is a lepton number violating process, which is possible only if the neutrino is a Majorana nature particle. Further, the decay rate of 0νββ is directly related to the effective electron neutrino mass and the detection of this event can give information to the absolute mass scale of the neutrinos. 48 Ca was chosen for CANDLES because it has the highest Q value among candidate isotopes at 4.27MeV. However, 48 Ca has a low natural abundance and therefore an extremely low background detector is required to detect the very rare 0νββ event.
The CANDLES detector is currently operating at Kamioka underground observatory at 2700 meter water equivalent depth. In 2016, we upgraded the detector with lead and boron shielding, installed new DAQ system and installed magnetic cancellation coils. The physics run after the upgrades were taken in a cooled environment. In this presentation, we report on the status of CANDLES experiment after the upgrades, the performance of the upgrades as well as future prospects for CANDLES experiment. For future analysis prospects, we present GPU accelerated machine learning approaches for waveform classification and background
reduction. |
19:00 |
19:30 |
20:00 |
Time | Title | Speaker |
Session V : Dark matter search I (08:30-10:10)
Chair:Peter Sorensen (LBL) |
08:30 | Recent observations of the dark matter content of faint galaxies (08:30-09:00)
Abstract: This talk will describe recent mass measurements of "ultra diffuse galaxies" (UDGs), a class of galaxies with large sizes but very few stars. These faint, spatially-extended systems can now by identified routinely with a new generation of telescopes, and are promising new probes of the distribution of dark matter on kpc scales. UDGs turn out to have a large variation in their dark matter content, ranging from extremely dark matter dominated systems to a galaxy with no or very little dark matter.
| Pieter van Dokkum (Yale) |
09:00 | Direct Dark Matter search with XENON1T (09:00-09:45)
Abstract: Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics there exists a form of matter, which seems to be dark in all interaction channels but in its gravitational influence. Its nature is still not understood but a particle nature is evident and a possible interaction through the weak channel seems possible. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are a promising candidate for dark matter constituents. The hunt for a direct detection of a WIMP scattering off a target nucleus on earth is ongoing and pursued with larger efforts than ever before. Among different experiments, the liquid dual-phase xenon time projection chambers are the most sensitive detectors for scatterings between WIMPs above a few GeV/c^2 and normal matter. The XENON1T experiment located at LNGS is such a detector. Using an exposure of one (tonne x year) a null-result was obtained and this way the parameter space was probed down to a minimum of 4.1 x 10^(-47) cm^2 for a 30 GeV/c^2 WIMP at 90% C.L. The crucial aspect behind its sensitivity is the mitigation and understanding of background sources mimicking a WIMP signal. Notably, the rate of electronic recoils in the detector (82^(+5)_(−3) (sys.) ± 3 (stat)) events/(t×yr×keV) is the lowest achieved in any dark matter detector. An introduction to the general direct detection principle will be given in this talk. Furthermore, the experimental picture of direct dark matter search will be summarized with a strong focus on the full results from the XENON1T experiment.
| Alexander Fieguth (University of Muenster) |
09:30 |
Status of DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB (09:45-10:10)
Abstract: DEAP-3600 is a single-phase experiment searching for dark matter particle interactions on several tonnes of liquid argon at SNOLAB. The argon is contained in a large ultralow-background acrylic vessel viewed by 255 8-inch photomultiplier tubes. Very good pulse-shape discrimination has been demonstrated for scintillation in argon, and the detector has been designed to allow control of radioactive backgrounds for an ultimate sensitivity to spin-independent scattering of 10^{-46} cm^{2} per nucleon for 100-GeV WIMP. The detector has been collecting data since November 2016. The current status will be presented.
| Mark Boulay (Carleton University) |
10:00 |
Coffee break(10:10-10:40) |
10:30 |
Session VI : Dark matter search II (10:40-11:55)
Chair:Izumi Ogawa (University of Fukui) |
10:40 | Latest results from XMASS (10:40-11:05)
Abstract: XMASS is a multi-purpose experiment using a single-phase liquid-xenon scintillator detector located underground at Kamioka Observatory in Japan. We are continuously taking data since November 2013 for more than four years. With these long-term data, we are conducting a search for annual modulation caused by dark matter. We have conducted not only the standard WIMP search but also various dark matter searches such as bosonic super-WIMPs, WIMP-129Xe inelastic scattering, and sub-GeV dark matter via nuclear bremsstrahlung. XMASS is also pursuing searches for solar axions, two-neutrino double electron capture, and neutrino signals from astrophysical events such as supernovae and neutron star mergers. In this talk, we will present the latest physics results from XMASS.
| Katsuki Hiraide (ICRR, the University of Tokyo) |
11:00 |
Recent and Upcoming Analyses from the LUX Dark Matter Experiment (11:05-11:30)
Abstract: The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment, retired from its home at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota in late 2016, set previously world-leading limits on dark matter properties throughout its lifetime. The LUX collaboration has since continued to analyze the extensive background and calibration data taken in the 4 years of operation. Efforts have been towards a greater understanding of radiogenic backgrounds and detector performance, helping to inform LUX’s successor, LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), and investigation of other dark matter models. In this talk recent work will be described, including limits on sub-GeV dark matter, the extension of the background model to energies beyond the standard range of WIMP-search analysis, a search for an annual modulation signal, and the first use of pulse shape discrimination in liquid xenon.
| Sally Shaw (UCSB) |
11:30 | Status of COSINE-100 experiment (11:30-11:55)
Abstract: The COSINE-100 experiment searches for dark-matter interactions using an array of scintillating NaI(Tl) crystals that serve as a WIMP-interaction target in the low-background environment of the Yangyang underground laboratory. The main goal is to check the annual modulation signal observed by DAMA/LIBRA in the NaI(Tl) crystal array. The experiment has been running for more than 2 years stably. Several analyses in addition to the annual modulation are actively ongoing. Here, the performance of the detector, recent results, and future prospects will be presented.
| Hyunsu Lee (Institute for Basic Science) |
Lunch(11:55-13:25) |
12:00 |
12:30 |
13:00 |
Session VII : Dark matter search III (13:25-15:45)
Chair:Simon Fiorucci (Berkeley Lab) |
13:25 | The Effective Theory of Dark Matter Detection (13:25-13:50)
Abstract: I will describe a recently developed Galilean invariant effective theory of dark matter direct detection that defines more clearly what can and cannot be learned about UV theories of dark matter from direct detection experiments exploiting nuclear recoil. Such experiments are shown to have enhanced sensitivity to derivative-coupled theories, due to three new response functions that arise in the effective theory. We evaluate response functions using state-of-the-art shell model methods, and derive limits from recent experiments.
| Wick Haxton (UC Berkeley/LBNL) |
13:30 |
Updated Dark Matter Search Results from the PICO-60 Bubble Chamber (13:50-14:15)
Abstract: The PICO collaboration uses bubble chambers to search for dark matter, with world-leading sensitivity to the direct-detection of WIMPs with spin-dependent couplings to protons. Bubble chambers are a unique dark matter detector technology, providing very high $~10^{10}$ intrinsic electron recoil rejection, the ability to switch nuclear targets, and acoustic rejection of alpha events. The PICO-60 experiment, located in the SNOLAB underground laboratory, is the largest bubble chamber operated to date by the PICO collaboration, filled with 52 kg of superheated C3F8. Initial dark matter search results were reported in 2017 based on operation at a 3.3 keV threshold. We will report dark matter search results from increased exposure and lowered operational threshold, with improved sensitivity to low-mass WIMPs. We will also report on the the current status and experimental plans for PICO 40L, the “right-side-up”, or inverted bubble chamber, as well as the future planned PICO 500 experiment, a ton scale dark matter bubble chamber that aims to cover the remaining phase space above the neutrino floor.
| Orin Harris (Northeastern Illinois University) |
14:00 |
The SuperCDMS dark matter experiment (14:15-14:40)
Abstract: The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS) Collaboration is building a direct detection dark matter experiment at SNOLAB. This new higher-sensitivity experiment will explore dark-matter--nucleon interactions for particle masses as low as ~0.5 GeV/c^2, with an expected sensitivity reach of approximately 10^-43 cm^2 at 1 GeV/c^2. The experimental design, solid-state cryogenic detectors, and detailed sensitivity reach of the experiment will be presented. Connections between the low-background design of SuperCDMS SNOLAB and neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments will be highlighted. Additionally, recent detector R&D within the SuperCDMS Collaboration will be discussed that opens the window to searches for dark photons and electron-recoil-based dark matter interactions.
| John Orrell (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
14:30 |
The LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment (14:40-15:05)
Abstract: The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment will support a 7-tonne liquid-xenon target, to search primarily for dark matter. This device will be the largest liquid-xenon detector ever built, and follows from a lineage of similar, but smaller dark-matter detectors, the most recent being LUX. The unparalleled sensitivity of this detector will reach the level of 10^-48 cm^2 for WIMPs of 40 GeV/c^2 mass, which corresponds to an event rate of less than one interaction per millennium in a kg of xenon. In addition to searching for dark matter, LZ will be sensitive to other signals, including pp solar neutrinos, coherent neutrino-nucleus interactions from 8-B solar neutrinos, and double beta decay. I will present the status, design, and projected performance of this upcoming experiment, and discuss our prospects of a search for the double beta decay of 136-Xe and 134-Xe.
| Aaron Manalaysay (University of California, Davis) |
15:00 |
XENONnT: The next step in XENON Dark Matter Search (15:05-15:30)
Abstract: The XENON series of experiments has been highly successful in pushing the limits of WIMP direct searches for more than a decade. We are currently operating the XENON1T detector, the most sensitive dark matter detector ever built, at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The XENON1T experimental setup and infrastructure were designed to allow for a fast upgrade of its central detector, a two-phase xenon Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The XENONnT project, the next phase of the program, will feature a new TPC with an active target of ~6 tonnes of xenon (4 tonne fiducial) and will implement a series of technological solutions aiming to further suppress the dominant background sources and boost the physics reach of the experiment. With all major infrastructures already commissioned and operated for its predecessor, XENONnT is expected to start the first physics run in 2019. The goal of XENONnT is to explore parameter space for spin-independent WIMP interactions down to 2×10−48 cm2 @ 50GeV by lowering the background level by an order of magnitude compared to XENON1T, and increasing exposure up to 20 ton years. This talk will provide an update on status and prospects of the XENONnT phase.
| Shingo Kazama (Nagoya University) |
15:30 | Darkside-50 results and Darkside-20k prospects (15:30-15:45)
Abstract: DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers to search for WIMP dark matter. The talk will present the latest result from the current experiment, DarkSide-50, running since mid 2015 a 50-kg-active-mass TPC, filled with argon from an underground source and future DarkSide-20k. The next stage of the DarkSide program will be a new generation experiment involving a global collaboration from all the current Argon based experiments. DarkSide-20k, based on a 20-tonne fiducial mass TPC with SiPM based photosensors, is designed to have a background well below that from coherent scattering of solar and atmospheric neutrinos. Like its predecessor, DarkSide-20k will be housed at the Gran Sasso (LNGS) underground laboratory, and it is expected to attain a WIMP-nucleon cross section of 10-47 cm2 for a WIMP mass of 1TeV/c2 in a 5 yr run.
| Jelena Maricic (University of Hawaii) |
Coffee break(15:45-16:15) |
16:00 |
Session VIII : Neutrino Properties II (16:15-18:10)
Chair:Alan Poon (Berkeley Lab) |
16:15 | Hyper-K project and its physics potential (16:15-16:45)
Abstract: TBD
| Yusuke Koshio (Okayama university) |
16:30 |
Status of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (16:45-17:15)
Abstract: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) provides a rich science program with the focus on the neutrino oscillation physics, proton decay studies and Supernova explosions. The high-intensity wide-band neutrino beam will be produced at Fermilab and will be directed to the 40 kt Liquid Argon far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), 1300 km from Fermilab. One of the most important goals of the experiment is to determine the neutrino mass ordering and the measurement of the CP violating phase. The underground location of the large DUNE far detector and its excellent energy and spatial resolution will allow also conducting non-accelerator physics programs predicted by GUT models, such as nucleon decay or n-nbar oscillations. Moreover, it will be sensitive to measure of the electron neutrino flux from a core-collapse supernova providing valuable information on the mechanism of a supernova. This ambitious project involves worldwide contributions to its extensive prototyping and testing program, which has the goal to guarantee that all parts of the technology are fully understood and well tested in two large-scale prototypes, using single phase (ProtoDUNE-SP) and dual phase (ProtoDUNE-DP) technologies, at the CERN Neutrino Platform. ProtoDUNE-SP successfully began taking data in September 2018, and ProtoDUNE-DP will begin operation in early 2019.
| Glenn Horton-Smith (Kansas State University) |
17:00 |
Recent results from long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments (17:15-17:45)
Abstract: Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments have unique features of probing fundamental nature of neutrinos, such as precise measurement of oscillation parameters, examining neutrino mass ordering and searching for CP-violation in the neutrino sector. Currently ongoing experiments, including T2K and Nova, are at a very interesting stage of obtaining first hints of CP-violation and mass ordering. In this talk, I will discuss recent results and future prospects from these ongoing long-baseline experiments.
| Yasuhiro Nakajima (ICRR, the University of Tokyo) |
17:30 |
Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) Experiments (17:45-18:10)
Abstract: Although proposed about 40 years ago, the first direct measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) was announced by the COHERENT collaboration in 2017. The coherent interaction observable involves less than MeV scale nuclear recoil energies making detection difficult. Recent developments in technology and techniques for low detection threshold measurements has made reactor neutrino source based experiments feasible and the availability of high-intensity neutrino sources at higher energies (around 30-50 MeV) has made this interaction viable for a new suite of neutrino studies. The CEvNS reaction rate is of interest for supernovae models, backgrounds for dark matter detectors, a means to study neutron distribution functions or form factors, and ultimately for neutrino physics tests of non-standard interactions and physics beyond the Standard Model. This talk will present the COHERENT results and a review of current and proposed experimental programs involving the CEvNS measurement.
| Diane Markoff (North Carolina Central University) |
18:00 |
Time | Title | Speaker |
Workshop I : Future Prospects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay I (09:00-10:30)
Chair:Kevin Lesko (LBNL) |
09:00 | Neutrinoless double beta decay, Leptogenesis, and gauged U(1)[mu-tau] models. (09:00-09:30)
Abstract: We will review the Leptogenesis, a mechanism to create the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe, and its implication for the neutrinoless double beta decay. We also discuss extensions of the Standard Model with gauged U(1)[mu-tau] symmetry, which predicts a large rate of the neutrinoless double beta decay.
| Koichi Hamaguchi (University of Tokyo) |
09:30 | Current Status and Future Prospects of KamLAND-Zen (09:30-10:00)
Abstract: KamLAND-Zen is searching for neutrino-less double beta decay using Xe-136 dissolved in ultra-low radioactivity liquid scintillator. It has run with 380 kg of 90% enriched Xe-136 and is providing the most stringent upper limit on effective Majorana mass of neutrino, 61-165 meV. Major backgrounds are Bi-214 as a contaminant on the mini-balloon, C-10 from cosmic muon spallation, and energy resolution tail of two neutrino double beta decay. KamLAND-Zen is replacing the mini-balloon with double capacity and specially cleaned mini-balloon so that effective Xe-136 amount can be increased by more than factor 3. Because spallation backgrounds associate preceding muon signal, a sophisticated software selection can drastically reduce C-10 backgrounds. This new phase is called KamLAND-Zen 800 and is expected to start this year with target sensitivity of ~40 meV entering inverted mass hierarchy of neutrinos. It will allow us to verify some theoretical models. In order to cover the inverted hierarchy region, energy resolution must be improved to distinguish neutrino-less and two neutrino double beta decays. KamLAND2-Zen is going to employ high quantum efficiency PMTs with light concentrators, and high light yield liquid scintillator. Energy resolution can be improved by more than factor 2 and the sensitivity will be ~20 meV covering almost entire inverted hierarchy region. Current status of KamLAND-Zen 800 deployment and development of KamLAND2-Zen items will be reported together with future prospects of these projects.
| Kunio Inoue (RCNS, Tohoku University) |
10:00 | CANDLES for the study of double beta decay of $^{48}$Ca and its future prospect (10:00-10:30)
Abstract: Study of neutrinoless double beta ($0 \nu \beta \beta$) decay becomes of particular importance after the confirmation of neutrino oscillation which shows that neutrinos have mass. They could then be Majorana particles which violate lepton number conservation. Once lepton number non-conservation is verified, we have a scenario to explain how our matter dominated universe is realized. It is known as a leptogenesys scenario. ($0 \nu \beta \beta$) decay is only a known process to verify Majorana nature of neutrino. We have been studying ($0 \nu \beta \beta$) of $^{48}$Ca with the CANDLES detector system. CaF$_2$ crystals are our central detector. The $^{48}$Ca has the highest Q value (4.3 MeV) among double beta decay nuclei. It means that the large decay rate for a given neutrino mass and the least background. We constructed the detector at the Kamioka underground laboratory. We have been running the experiment and obtained the best limit for the lifetime of $^{48}$Ca ($0 \nu \beta \beta$). For the future progress of CANDLES, we are working on enrichment of 48Ca and bolometer system. Small natural abundance of $^{48}$Ca (0.19%) is the shortcoming but indicates potential of 500 times improvement by enrichment paradoxically. Bolometer technique can be applied to CaF$_2$ crystals by which we can expect substantial improvement of energy resolution. I would like to describe the current status of our experiment and its future prospects.
| Tadafumi Kishimoto (Osaka University) |
10:30 | Coffee break(10:30-11:00) |
Workshop II : Future Prospects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay II (11:00-12:35)
Chair:Kevin Lesko (LBNL) |
11:00 | Status of the CUORE and prospects for CUPID (11:00-11:30)
Abstract: The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an array of 988 TeO$_{2}$ cryogenic bolometers designed to search for neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay of $^{130}$Te and other rare decays. The detector began science data taking in Spring 2017. With an active mass of 742 kg operating at a temperature close to 10 mk, CUORE is unprecedented in size for this technology and its successful operation is a major milestone for the future of bolometers. In this talk we will discuss the latest results and progress of the experiment. The planned science program aims to accumulate five years of live-time at which point we expect to achieve a 90\% C.L lower limit sensitivity on the $^{130}$Te $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay half life of $9.0\times 10^{25}$~yr. With this sensitivity CUORE will begin to probe the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses for certain nuclear matrix elements. Beyond CUORE, we will discuss the CUPID initiative (CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification) which aims to realize a next-generation experiment exploiting improved bolometers in order to fully probe the inverted hierarchy. In particular we will discuss valuable insights gained from CUORE data and R\&D prototypes towards achieving this goal
| Thomas ODonnell (Virginia Tech) |
11:30 | LEGEND --- a Ge-76-based ton-scale neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment (11:30-12:00)
Abstract: The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would prove in a model independent way that neutrinos are Majorana particles and show that lepton number processes can exist. Experiments approaching 0vbb half-life of 10^28 yrs will be able to cover an effective Majorana neutrino mass of <50 meV. Such experiments requires, beside a ton-scale target, excellent energy resolution and an extremely low background level of <0.1 count /(FWHM·t·yr) in the ROI. The current-generation Ge76 experiments utilize p-type point contact detectors that are highly-enriched in Ge-76, and have achieved the best intrinsic energy resolution and the lowest background in the signal region. These achievements were realized by placing the experiments deep underground, careful selection of construction and shielding materials, minimizing the exposure of the detectors from cosmic-ray activation, and the use of an active veto. Building on these successes, a new international collaboration, the Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless bb Decay (LEGEND), has been formed to pursue a ton-scale experiment. With worldiwde expertise the collaboration aims to develop a phased experimental program with the discovery potential reaching a half-life if 10^28 yrs or longer. In the first phase, LEGEND will use existing resources as appropriate to expedite physics results. I will present the results from ongoing efforts, motivate the need for a ton-scale germanium experiment for 0vbb search, and give an overview on the planning, development and execution of the LEGEND experimental program.
| Ralph Massarczyk (Los Alamos National Laboratory) |
12:00 | The nEXO experiment (12:00-12:30)
Abstract: Development of large liquid noble element time projection chambers (TPC) have enabled a number of particle physics experiments, and in this talk I will discuss how this technology is well suited to the study of the quantum nature of the neutrino. nEXO is a proposed 5 tonne isotopically enriched liquid xenon TPC that is designed to search for the rare neutrinoless double beta decay. The observation of this decay would demonstrate lepton number violation and the majorana nature of the neutrino. In this talk will briefly describe the experiment and sensitivity that was calculated from a detailed model of the experiment and extensive radioactive assay.
| mike heffner (LLNL) |
12:30 | Closing (12:30-12:35) abstract/pdf | Kevin Lesko (LBNL)
Lunch&Break(12:35-15:35) |
13:00 |
13:30 |
14:00 |
14:30 |
15:00 |
15:30 |
Sunset Cruise (15:35-20:30)
15:35 | Sunset Cruise(15:35-20:30) |
16:00 |
16:30 |
17:00 |
17:30 |
18:00 |
18:30 |
19:00 |
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20:00 |